rmf operator* (const rmf&, const arf&)
rmf operator* (const arf&, const rmf&)
Multiply an rmf by an arf.
rmf operator* (const rmf&, const Real&)
rmf operator* (const Real&, const rmf&)
Multiply an rmf by a factor.
rmf operator+ (const rmf&, const rmf&)
Add two rmfs.
IntegerVector RMFeboundsExtensionNumbers(const string filename,
const string extname="")
Return a vector containing the extension numbers of all
EBOUNDS extensions in the file.
IntegerVector RMFmatrixExtensionNumbers(const string filename,
const string extname="")
Return a vector containing the extension numbers of all
MATRIX extensions in the file.
IntegerVector RMFeboundsVersionNumbers(const string filename,
const string extname="")
Return a vector containing the version numbers of all
EBOUNDS extensions in the file.
IntegerVector RMFmatrixVersionNumbers(const string filename,
const string extname="")
Return a vector containing the version numbers of all
MATRIX extensions in the file.
void calcGaussResp(const Real width, const Real energ,
const Real threshold,
const RealVector& ChannelLowEnergy,
const RealVector& ChannelHighEnergy,
RealVector& ResponseVector)
Calculate the response vector for some energy give a gaussian width.
The gaussian is assumed to be in the units of energy,
ChannelLowEnergy and ChannelHighEnergy. The resulting
response vector can be added into a response using addRow.
size\_t binarySearch(const Real energy, const RealVector& lowEnergy,
const RealVector& highEnergy)
Return the index in the energy array containing the input
energy using binary search.