XRISM Data Analysis

XRISM Analysis Software

This page contains links to information and functionality relating to the XRISM analysis software, provided by the XRISM Science Data Center (SDC). The XRISM tools, which have been publicly released, have been incorporated into the HEASoft suite of tools.

The latest HEASoft release, which contains the XRISM software suite, can be found at:
       HEASoft (current version)

Lightweight Field Tests (LFT): XRISM FTOOLS software optional download (v001)
Users should follow the enclosed instructions for running a battery of automated unit tests designed to certify that tools installed in user machines are functioning as they were when validated by expert developer/analysts. This optional download is designed to retain fairly robust testing of all functionality, while keeping the download size small and the total test runtime brief (compared to that of more comprehensive testing). Users may wish to keep the LFT installed for future testing, or delete after unit tests are complete.

XRISM Software Doxygen Docs: XRISM FTOOLS software optional download (v001)
Users will find a browsable, hyperlinked collection of HTML software documentation automatically generated directly from XRISM software source code. Every aspect of XRISM software is presented via highly readable markup, including intuitive presentation of functional groupings and relationships among components. For users who wish to examine source code, every component is intuitively linked to its relevant source code.

The XRISM Science Data Center is also producing a quick-look spectral visualizer and emission/absorption lines search tool, X-ray Spectrum Line-ID Explorer (XSLIDE).

XRISM Calibration Database

The latest and previous releases of the XRISM calibration data base (CalDB) and supporting documenation can be accessed from the HEASARC XRISM CalDB page.

Analysis Guides

XRISM Quick-Start Guide

The XRISM Quick-Start Guide is designed to get you started with your XRISM data quickly. Using this guide, along with FTOOLS, you will be able to extract lightcurves, images, spectra and response files.

XRISM Data Reduction Guide

The XRISM Data Reduction Guide (a.k.a. the ABC guide) provides the basics of the XRISM data analysis. Those new to the XRISM data analysis can obtain detailed information about the software, data structure, and Resolve/Xtend analysis. The guide is available in HTML and PDF.

Things To Watch Out For (TTWOF)

The TTWOF is regularly updated and provides information and tips on issues with the software, calibration, and data that have come to light but not yet documented elsewhere. Users are encouraged to regularly check this page.

Energy Scale Quality Reports

The Energy Scale Quality Reports of the Resolve per-pixel and full-array energy resolution and gain accuracy based on analysis of Filter Wheel Fe55 Calibration source data are provided for each observation, indexed under the first digit of the OBSID.

Non-X-ray Background

The Non-X-ray Background Database and Tools are provided by the XRISM team to assist observers in constructing background spectra and images. Follow the recipes found on this page to download the database, apply optional screening, extract background spectra, and model the background in spectral fitting.

Screening Solar and Geomagnetic Contamination for Xtend Data

Solar and geomagnetic activity often generate various types of additional signals that contaminate Xtend data. For example, these include an atmospheric fluorescence from neutral oxygen lines, geocoronal solar wind charge exchange, scattered solar X-rays from the satellite structure and housing, high-energy charged particle backgrounds. The XRISM/Xtend team has developed a recipe for screening such solar and geomagnetic contamination in Xtend data.

Community Workshops

Since 2023, yearly Community Workshops are organized to help the scientific community to familiarize with XRISM and its unique capabilities. These XRISM Community Workshops focus essentially on GO proposal preparation and/or data reduction analysis. Material from past workshops (videos, presentation slides) are publicly available.

More help on XRISM data analysis

Any questions regarding analysis and calibration can be submitted to the XRISM helpdesk. You can access the helpdesk by using HEASARC's Feedback form , or click the "HELP" icon to the left.