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XANADUThe QDP/PLT software is a stand alone segment of a larger package called XANADU (X-ray ANalysis And Data Utilization). Subroutines commonly used in XANADU software are placed in a library/archive called XANLIB. QDP/PLT is supplied with source code for the entire XANLIB library. If you are short on disk space, it is possible to delete many of the supplied files. This appendix describes the minimum set of source files you need from these directories. Of course, if you don't plan to modify the code you can delete all source files once the object library has been created. All XANADU software uses a virtual disk called XANADU to hide system dependent disk names. It is possible to run the QDP/PLT software without implementing the virtual disk, however, some commands such as interactive help will not be able to locate supporting files.
Web Page Maintained by: Dr. Lawrence E. Brown elwin@redshift.gsfc.nasa.gov |