XRISM Calibration Database

The XRISM calibration data is incorporated into the HEASARC Calibration Database (the CALDB). The XRISM CALDB is stored on the HEASARC CALDB data server, and periodically updated. The XRISM CALDB consists of the calibration data for the XTEND and RESOLVE instrumenta, and also general data (GEN) for the spacecraft as a whole. XRISM analysis software (distributed with HEASoft) uses data in the XRISM CALDB to calibrate data. In addition XRISM analysis also makes use of general calibration data stored in the HEASARC CALDB.

The XRISM CalDB can be downloaded using the links in the table below, and installed on the user's machine, or accessed remotely. Note that some components related to raytracing tasks are very large, so downloading the data locally may be preferred by users to minimize remote network transfers.

The CalDB will be used with the XRISM tools which are distributed as part of the HEASoft (starting with HEASoft version 6.34). Users only need to download and install the two instrument CalDB tar files for a fully working XRISM CalDB compatible with the analysis software.

GEN Index Summary Current Version: 20241115 Release Notes Download
Resolve Index Summary Current Version: 20250315 Release Notes Download
XTEND Index Summary Current Version: 20241115 Release Notes Download
General Index Summary Current Version: 20240822 Release Notes Download

XRISM Calibration Documentation

XRISM Caldb Release History