Hitomi Specific
General |
Description |
ahgtigen |
Create and/or merge GTI files |
ahmodhkext |
Merge extensions of FITS file into single extension |
ahscreen |
Screen a science event file |
Mission |
Description |
aharfgen |
Make an ancillary response function (ARF) file for the SXS or SXI, or a response matrix (RSP) file for the HXI |
ahbackscal |
Correct BACKSCAL keyword in a spectrum extracted with XSELECT |
ahcalcl32ti |
Compute L32TI from S_TIME |
ahcalctime |
Rerun the timing tools on an output directory from the pipeline |
ahexpmap |
Generates an exposure map for HXI, SXI, and SXS, or a flat field image for SXI and SXS |
ahfilter |
Generate an EHK file and a MKF filter file |
ahgainfit |
Calculate the time-dependent energy gain corrections using known calibration lines |
ahmkehk |
Extract and calculate parameters from orbit and attitude (EHK) |
ahmkregion |
Creates regions files showing the field of view of all HITOMI instruments |
ahmktim |
Calculates the relation of Time Invariant vs Time and the GTI for when the GPS is on |
ahpipeline |
HXI/SGD/SXS/SXI reprocessing tool |
ahsxtarfgen |
Creates an ancillary response file (ARF) for the SXS + SXT-S or SXI + SXT-I, accounting for the telescope effective area and detector efficiencies |
ahtime |
Calculate times and populate the TIME column for all science and housekeeping data |
ahtimeconv |
Convert mission time in different formats |
ahtrendtemp |
Calculate the quartz clock frequency vs tempereature relation for the on-board clock |
HXI and SGD |
Description |
cams2att |
Computes a time-dependent delta-attitude file |
cams2det |
Calculate offsets and rotations in HXI coordinates using CAMS telemetry input |
camssim |
(1) Simulates motion of the Extensible Optical Bench (EOB) for testing CAMS-correction. (2) Generates RAW coordinates associated with given HXI ACT coordinates and the simulated motion |
hxievtid |
Reconstructs HXI events |
hxigainfit |
Calculate the HXI time-dependent energy gain corrections for events from comparison with known calibration lines |
hxinxbgen |
Create a Non-X-ray Background (NXB) spectrum for HXI |
hxipipeline |
HXI reprocessing tool |
hxirspeffimg |
Creates a combined effective are and spectral response matrix ("RSP" file) and/or a flat-field corection image, for the HXI1 + HXT1 or HXI2 + HXT2 combinations, accounting for the telescope effective area, detector efficiencies, and CAMS motion |
hxisgddtime |
Calculate and correct for deadtime HXI and SGD spectra and lightcurves |
hxisgdexpand |
Expand HXI and SGD SFF occurrences to have one signal in each row |
hxisgdmerge |
Merge slew and pointing raw (unprocessed) event files for the HXI or SGD |
hxisgdpha |
Calibrates the HXI or SGD PHA for each signal in the SFF event file |
hxisgdsff |
Converts an HXI or SGD First FITS File (FFF) into the Second FITS File (SFF) |
hxisgdshield |
Extract lightcurves or spectra from shield data of HXI or SGD |
sgdarfgen |
Calculate SGD transmission ratio for a source on the sky
and create arf file |
sgdevtid |
Reconstruct SGD events |
sgdgainfit |
Calculate the SGD time-dependent energy gain corrections for events from comparison with known calibration lines |
sgdpipeline |
SGD reprocessing tool |
Description |
sxiflagpix |
Flag pixel STATUS for SXI event data |
sxigainfit |
Calculate the SXI time-dependent energy gain corrections for events from comparison with known calibration lines |
sximodegti |
Create GTI excluding dead time for each SXI observing |
sxinxbgen |
Create a Non-X-ray Background (NXB) spectrum for SXI |
sxiphas |
Merge inner 3x3 and outer 5x5 pulse height columns in SXI event list |
sxipi |
Calculate pulse invariant (PI) values and assign grades for SXI events |
sxipipeline |
Calculate pulse invariant (PI) values and assign grades for SXI events |
sxirmf |
Create an SXI energy Redistribution Matrix File (RMF) |
Description |
mxsgti |
Create MXS GTI files |
mxstime |
Calculate the times of the MXS start and stop and generates coarse and fine GTI files |
sxsanticolc |
Extract SXS antico light curve(s) and spectra using optional screening criteria |
sxsanticopi |
Assign PHA and PI columns to the SXS anticoincidence events |
sxsbranch |
Compute rates, branching ratios, and effective exposure times for each SXS event grade for an input real or simulated file, or based on a count rate |
sxsextend |
Rerun tasks sxspha2pi, sxsperseus (if necessary), and ahscreen in order to produce SXS event files in extended energy mode |
sxsflagpix |
Flag SXS events for antico and MXS event coincidence,
temporal proximity, and crosstalk |
sxsgain |
Calculate the time-dependent energy correction for SXS events from comparison with known calibration lines |
sxsmkrmf |
Create an SXS RMF file and/or an RSP file for selected SXS pixels and grades |
sxsnxbgen |
Create a Non-X-ray Background (NXB) spectrum for SXS |
sxsperseus |
Remove differential gain error and fiducial gain error |
sxspha2pi |
Calculate the PI for the SXS event files |
sxspipeline |
SXS reprocessing tool |
sxspixgti |
Create SXS GTI files |
sxsregext |
Extract SXS data products from an event file using a region and selection of grades |
sxsrmf |
Create an SXS RMF file for selcted SXS pixels and grades with weighting factors |
sxssamcnt |
Calculate the local time in the SXS files necessary to assign time |
sxsseccor |
Correct PHA for secondary events |
sxssecid |
Associate SXS secondary events to the primary and allow to recalculate event grades |
Non Hitomi Specific |
Attitude |
Description |
aberattitude |
Correct an attitude file for aberration effects |
aberposition |
Correct coordinates for aberration effects |
attconvert |
Converts attitude format |
coordevt |
Convert events from one coordinate system to another |
coordpnt |
Convert a single point or region file from one coordinate system to another |
det2att2 |
Converts detector coordinate offsets and rotations to attitude quaternions |
Description |
gticolconv |
Merge or split GTI based on specified 'column' and 'direction' |
gtiinvert |
Create a gti file by inverting the time intervals of an input gti file |
Description |
heasim |
Multi-mission high-energy astrophysics simulation tool |
skyback |
Simulates the total, broadband, discrete and diffuse high-energy astrophysical background |
Description |
arftable |
Create an ancillary response function (ARF), or effective area file from the output events from the raytracing code xrtraytrace, not including any detector efficiencies |
eeftable |
Create an encircled energy function (EEF) file based on the output history file from the raytracing tool xrtraytrace |
xrtraytrace |
Perform raytracing simulations of X-ray telescopes, calculating photon paths, PSF, EEF, and effective area |
xrtreftable |
Calculate the probability of reflection and transmission of a ray upon a surface, and mass absorption coefficients for mirror surface |
barycen |
Apply barycenter corrections to X-ray timing data |
Description |
searchflickpix |
Search for anomalous 'flickering' pixels in event files from CCD-type detectors |