About the HEASARC: HEASARC Overview: The HEASARC Charter > A Brief History

The HEASARC Charter

Since the merger of the HEASARC and the LAMBDA archives, the HEASARC's charter has been to:
  • Maintain and disseminate data from previous and current high energy astrophysics and cosmic microwave background missions;
  • Provide software and data analysis support for these datasets;
  • Maintain and provide the necessary scientific and technical expertise for the processing and interpretation of the data holdings;
  • Develop and maintain multi-mission analysis and support tools;
  • Provide catalogs of observations and ancillary information for the data holdings;
  • Coordinate data, software and media standards with other astrophysics sites; and
  • Support outreach in high-energy and cosmic microwave background astrophysics.

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Last modified: Wednesday, 13-Apr-2011 13:36:30 EDT
This file was last modified on Wednesday, 13-Apr-2011 13:36:30 EDT