HEASARC Bibliography
The HEASARC Bibliography: Navigation and Summary

We have compiled a database of bibliographic metadata created from publications which present high energy and CMB data from missions archived in the HEASARC. Clicking on a mission name in the navigation panel or in the Mission Bibliography column will take you to the entire list of publications for that mission. Clicking on any publication total will take you to a current list of science articles or preprints. Clicking on "Main" or "Help" in the navigation panel takes you to this page or the help page respectively.

The missions currently taking data are in bold under the Mission Bibliography column, and the CMB missions are in grey. The post-1990 table includes links between science papers and observations when possible, while the pre-1990 table includes no such links as of yet. The total counts for the papers and citations are adjusted to count each paper only once, taking into account the many multi-mission papers in the bibliography. The help file explains much more.
Publication Totals for Post-1990 High Energy Astronomy & CMB Missions Archived at the HEASARC
Science Publication Dates Science Article Totals Science Preprint Totals
earliest latest refereed citations/paper accepted submitted proceedings
XRISM - - 0 0 0 0 0
IXPE Aug 2022 Jul 2024 86 12.1 3 18 1
SRG Mar 2020 Jul 2024 265 14.0 10 49 0
HaloSat Oct 2019 Feb 2024 12 11.8 0 0 0
NICER Mar 2018 Aug 2024 482 22.5 12 22 3
AstroSat Dec 2016 Jul 2024 337 11.8 10 12 2
Hitomi Jul 2016 Jun 2024 27 41.8 0 0 0
NuSTAR Feb 2013 Jul 2024 1520 25.3 17 38 11
MAXI Jul 2010 Jul 2024 630 19.6 8 14 3
Fermi Oct 2008 Aug 2024 2976 45.6 22 68 28
Suzaku Aug 2006 Sep 2024 1289 32.1 3 11 11
Swift Apr 2005 Aug 2024 5638 37.8 34 115 31
INTEGRAL Jun 2003 Jul 2024 1241 42.8 8 5 6
WMAP Jan 2003 Jun 2024 687 168.6 0 6 0
HETE-2 Jun 2002 May 2016 66 100.4 0 0 0
XMM Jan 2001 Aug 2024 7128 40.6 53 86 26
FUSE Jul 2000 Jul 2024 805 46.5 0 0 0
SWAS Aug 2000 Mar 2016 36 43.2 0 0 0
Chandra Sep 1999 Oct 2024 8315 48.1 44 86 5
BeppoSAX Jun 1997 Jul 2023 772 50.6 0 0 0
RXTE Sep 1996 Jul 2024 3349 46.4 7 9 6
ASCA Jan 1994 May 2024 1557 62.4 0 0 0
EUVE Jun 1993 Jul 2017 282 47.9 0 0 0
CGRO Jan 1992 May 2024 1050 60.3 0 0 1
BBXRT Dec 1992 Dec 1999 37 36.5 0 0 0
ROSAT Jan 1991 Jul 2024 2851 51.6 6 7 0
COBE Mar 1990 Sep 2020 252 101.6 0 0 0
Total counts Mar 1990 Apr 2024 28,460 47.7 140 270 118
Publication Totals for Other High Energy Astronomy Missions Archived at the HEASARC
Science Publication Dates Science Article Totals Science Preprint Totals
earliest latest refereed citations/paper accepted submitted proceedings
Ginga Jan 1987 Aug 2022 511 53.9 0 0 0
EXOSAT Jan 1984 May 2024 690 48.5 0 0 0
HEAO-3 Jun 1981 Oct 1998 57 52.2 0 0 0
Einstein Nov 1979 Sep 2021 1104 71.9 0 0 0
HEAO-1 April 1978 Apr 2023 103 55.0 0 0 0
COS-B Jul 1976 Jan 1998 87 54.2 0 0 0
OSO-8 May 1976 Oct 2015 124 33.9 0 0 0
Ariel-V Jul 1975 Sep 2017 119 53.0 0 0 0
SAS-2 Dec 1973 Dec 1992 37 63.1 0 0 0
Copernicus Oct 1972 Aug 2015 95 30.1 0 0 0
Vela5-B Sep 1969 Sep 2009 40 52.1 0 0 0
Total counts Sep 1969 Apr 2023 2771 57.9 0 0 0