HEASARC Picture of the Week: 2002

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Title Date
A Collision of Winds Chandra Image of HD5980 December 30, 2002
Young Stars, Surprisingly Energetic RCW38 X-ray, IR and radio composite December 23, 2002
Coming and Going in X-rays Chandra Image of SS433 December 16, 2002
A Supernova Beyond the Milky Way Chandra Image of a Super Nova remnant in M31 December 9, 2002
Cool Cluster Core Chandra Temperature map of the galaxy cluster PKS0745-191 December 2, 2002
Two Black Hearts Chandra X-ray image of binary black hole at the center of NGC 6240 November 25, 2002
Martian X-ray Chandra X-ray image of Mars November 18, 2002
Dissecting a Neutron Star Neutron Star Absorption Line spectrum November 11, 2002
Multi-color Cluster M87 CHANDRA IMAGE November 4, 2002
MOND Unfound NGC720 CHANDRA IMAGE October 28, 2002
Escape from a Black Hole X-ray Jet from XTEJ1550-564 October 21, 2002
Tracing a Bright Path Sco X-1 discovery observation October 14, 2002
In Real Time HETE2 GRB 021004 localization October 7, 2002
The Magnetic Connection AXP X-ray burst September 30, 2002
The Crab of Many Colors Crab Nebula in radio, optical and X-rays September 23, 2002
Surprisingly Active Galaxies Chandra image of Abell 2104 September 16, 2002
In Dying Color Chandra color images of Cas-A and Tycho SNRs September 9, 2002
Near a Nearby Black Hole Iron line from a microquasar measured by BeppoSAX September 2, 2002
Chasing the Wild Burst GRB 020819-HET2 & IPN August 26, 2002
A Black Hole Unveiled Chandra/Type 2 quasar August 19, 2002
The Tell-Tale Arc Cen A/HRC August 12, 2002
The Great Beyond NGC891 X-ray & Optical images August 5, 2002
Dwarf's Gift NGC1569 X-ray & Optical composite July 29, 2002
The Edge at the Edge of the Universe Iron Edge in Quasar Spectrum July 22, 2002
Hot Hot Stars Carina Nebula/XMM July 15, 2002
Resolving Gamma-Ray Mysteries Chandra Pinpoints a pulsar July 8, 2002
Chandra Pinpoints a Pulsar Chandra Pinpoints a pulsar July 1, 2002
The Universe Gets Slightly Less Interesting Chandra Twin Quasar Image June 24, 2002
Where Stellar Monsters Once Ruled NGC 1553 Chandra Image June 17, 2002
Measuring Neutron Stars 1E1207 X-ray Spectrum June 10, 2002
A Brightly-Colored Tombstone N132D/chandra color image June 3, 2002
Wild Wind Blowing BeppoSAX May 27, 2002
Farewell, BeppoSAX BeppoSAX May 20, 2002
Exploring the Ridge Galactic center - radio, X-ray and mm wave May 13, 2002
Not Just Passing Through Arp 220/Chandra May 6, 2002
True-Color Tarantula 30 Doradus/chandra April 29, 2002
SNR G54.1+0.3: a Close Cousin of the Crab SNR G54.1+0.3/Chandra April 22, 2002
Neutron Star Misnomer? 3C58/Chandra April 15, 2002
Post-mortem of a Monster's Death GRB 011211 spectrum April 8, 2002
Shooting Star Cluster 1E0657-56/Chandra April 1, 2002
Footprints of Fire: Dancing in the Circle of Light RHESSI firstlight March 25, 2002
A Tarantula's X-rays Tarantula Nebula Composite March 18, 2002
Death of a Faraway Star SN2002ap/XMM March 11, 2002
Jupiter Then and Now Jupiter, seen by Chandra and ROSAT March 4, 2002
Caught in the Act GRB011211/XMM-Newton February 25, 2002
Candid Snaps of a Star's Outburst HESSI February 18, 2002
Ins and Outs of Black Holes Chandra/PKS 1127-145 February 11, 2002
Plume in Centaurus Centaurus Cluster/Chandra February 4, 2002
Snow TIGER Trap TIGER in Antarctica January 28, 2002
Neutron Star too Cool for School? Cool Neutron Star/Chandra January 21, 2002
Midtown of the Milky Way Chandra Mosaic of the center of the Milky Way January 14, 2002
An Elliptical Galaxy's "Inner Spiral" NGC 4636/CHANDRA January 7, 2002

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Page Author: Dr. Michael F. Corcoran
Last modified Sun Dec 01 EST 2002