NICER / ISS Science Nugget
for May 20, 2021
NICER's first public Data Analysis and Science Workshop
During May 10-14, 2021, NICER hosted its first open (virtual) workshop on data analysis techniques and science results. Over 300 scientists from around the world registered to attend. During the first two days, NICER Science Team members presented tutorials on analyzing NICER data, including the status of NICER operations, instrument calibration, and models of "background" processes (see figure). The balance of the time was dedicated to 28 science presentations of results derived from NICER data by many scientists from the community. These presentations ranged from studies of Sun-like stars and the implications of NICER observations on the habitability of planets around them, to investigations of neutron star and black hole systems. Feedback from workshop participants has been very positive. It was reported that there are at least 17 PhD thesis projects currently in work (in addition to at least three already completed) based on NICER data. The agenda of talks, and videos of many of the presentations are available from the workshop webpage.
Figure: Introductory slide from the first day of the NICER Data Analysis and Science Workshop.
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