This Legacy journal article was published in Volume 4, February 1994, and has not been updated since publication. Please use the search facility above to find regularly-updated information about this topic elsewhere on the HEASARC site.

Quick Guide to the ROSAT Archive

Mike Corcoran


1) Lists of Archived Datasets

a) Use anonymous ftp from ( Change directory to rosat/doc/archive and download the following ASCII text lists: - HRI public data sorted by date
hpublic_data.seq - HRI public data sorted by sequence #
hpublic_data.pos - HRI public data sorted by position - PSPC public data sorted by date
ppublic_data.seq - PSPC public data sorted by sequence #
ppublic_data.pos - PSPC public data sorted by position

b) Use the HEASARC BROWSE interface. To do this:

i. >

f) Use anonymous ftp: connect to ( and cd to anon_dir:[data_dist.rosat] and get the data (set file type to binary for the FITS format files)

3) For More Information

a) Use anonymous ftp: connect to, cd to rosat/doc/archive and download archive_intro.txt (text version) or (postscript version)

b) Report problems or questions via e-mail Dr. Mike Corcoran at HEASRC::CORCORAN or

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Last modified: Wednesday, 20-Oct-2021 10:51:50 EDT