NICER Data Analysis: Contributed Software

This page contains links to software developed by users not affiliated with the NICER GOF or the HEASARC. They have provided these packages in the hopes that they may be of use to other NICER users. Software hosted on this page is provided as-is with no support from either the NICER GOF or the HEASARC. Questions about these software packages should be directed to the developer, and not to the NICER or HEASARC helpdesks.

Please note that the HEASARC will not support these contributed software packages after mission end.

Software Author Short Description Version Release Date
groupspec (tar file) J. Steiner (MIT) IDL procedures to optimally bin NICER data taking instrument resolution and count statistics into account (Readme) 0.1 20210614
NICERsoft P. Ray (NRL) Python tools for NICER analysis, including quicklook plots, pulse optimization, time-of-arrival extraction, and PRESTO analysis   20210626
autoNICER Nick Kuechel Automates the retrieval of NICER datasets from "nicermastr" nicerl2 pipeline processing and barycentric correction 1.0.2 20220525

Have software that might be of use to NICER users? Contact the NICER GOF if you'd like to have it included in the contributed software page.