HEASARC Picture of the Week: 2020

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Title Date
2020 Hindsight The High Energy Year: 2020 December 28, 2020
Picturing Black Holes Winners of the  Astroarteagujero 2020 competition December 21, 2020
Staring at the Sun December 14, 2020
Pushing White Dwarfs Over the Edge Illustration of accretion onto a magnetic CV December 7, 2020
Reflecting on X-rays from Jupiter X-ray emission from charged atoms in Jupiter's magnetosphere seen by XMM-Newton November 30, 2020
Piecing the Very High Energy Universe Together Mosaic of INTEGRAL from INTEGRAL images November 23, 2020
Old Star Blowing Bubbles Optical and X-ray composite image of IC 4593 November 16, 2020
Surviving a Black Hole Artist illustration connecting a black hole corona to a black hole jet November 9, 2020
Dying with a Star? Illustration of planet getting blasted by a host star; inset X-ray flare from Barnard's star November 2, 2020
The Death of the Red Mask Happy Halloween - Stay Safe October 31, 2020
Life and Death Interacting Composite Herschel/XMM-Newton image of the W44 supernova remnant October 19, 2020
Harmony of the Cosmos Analyzing the sound of X-ray data October 12, 2020
Einstein's Shadow Test Test of stronger/weaker gravity near a black holes event horizon using  EHT black hole shadow October 5, 2020
GRB/FRB Hard X-ray and Radio pulses from a Magnetar September 28, 2020
Middleweight Champion Masses of black holes and neutron stars detected through gravitational wave and electromagnetic observations September 21, 2020
Light Leaks Chandra X-ray and HST ultraviolet image of Eta Carinae September 14, 2020
The Labors of Fermi Fermi Pointings around the Vela Pulsar from 2008 to 2012 September 7, 2020
A Nebula's Gamma-ray Heartbeat Illustration of the precessing jet from SS443 causing gamma-ray pulsations from a nearby cloud August 31, 2020
Kepler: The Movie Chandra high-resolution X-ray image of the Kepler supernova remnant August 24, 2020
Playing at a Wake Optical image of the Guitar Nebula and Chandra X-ray image of a jet from pulsar B2224+65 August 17, 2020
Monads of the Universe eRosita view of the Shapley Supercluster August 10, 2020
XRISM The XRISM observatory August 3, 2020
A Very LHC Illustration of the production of high-energy gamma rays by the wind collision in the eta Carinae system July 27, 2020
The Changeling Illustration of the disruption of an accretion disk around a black hole by a passing star; inset: X-ray lightcurve July 20, 2020
Field of Fireworks eROSITA image of Vela supernova remnant and associates July 13, 2020
Rediscovering the LMC eROSITA wide-field X-ray map of the Large Magellanic Cloud July 6, 2020
The Hot, Energetic Universe First complete all sky X-ray map by eROSITA June 29, 2020
The Hidden Universe Revealed The first X-ray all-sky survey from ART-XC June 22, 2020
Messy Eater Illustration of the low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1608-52, accreting material from a companion June 15, 2020
Virtual Realities, Near and Far Virtul Reality Center of the Milky Way June 8, 2020
Jet Engine Composite X-ray/optical/radio image of active galaxy  4C+29.30 June 1, 2020
Stitching the Material World Needlepoint by Cecelia Payne Gaposchkin based on a Copernicus X-ray Image of the Cas A supenova remnant May 25, 2020
Mapping the Universe First results from the eRosita All-Sky Survey May 18, 2020
Survival? Illustration fo a white dwarf in orbit around a supermassive black hole; inset: periodic X-ray flares from GSN 069 May 11, 2020
Danger! Danger! Simulation of nova V906 Car May 4, 2020
Big Fish Eat Little Fish GW 190412, an asymmetric black hole merger April 27, 2020
Glow and Afterglow Model of Gamma Ray Burst Emission April 20, 2020
Building a New Jet Infrared image of the collision of the active galaxy TXS 2116Ð077 (right) and a companion galaxy (left), with X-ray contours April 13, 2020
Out of the Heart of Darkness X-ray (purple), optical and radio image of Hercules A April 6, 2020
Death Throes XMM Newton X-ray, and HST optical + WISE IR image of the Spiral Planetary Nebula March 30, 2020
Pulling Some Strings Chandra X-ray image of the Perseus cluster March 23, 2020
The Northern X-rays Chandra X-ray emission from earth's aurora March 16, 2020
EXTraS! EXTraS! The X-ray Sky is Variable! Sample of the variability of  extragalactic sources from the EXTraS database March 9, 2020
The Big Blowout in Ophiuchus X-ray and Radio image of an eruption from the black hole in the Ophiuchus galaxy cluster March 2, 2020
Flipper? X-ray and optical image of the globular cluster Terzan 5; Terzan 5 CX1 circled in red February 24, 2020
Eta Carinae: A Star-Winds Story Eta Car near periastron passage February 17, 2020
Re-Arranging the Stellar Nursery Superbubble in the N 44 nebula February 10, 2020
The Beginning of the X-ray Sky A patch of the sky from start of the eRosita all-sky survey February 3, 2020
Warp Factor 6? M87 lightspeed jet January 27, 2020
Another Golden Merger? Illustration of the neutron star binary merger from April 25, 2019 January 20, 2020
Cracking the Crab Visualization of the Crab Nebula, pulsar, disk and jets January 13, 2020
Birth by Black Hole Positive Black Hole Feedback seen by CXO, JVLA and HST January 6, 2020

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Page Author: Dr. Michael F. Corcoran
Last modified Monday, 28-Dec-2020 11:49:15 EST