FTOOLS: A FITS data processing and analysis software package

FTOOLS: A FITS data processing and analysis software package

Next: Introduction

James Kent Blackburn

HEASARC, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 664.0, Greenbelt, MD 20771

HughesSTX Corporation, 4400 Forbes Blvd., Lanham, MD 20706


FTOOLS, a highly modular collection of over 110 utilities for processing and analyzing data in the FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format, has been developed in support of the HEASARC (High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center) at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. Each utility performs a single simple task such as presentation of file contents, extraction of specific rows or columns, appending or merging tables, binning values in a column or selecting subsets of rows based on a boolean expression. Individual utilities can easily be chained together in scripts to achieve more complex operations such as the generation and displaying of spectra or light curves. The collection of utilities provides both generic processing and analysis utilities and utilities specific to high energy astrophysics data sets used for the ASCA, ROSAT, GRO and XTE missions. A core set of FTOOLS providing support for generic FITS data processing, FITS image analysis and timing analysis can easily be split out of the full software package for users not needing the high energy astrophysics mission utilities. The FTOOLS software package is designed to be both compatible with IRAF and completely stand alone in a UNIX or VMS environment. The user interface is controlled by standard IRAF parameter files. The package is self documenting through the IRAF help facility and a stand alone help task. Software is written in ANSI C and FORTRAN to provide portability across most computer systems. The data format dependencies between hardware platforms are isolated through the FITSIO library package.

FTOOLS, FITS, FITSIO, data, analysis, software

Lawrence Elwin Brown
Mon Dec 5 11:27:10 EST 1994