NICER Calibration Data Releases

The history of NICER CALDB releases is listed below. The CALDB release date corresponds to the date when the calibration files included in the release were made public. The description column contains the CALDB version date when the CALDB index for the XTI instruments was generated. The CALDB date links to the CALDB index. The description column also notes when the Calibration data were simultaneously released with the software. The Release note column report directly what was changed and/or link to an appropriate realese notes document.

CALDB release date Description Release note
20240206 CALDB version XTI(20240206)
CALDB new files to describe the background, detector paramaer and name fix for the window/film transmission
20221001 CALDB version XTI(20221001)
CALDB new files to describe the background and diagonal response to use with the background. New systematic error to apply to spectra and new time interval file to identify bad time. Updates of the XTI Gain files.
20210720 CALDB version XTI(20210707)
CALDB new files to describe detector parameters, transmission, QE, Vignetting and other and CALDB updates for Gain, ARF and RMF
20200722 CALDB version XTI(20200722)
CALDB updates : Gain, ARF and RMF
20200224 CALDB version XTI(20200202)
CALDB updates : Gain and ARF
20190516 CALDB version XTI(20190516)
CALDB updates : Gain
20181105 CALDB version XTI(20181105)
Compatiible with NICER software NICERDAS V5
CALDB updates : Gain , ISS main events, Soyuz docking/undocking
20180711 CALDB version XTI(20180711)
Compatiible with NICER software NICERDAS V4
CALDB updates : ISS main events
20180605 CALDB version XTI(20180605)
Compatiible with NICER software NICERDAS V4
CALDB updates : docking/undocking of the soyuz
20180521 CALDB version XTI(20180517)
Compatiible with NICER software NICERDAS V4
CALDB new files : robo; CALDB updates : issmain and arf
20180417 CALDB version XTI(20180417)
Compatiible with NICER software NICERDAS V4
CALDB new files : docking/undocking of the soyuz, issmain, single rmf and arf ; CALDB updated files: time bins;
20180305 CALDB version XTI(20180226)
Compatiible with NICER software NICERDAS V3
CALDB file update for : gain, saa, and time bias
20170818 CALDB index XTI(20170814) First Release