void load(rmf&)
Load object from a standard rmf object.
void update
Update the FirstGroup and FirstElement arrays from
NumberGroups and NumberEnergiesGroup, respectively.
rmft& operator= (const rmft&)
Deep copy.
Real ElementValue(Integer Channel, Integer EnergyBin) const
Return the value for a particular channel and energy.
RealVector RowValues(Integer Channel) const
Return the array for a particular channel.
string disp() const
Display information about the object. - return as a string.
void clear()
Clear information from the object.
Integer NumberChannels() const
Integer getNumberChannels() const
Number of spectrum channels
Integer NumberEnergyBins() const
Integer getNumberEnergyBins() const
Number of response energies
Integer NumberTotalGroups() const
Integer getNumberTotalGroups() const
Total number of response groups
Integer NumberTotalElements() const
Integer getNumberTotalElements() const
Total number of response elements