Common NICER Error Messages and How to Fix ThemReturn to: Analysis Threads | Analysis Main Page
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OverviewThis analysis thread discusses NICER error messages that may appear when processing data. Read this thread if you want to: Understand and correct common NICER error conditions Last update: 2024-10-09 IntroductionWhen working with NICER analysis, there are occassions where error messages may appear. This may be especially true when the scientist is new to NICER analysis. This analysis thread discusses common NICER error conditions and how to correct them. "failed to uncompress file into memory" errorAn error of this form appears.
Possible errors
Dumping CFITSIO error stack:
failed to uncompress file into memory (compress_open)
failed to find or open the following file: (ffopen)
This error message appears during many common analysis tasks, such as calibration (nicerpi) or filter file generation (niprefilter2) when running the "nicerl2" task. This error indicates that a gzipped file is too large to process. CFITSIO will automatically attempt to open a gzipped file by uncompressing it in memory. If the fully uncompressed file will not fit in memory, this error is reported. Typically, this situation can be solved by gunzipping all gzip-compressed event files before running NICER analysis tasks. "nicerpi1" failure: old softwareAn error of this form appears.
ERROR: this task is not capable of handling data of the following type:
FITSIO status = 342: group member not found
CFITSIO ERROR MEMBER_NOT_FOUND: group member not found
Task nicerpi1 1.16 terminating with status 342
ERROR: nicerpi1 failed at nicerpi line 280.
Task nicerpi 1.16 terminating with status -1
This error message appears during the calibration process when the task "nicerpi1" is trying to read a gain calibration file. nicerpi1 is typically run when the analyst uses the "nicerl2" task. The error message or GAINMETH may not be exactly the same, but all will result in a "nicerpi1 failed" error message. This error means that the NICERDAS software is out of date. Please see the Settting Up a NICER Analysis Environment analysis thread for more information about updating software. "nicerarf" failure: old CALDBAn error of this form appears.
nicerarf 1.5
FPM List: launch
ERROR: CALDB VIGNET file query returned no results at nicerarf line 518.
Task nicerarf 1.5 terminating with status -1
This error message appears during the process of using the nicerarf task to generate an ARF response file. This error means that the NICER Calibration Database (CALDB) is out of date. CALDB release xti20210707 or later is required to use the response generator tasks. Please see the Settting Up a NICER Analysis Environment analysis thread for more information about updating software. nicerl2 / prefilter failure (satellite has re-entered)An error of this form appears.
Running prefilter...
error: satellite has re-entered at 2017/09/24 [altitude < 100.000000 km]
ERROR: Operation not permitted
Task v4.6 PREFILTER v4.6 terminating with status 1
error: satellite has re-entered at 2017/09/24 [altitude < 100.000000 km]
ERROR: prefilter failed at niprefilter line 412.
This error message appears during the process of running nicerl2 or niprefilter to generate a filter file. This error occurs due to a bug in HEASoft 6.29, and is fixed in patch release 6.29a, which was released on July 30, 2021. You will need to upgrade your software to HEASoft 6.29a or later. Please see the Settting Up a NICER Analysis Environment analysis thread for more information about updating software. nicerl2 / prefilter warning (unable to get TELESCOP keyword)An warning of this form appears.
Running prefilter...
monitor: 2014-01-01T00:00:00 => mjd[utc]=56658.000000000000 str=14/01/01
warning: unable to get TELESCOP keyword; will use LEAPS
This warning message appears during the process of running nicerl2 or niprefilter to generate a filter file. This warning is normal, and no action is needed to respond to it. nifpmsel error (exposure calculation failed)
An error of this form appears.
This error message appears during the process of running nicerl2 or nifpmsel to generate cleaned events. This error occurs due to a bug in HEASoft 6.29 (as well as patch release 6.29a), and is fixed in forthcoming patch release. You will need to upgrade your software to HEASoft 6.29b or later. Please see the Settting Up a NICER Analysis Environment analysis thread for more information about updating software. niextract-events (input file list was empty)
An error of this form appears.
This error message appears when running niextract-events on an event file that is empty. Here, "empty" means the event file exists, but contains no events in the table, and the GTI is empty. This is a valid event list, and should not generate an error message. This error occurs due to a bug in HEASoft 6.29 (as well as patch release 6.29a), and is fixed in forthcoming patch release. You will need to upgrade your software to HEASoft 6.29b or later. Please see the Settting Up a NICER Analysis Environment analysis thread for more information about updating software. nicerarf errors when using barycentered event file
An error of one of these forms appears
This error appears when running the task nicerarf. The NICER team has reports of this error occurring when users attempt to run nicerarf with a barycentered event file as input. The basic underlying problem is that barycentered event files and spectra have a different time system from the filter file, which is non-barycentered. This creates time mismatches which nicerarf cannot recover from. To remedy, use the non-barycentered event file to create spectra to be used with nicerarf. Use only spectra generated from non-barycentered event files. nicerarf error (TIMEZERO bug)
An error of this form appears
This error message appears during the process of running nicerarf to generate an ARF response file. This error indicates that the event file used for FPM Selection (the "selfile" parameter) contains erroneous FPM Selection data. You will need to ensure your software is upgraded to HEASoft revision 6.29c (or later) and correct the event file before proceeding. Please see the NICER Response Bug analysis thread for more discussion of these issues. nicerarf error (no exposure)
An error of this form appears
This error message appears during the process of running nicerarf to generate an ARF response file. This error may indicate that the user's calibration database (CALDB) is not set up or updated for NICER data. Please see the Settting Up a NICER Analysis Environment analysis thread for more discussion.
This error may also occur if the spectrum file contains no exposure.
This may occur if the filtering / screening step removes all data and
leaves zero exposure. To check this, one can use the following command: Please see NICER Response Common Issues for more detailed information and remedies. nicerrmf error (no good weighted RMFS found)
An error of this form appears
This error message appears during the process of running nicerrmf to generate an RMF response file. The likely cause of this error is an incorrect target position or other exposure problems. Please see NICER Response Common Issues for more detailed information and remedies. barycorr error: no bracketing sample found for a specified time intervalWhen trying to barycenter times with barycorr in NICER data processed with nicerl2, sometimes a user encounters a "no bracketing sample found for" in a specified MET interval. For example, in 1020520104/auxil/ni1020520104.orb, there is a time gap from TIME=135680421 - 135680617 between rows 1062 and 1063 of the SPS_ORBIT table. Running barycorr on this obsid with chatter=5, you can see that barycorr is failing while trying to correct row 1021 of HDU3, FPM_SEL, of the event file.:
hdaxbary: bary stuff initialized in HDU 3
hdaxbary: HDU 3 TSTART = 135657642.000000, TSTOP = 135697550.000000
hdaxbary: HDU 3 TSTART = 135657641.000000, TSTOP = 135697549.000000
hdaxbary: HDU 3 TSTART = 135657789.294314, TSTOP = 135697700.948919
ERROR: no bracketing sample found for time 135680505.00000000
ERROR: failed to find valid orbit ephem data for time 135680505.00000000
barycorr: Invalid Observatory/Spacecraft position vector
===> Error while correcting row 1021 of HDU 3 (column 1)
This error occurs when the time for the problem row in the FPM_SEL extension falls in a gap in the .orb file. This may be due to packet loss on downlink.
The simplest solution is to a) create a copy of the event file, b) remove the FPM_SEL extension using ftdelhdu:
ftdelhdu 'myfile.evt[FPM_SEL]' myfile_nofpmsel.evtand 3) use this modified event file (myfile_nofpmsel.evt) for barycentric correction and timing analysis. Please note that the original file, including the FPM_SEL extension, should be used when extracting spectra. nicerl3-spect error: required column SOLARPHI/SOLAR_PHI not found
An error of this form appears
This error message appears during the process of running nicerl3-spect to generate spectral products. There are two possible causes of this error.
Users that have reported the above errors, may also have two filter files present, both the ni*.mkf and ni*.mkf.gz (i.e. both a gzipped and non-gzipped version of the filter file). This confuses the HEASoft 6.31 released version of niscorpcalc, and is fixed in HEASoft 6.31. The remedy is to remove the gzipped version of the file before proceeding or install HEASoft 6.31.1 or higher.
Another likely cause of this error is after an upgrade to HEASoft 6.31
(or 6.31.1). This is caused by an old "stale" parameter in the
nicerl2 parameter file from a previous release which doesn't get
updated. The remedy is to run this command to remove old cached
parameter files:
nicerl3-spect error: nivigsum / fsumrows / trying to write to READONLY file
An error of this form appears
This error message appears during the process of running nicerl3-spect to generate spectral products, specifically during the creation of a NICER ARF. The underlying root cause is that the ARF generator cannot find any filter file (MKF file) rows that match the spectrum in question. There are several possible causes of this type of error.
Please see the NICER Response Common Problems for more information on these types of problems and possible remedies. Regarding the long path name issue, a limitation has been discovered in the fsumrows task in HEASoft 6.31.1 and earlier. The task only accepts file names of 128 characters or less. This can be a problem if the user specifies long path names. This limitation is remediated in HEASoft 6.32 and later.
A remedy for the long path name issue is to avoid using long absolute
paths. Where possible, use short relative paths. For example,
instead of using,
nicerl3-spect or -lc error: fplot fails
An error of this form appears
This error message appears during the process of running nicerl3-spect or running nicerl3-lc to generate higher level plot products. The cause of this error is missing libpng libraries. The libpng library enables support to output PNG graphical files. If the library is missing, the tools will be unable to create PNG outputs. The remedy is to either install the appropriate libpng for your system, or you can set doplot=NO when running either of these tools to disable plot generation. The error reporting for this issue is improved in HEASoft 6.31.1.
As an alternative, you can set plotfiles to another file type that is supported.
For example,
Geomagnetic data errors
An error of this form appears
This error message appears during the process of running nicerl2 to generate cleaned and calibrated events. As of HEASoft 6.31, geomagnetic data is now required for processing NICER data. The remedy is to be sure that you have Geomagnetic Quantities set up properly in your analysis environment. Please see the Settting Up a NICER Analysis Environment analysis thread for more discussion about how to set up and retrieve geomagnetic data.
Another related error may appear of the form:
This error appears when you run nigeodown to retrieve geomagnetic quantities. It relates to a required Perl library (LWP::Simple) which is not available on your system. Please see the Settting Up a NICER Analysis Environment analysis thread for more discussion about this probably and how to remedy it. The NICER team is working to remove this library requirement for a future release of NICERDAS. Task nigeodown fails with "Can't locate LWP/"
An error of this form appears
This error message appears during the process of running nigeodown to retrieve and install Geomagnetic quantities.
In HEASoft 6.31, the 'nigeodown' tool required that
the Perl LWP::Simple module be installed. While this Perl module is installed by
default for many/most Perl installations, it is not for others. If
you experience the error
You can remedy it by installing LWP::Simple on your machine.
Installation may vary based on which computer and packaging system you
are using. Typically, the package you need to install is named
'libwww-perl' or similar. Examples:
The remedy to this problem is to either install the perl LWP::Simple module, or to upgrade to HEASoft 6.32. Please see the Settting Up a NICER Analysis Environment analysis thread for more discussion about how to set up and retrieve geomagnetic data. nicerl2/niprefilter2 error: calculation of DELTA_SLOW_LLD failed
An error of this form appears
This error message appears during the process of running nicerl2 (or niprefilter2) for the standard data reduction pipeline. The error message you received is not common. It indicates a configuration mismatch with some software libraries that are used by the analyst. The error indicates one has CFITSIO 4.2.0 installed somewhere in the system. The version of CFITSIO released with HEASoft 6.32 is CFITSIO 4.3.0, and filtcols=NICERV5 relies upon the enhancements in this newer version. When this occurs, it is due to using multiple software packages, for example HEASoft along with CIAO or XMM DAS, or some other software that uses CFITSIO as a shared library. The user may have configured the other packages "after" HEASoft, and this is bringing in an older version of CFITSIO. This commonly appears in the user's shell startup file (.bashrc, .bash_profile, .profile, .cshrc, .login, etc). Basically, it comes down to conflicting software that uses different versions of the CFITSIO library, and one must avoid setting up both software packages in one session. A solution would be to put the HEASoft configuration last in the startup file. Another solution would be to initialize HEASoft manually when it is needed. The above DELTA_SLOW_LLD error occurs when multiple software packages that utilize conflicting versions the CFITSIO library are configured. The solution is to put HEASoft's configuration last in one's startup file, or to only selectively configure HEASoft. nicerl2 error: no MPU housekeeping directory files
An error of this form appears when running nicerl2
This error message appears during the process of running nicerl2 for the standard data reduction pipeline. A symptom of this condition is that there are no files in the observation directory under xti/hk, or the entire directory is missing. During the time frame of September 23rd through October 8th, 2024, the NICER pipeline delivered incomplete data to the HEASARC archive. The nature of the incompleteness is that the NICER housekeeping information is not present. The NICER team located a software issue which caused this condition and has fixed it. The team has reprocessed affected data and redelivered it to the HEASARC archive. If a data set observed between September 23rd and October 8th, 2024, is missing housekeeping data, please re-download a new data set from the HEASARC archive. Modifications