Dr. Lawrence E. Brown

Employer: Raytheon ITSS
Job Description: Senior Programmer/Analyst
Phone: (301)286-4996
e-mail: elwin@ros10.gsfc.nasa.gov

Lawrence Brown is a Hughes/STX Programmer/Analyst providing science support for NASA's Office of Guest Investigator Programs. His duties revolve around the FTOOLS software for FITS data formats and specifically include the XRONOS timing analysis package, FTOOLS Web pages, and general FTOOLS maintenance and release support.

Larry was born in Watsonville, California and has lived nearly everywhere in the United States. He has a BS in Mathematical Physics from Southwestern Adventist College and a PhD in Physics from the University of Chicago. He did postdoctoral work at Clemson University. His main research topics were nucleosynthesis of light elements in the Big Bang, in Supernovae and in Assymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars, isotopic anomalies in meteorites, and gamma ray astronomy.

Current Quote:

"To kill a man between panels is to condemn him to a thousand deaths." -- Scott McCloud on Closure in "Understanding Comics"

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