Early Release Data


As of February 10, 2025, several XRISM observations, including LMC N132D, are archived in the HEASARC XRISMMASTR catalog or JAXA DARTS. These archived data packages contain both Resolve and Xtend event lists, which observers can use to familiarize themselves with XRISM data in relation to the Cycle 2 solicitation. For information on how to search and download public data, please refer to the XRISM archive page. A detailed guide on analyzing XRISM data can be found on the XRISM analysis page.

Below are the early release (ER) data, which observers can use to get familiar with XRISM observations. The data include X-ray images or spectra (in FITS format) obtained and reduced during the commissioning or calibration operations of the Resolve and Xtend instruments aboard XRISM. Note that the event files are not provided.

Another important note is that these data were extracted assuming the current, still preliminary, calibration. While the calibration is advanced enough to demonstrate the data quality, reliable scientific results cannot be derived from these data products until full data and calibration are available.

Target Files Description
Perseus cluster xa_merged_p0px1000_Hp.pi Spectrum of all Hp events summed over the entire Resolve array
xa_merged_p0px1000_HpS.rmf RMF (small size matrix)
rsl_standard_GVclosed.arf ARF (only approximately correct since this file has been generated for a point source)
SN 1006 SN1006_XtendImage.tar.gz Xtend images in the 0.3-2.0 keV and 2.0-13.0 keV bands
N132D xa_n132d_p0px1000_Hp.pi Spectrum of all Hp events summed over the entire Resolve array
xa_n132d_p0px1000_HpL.rmf RMF (large size matrix)
rsl_standard_GVclosed.arf ARF (only approximately correct since this file has been generated for a point source)
Vela X-1 xa_vela_p0px1000_Hp.pi Spectrum of all Hp events summed over the entire Resolve array
xa_vela_p0px1000_HpL.rmf RMF (large size matrix)
rsl_standard_GVclosed.arf ARF (only approximately correct since this file has been generated for a point source)