sedov, vsedov, vvsedov, bsedov, bvsedov, bvvsedov: sedov model, separate ion, electron temperatures

Sedov model model with separate ion and electron temperatures. This model is slow. par1 provides a measure of the average energy per particle (ions+electrons) and is constant throughout the postshock flow in plane shock models (Borkowski et al., 2001). par2 should always be less than par1. If par2 exceeds par1 then their interpretations are switched (ie the larger of par1 and par2 is always the mean temperature). Additional references can be found under the help for the equil model. Several versions are available. To switch between them use the xset neivers command. The versions available are:

1.0 the version from xspec v11.1
1.1 as 1.0 but with updated ionization fractions using dielectronic recombination rates from Mazzotta et al (1998)
2.0 same ionization fractions as 1.1 but uses AtomDB v2 to calculate the resulting spectrum
3.x ionization fractions and spectrum calculation uses AtomDB v3.x

Note that versions 1.x have no emission from Ar. For versions 3.x and later additional xset options are available and are listed under the documentation for nei.

For the sedov model the parameters are:

par1 Mean shock temperature (keV)
par2 Electron temperature immediately behind the shock front (keV)
par3 Metal abundances (He fixed at that defined by the abund command). The elements included are C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni. Abundances are defined by the abund command
par4 Ionization age (s/cm$^3$) of the remnant (= electron density immediately behind the shock front multiplied by the age of the remnant).
par5 redshift
norm ${10^{-14}\over{4\pi[D_A(1+z)]^2}}\int
n_en_HdV$, where $D_A$ is the angular diameter distance to the source (cm), $dV$ is the volume element (cm$^3$), and $n_e$ and $n_H$ are the electron and H densities (cm$^{-3}$), respectively

For the vsedov model, the parameters are:

par1 Mean shock temperature (keV)
par2 Electron temperature immediately behind the shock front (keV)
par3 H abundance (set to 0 for no free-free continuum, otherwise 1)
par4-par15 Abundances for He, C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni wrt Solar (defined by the abund command)
par16 Ionization age (s/cm$^3$) of the remnant (= electron density immediately behind the shock front multiplied by the age of the remnant).
par17 Redshift, z
norm ${10^{-14}\over{4\pi[D_A(1+z)]^2}}\int
n_en_HdV$, where $D_A$ is the angular diameter distance to the source (cm), $dV$ is the volume element (cm$^3$), and $n_e$ and $n_H$ are the electron and H densities (cm$^{-3}$), respectively

For the vvsedov model, the parameters are:

par1 Mean shock temperature (keV)
par2 Electron temperature immediately behind the shock front (keV)
par3 H abundance (set to 0 for no free-free continuum, otherwise 1)
par4-par32 Abundances for all elements with 2 $\leq$ Z $\leq$ 30 wrt Solar (defined by the abund command)
par33 Ionization age (s/cm$^3$) of the remnant (= electron density immediately behind the shock front multiplied by the age of the remnant).
par34 Redshift, z
norm ${10^{-14}\over{4\pi[D_A(1+z)]^2}}\int
n_en_HdV$, where $D_A$ is the angular diameter distance to the source (cm), $dV$ is the volume element (cm$^3$), and $n_e$ and $n_H$ are the electron and H densities (cm$^{-3}$), respectively

For the bsedov model the parameters are:

par1 Mean shock temperature (keV)
par2 Electron temperature immediately behind the shock front (keV)
par3 Metal abundances (He fixed at that defined by the abund command). The elements included are C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni. Abundances are defined by the abund command
par4 Ionization age (s/cm$^3$) of the remnant (= electron density immediately behind the shock front multiplied by the age of the remnant).
par5 redshift
par6 gaussian velocity broadening (sigma in km/s)
norm ${10^{-14}\over{4\pi[D_A(1+z)]^2}}\int
n_en_HdV$, where $D_A$ is the angular diameter distance to the source (cm), $dV$ is the volume element (cm$^3$), and $n_e$ and $n_H$ are the electron and H densities (cm$^{-3}$), respectively

For the bvsedov model, the parameters are:

par1 Mean shock temperature (keV)
par2 Electron temperature immediately behind the shock front (keV)
par3 H abundance (set to 0 for no free-free continuum, otherwise 1)
par4-par15 Abundances for He, C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni wrt Solar (defined by the abund command)
par16 Ionization age (s/cm$^3$) of the remnant (= electron density immediately behind the shock front multiplied by the age of the remnant).
par17 Redshift, z
par18 gaussian velocity broadening (sigma in km/s)
norm ${10^{-14}\over{4\pi[D_A(1+z)]^2}}\int
n_en_HdV$, where $D_A$ is the angular diameter distance to the source (cm), $dV$ is the volume element (cm$^3$), and $n_e$ and $n_H$ are the electron and H densities (cm$^{-3}$), respectively

Finally, for the bvvsedov model, the parameters are:

par1 Mean shock temperature (keV)
par2 Electron temperature immediately behind the shock front (keV)
par3 H abundance (set to 0 for no free-free continuum, otherwise 1)
par4-par32 Abundances for all elements with 2 $\leq$ Z $\leq$ 30 wrt Solar (defined by the abund command)
par33 Ionization age (s/cm$^3$) of the remnant (= electron density immediately behind the shock front multiplied by the age of the remnant).
par34 Redshift, z
par35 gaussian velocity broadening (sigma in km/s)
norm ${10^{-14}\over{4\pi[D_A(1+z)]^2}}\int
n_en_HdV$, where $D_A$ is the angular diameter distance to the source (cm), $dV$ is the volume element (cm$^3$), and $n_e$ and $n_H$ are the electron and H densities (cm$^{-3}$), respectively

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Last modified: Tuesday, 28-May-2024 10:09:22 EDT