I have already done this to the headers on the HEASARC and EUD. If you
have images on your pages, please take the time to add some brief
descriptive text to your images.
Who This Applies To
If your page has an <img> or <area> imagemap hot spot, you
should check to make sure each has an alt tag. Don't forget the little
stuff: logos, icons, graphical headers, graphical bullets, horizontal
bars, images, graphs, and buttons.
Checking for Compliance
If you want to know if your page is compliant, go to Bobby and run the Bobby checker (make sure you select the
section 508 radio button).
Other considerations
NASA Policies
A web page outlining NASA policies is available.
More 508 requirements
Web browsers for the blind read all the links preferentially. Try to make
your links meaningful on their own. Links like click here are not
very useful to those users, or to sighted users who skim pages by reading
the links.
The web browsers for the blind also read pages in order. If you're
sighted, you can determine with a glance that the navigation bars on this
page are at the top and left, and you can very quickly determine where the
real content lives. Screen readers don't have that ability. They will read
this page in order of table cells: left to right and top to bottom. Blind
users will hear every link (NASA logo, the seven across the top and the
many down the left side) before any content is read. To alleviate this
painful process, I have added an invisible link (you can find it at the
top of the page a few dozen pixels above the NASA logo) which takes the
user to the page content. If you're using the standard headers, this is
taken care of for you. If you're developing new sites, keep this in mind
and allow your visually-impaired users to skip the navigation and go
straight to the content.
Try not to convey information solely by color-coding. You can now check what your pages look
like to the color-blind.
Page author: Karen Smale
Last updated: Monday, 19-Jun-2006 11:24:57 EDT.