fv: New Features

The latest version of fv is version 4.1.1 released on Feburary 2nd, 2004 (a minor release to fix reported bugs in version 4.0, released in November 25th, 2003 and 4.1, released in January 20th, 2004). Here is a list of features added (in version 3.2 and 4.0) since version 3.0 released on November 9, 2000:


  • Add short cut on the selection panel to allow users access fv preference quickly.
  • Enhanced support for ds9 image display. User can choose to display images or plots using either DS9 or POW as the primary display tool.
  • Added more XPA scripting commands for controlling fv from external processes, including create (create an image or table file or extension), export (export hdu to a Fits file or a text file), opentool (open skyview, catalog, vizier or ftools dialog panel) and preference (set up FV preferences).
  • Function buttons incorported to the File Summary window to provide short cuts to common operations: 'Hist' (displays a histogram image of 1 or 2 columns in a table), 'Plot' (plots table columns), 'Table All' and 'Table Select' (The first button displays all the columns in a table, whereas the second button allows the user to select which columns to display).
  • When displaying Hierarchical grouping tables, a new 'OPEN' button is available at the beginning of each row which can be used to open the corresponding group member file.
  • Can display and edit images that are compressed with the new FITS 'Tile Compression' algorithm.


  • Allow user to save the image in POW display to one of these formats: bmp, jpeg postscript (default), png, pnm or tiff.
  • Allow user to reverse the functionality of the left and right mouse buttons within the POW display via POW's Preferences settings (default: Left mouse button - control zoom, right mouse button - control brightness/contrast).
  • Supports new DS9 region file format.
  • Measure the distance between two points on a graph using the Ruler tool.
  • Flux and centroid values for a region of an image can be calculated with the Probe tool.
  • Plot an image cross-section with the Profile tool.

Go to release notes for version 3.0.

Pages maintained by Bryan Irby
Send bug reports or feature requests via the FTOOLS help desk.

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Last modified: Monday, 02-Feb-2004 15:53:25 EST