HEASARC Staff Scientist Position - Applications are now being accepted for a Staff Scientist with significant experience and interest in the technical aspects of astrophysics research, to work in the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC) at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Greenbelt, MD. Refer to the AAS Job register for full details.
NICER Science Nuggets
Each week, the NICER team summarizes important scientific activities or results utilizing
data from the NICER mission.
Here are past Science Nuggets listed by topic. A chronological index is also available.
- 24 October 2024:Do X-rays accompany fast radio bursts?
- 5 September 2024: A magnetar bursting into prominence
- 15 February 2024: A Magnetar Tantrum Yields Clues to Enigmatic Radio Signals
- 22 June 2023: Taking a Magnetar's Pulse
- 23 February 2023: Radio Silence from a Magnetar During an X-ray Outburst
- 24 November 2022: A new link between neutron star spin and emission events
- 20 October 2022: Observing an Outburst from the Fast Radio Burst source SGR 1935+2154 with NICER
- 21 April 2022: An X-ray outburst from a radio-loud magnetar after 13 years of quiescence
- 30 December 2021: A new X-ray phenomenon revealed in a magnetar through near-daily NICER observations
- 11 November 2021: NICER Hones In On the Origin of Short Bursts from Magnetars
- 16 September 2021: NICER Monitoring of a New Magnetar Explores its Unusually Long-Lived Activity
- 10 June 2021: A new magnetar, Swift J1555.2-5402, confirmed and monitored with NICER
- 12 November 2020: NICER confirmation of the magnetar nature of SGR 1830-0645: Spindown, spectra, and short bursts
- 05 November 2020: FR/GR/B
- 15 October 2020: Taking the Pulse of a Magnetar
- 10 September 2020: A NICER View of the 2020 outburst of PSR J1846-0258
- 03 September 2020: NICER Observations of Swift J1818.0-1607: a Missing Link between Magnetars and Rotation-Powered
- 07 May 2020: NICER detection of the burst forest from the magnetar SGR
- 26 March 2020: A new magnetar, Swift J1818.0-1607, offers clues to neutron
star evolution
- 15 February 2019: A new outburst from magnetar XTE J1810-197
- 19 October 2018: Rapid follow-up of bright, short bursts from
SGR 1806-20
- 01 March 2018: NICER detects changes in magnetar 1E
- 5 December 2024: An X-ray view of the closest known source of repeating fast radio bursts
- 9 May 2024: The more the merrier
- 18 April 2024: A flash triggers a multiwavelength hunt
- 25 May 2023: A nearby supernova
- 23 March 2023: With a Swift assist, MAXI and NICER uncover a new candidate black-hole
- 01 December 2022: An exceptional black-hole jet revealed in a multi-wavelength view of a star's destruction
- 17 November 2022: Highly variable X-ray emission from a doomed star
- 10 November 2022: NICER Identifies an X-ray Transient
- 27 October 2022: Formation of an X-ray "corona" around a supermassive black hole 3 years after it destroyed a star
- 13 October 2022: OHMAN Alerts NICER to an Unprecedented Celestial Explosion
- 16 Jun 2022: NICER discovers millisecond pulsations from the new transient MAXI J1816-195
- 12 May 2022: NICER Disentangles Adjacent X-ray Emitters
- 24 February 2022: A Relativistic Jet from a Shredded Star 7 Billion Light Years Away
- 27 January 2022: NICER homes in on a new MAXI source discovery
- 20 January 2022: Last Gasp of an Unfortunate Star?
- 02 September 2021: NICER & Friends Uncover a Pulsar Orbit
- 22 July 2021: NICER Glimpses a Newborn Compact Object 200 million Light Years Away
- 27 May 2021: Successful Application of NICER's New Sky Scanning Capability
- 06 May 2021: X-ray quasi-periodic eruptions from two previously quiescent galaxies
- 29 April 2021: NICER Discovers Pulsations from MAXI J0903-531
- 11 March 2021: A NICER First Look at the New X-ray Transient IGR J17533-2928
- 24 December 2020: A star ripped apart?
- 13 August 2020: A Pulsar in Transition?
- 16 July 2020: NICER Observations of Stellar Death by Black Hole
- 07 November 2019: MAXI points NICER to a new brightening source
- 05 September 2019: NICER makes its first detection of a GRB afterglow
- 01 August 2019: EXO 1846-031 reawakens after 34-year silence
- 30 May 2019: NICER sees X-rays from star in another galaxy getting ripped
- 18 April 2019: NICER Observations of a Possible SN 1a: AT2019daj
- 04 April 2019: Follow-up of MAXI triggers provides new insight into
transient events
- 31 January 2019: NICER follows up on a bonanza of
MAXI-discovered Galactic black hole systems
- 17 January 2019: Combined X-ray data uncovers a new class of
transient AGN flares
- 15 November 2018: Observations of new X-ray transient show
intense flaring episodes
- 08 November 2018: Unexplained X-ray transient event in active
galaxy observed by NICER
- 24 May 2018: Target of Opportunity observations of new
transient ASASSN-18el
- 22 March 2018: Quasi-periodic oscillation detected in new
transient MAXI 1820+070
- 29 September 2017: Periodic variations in a MAXI black hole
NICER Science Nuggets
Listed by year:
Listed by topic: