coolflow, vcoolflow, bcoolflow, bvcoolflow: cooling flow, mekal

A cooling flow model after Mushotzky & Szymkowiak (1988). This one differs from cflow in setting the emissivity function to be the inverse of the bolometric luminosity. Abundance ratios are set by the abund command. Redshift is converted to distance using the cosmology set by the cosmo command. The switch parameter determines whether spectrum is calculated by running the mekal code, by interpolating on a pre-calculated mekal table, using the AtomDB data, or using the SPEX data. If the last two of these options are selected then see the documentation on the cie model for a list of the xset options which can be used to change the behaviour of the code.

Velocity broadening can only be used with switch=2 or switch=3.

For the coolflow model the parameters are:

par1 low temperature (keV)
par2 high temperature (keV)
par3 abundance relative to Solar
par4 redshift
par5 switch (0 = calculate using mekal, 1 = interpolate using mekal, 2 = use AtomDB data), 3 = SPEX data
norm Mass accretion rate (solar mass/yr)

For the vcoolflow variant the parameters are:

par1 low temperature (keV)
par2 high temperature (keV)
par3–par16 Abundances for He, C, N, O, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni wrt Solar
par17 Redshift
par18 switch (0 = calculate using mekal, 1 = interpolate using mekal, 2 = use AtomDB data, 3 = SPEX data)
norm Mass accretion rate (solar mass/yr)

For the bcoolflow model the parameters are:

par1 low temperature (keV)
par2 high temperature (keV)
par3 abundance relative to Solar
par4 redshift
par5 gaussian sigma for velocity broadening (km/s) (switch=2 or 3 only)
par6 switch (0 = calculate using mekal, 1 = interpolate using mekal, 2 = use AtomDB data, 3 = SPEX data)
norm Mass accretion rate (solar mass/yr)

For the bvcoolflow variant the parameters are:

par1 low temperature (keV)
par2 high temperature (keV)
par3–par16 Abundances for He, C, N, O, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni wrt Solar
par17 Redshift
par18 gaussian sigma for velocity broadening (km/s) (switch=2 or 3 only)
par19 switch (0 = calculate using mekal, 1 = interpolate using mekal, 2 = use AtomDB data, 3 = SPEX data)
norm Mass accretion rate (solar mass/yr)

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Last modified: Friday, 23-Aug-2024 13:20:40 EDT