Guide to the XRISM Cycle 2 Program for US- and Canadian-based Proposers

1. Overview

This NASA Research Announcement (NRA) solicits General Observer (GO) proposals for XRISM from U.S. and Canadian-based PIs. For proposers from neither U.S. nor Canada, please refer to the ESA solicitation or the JAXA solicitation.

For the NASA solicitation, approximately 2.8 Ms of time will be available in the observing period running approximately from November 1, 2025 - May 1, 2026. It is anticipated that up to $3.25M in funding will be made available to support the analysis of targets accepted at priority A, B or C (if observed) as well as Supporting Atomic Physics (SAP) investigations. Priority C targets will be observed on a "best-effort" basis. In cases where the same target is selected in more than one national program (JAXA, NASA, ESA), the feasibility of merging the two (or three) investigations will be explored at the International Merging meeting. XRISM data from approved GO program observations (including peer review approved TOO observations) have a nominal one-year exclusive-use period commencing at the time of receipt of the processed data by the observer. Only PIs affiliated with, and located at, a U.S. institution will be eligible for funding for accepted XRISM proposals through NASA.

2. Deadline

Proposals are due no later than May 15, (Thursday), 2025.

There are two types of proposals with different submission procedures:

  • Type-1 proposals should be submitted by 4:30 pm (EDT) via NASA HEASARC ARK/RPS.
  • Type-2 proposals should be submitted by 11:59 pm (EDT) via NASA NSPIRES by an Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) of the proposing organization.

For the ESA or JAXA solicitation, please refer to the proposal deadline and submission methods at the ESA site or the JAXA site.

3. What's New in Cycle 2

  • The duration of Cycle 2 has been reduced to six months to accommodate a potential gate valve opening attempt. The observing period runs approximately from November 1, 2025 - May 1, 2026.
  • The list of references does not count against the page limit. References do not count against the 4 page limit for Type-1 and the 10 page limit for Type-2 proposals.
  • Reminder: There are no Joint Programs in XRISM Cycle 2. No other observatory joint time is arranged during the XRISM Cycle 2, and no XRISM joint time is allocated for other observatories' Call for Proposals.

4. Dual-Anonymous Review Proposals

Type-1 Phase-1 and Type-2 proposal review will be done in a dual-anonymous fashion.

Dual-anonymous peer review (DAPR) means that not only will the proposers not know who their reviewers are, but the reviewers will not know who the proposers are, at least not until after they have evaluated the scientific merit of the proposal. This implementation of DAPR will be based on that employed by NASA's Science Mission Directorate. The "Expertise and Resources Not Anonymized" document is distributed to the panel for a subset of proposals. This is to allow the reviewers to assess the team capabilities required to execute a given proposed science investigation. This assessment will not affect the science grade and will be used by the Selection Official to help determine whether there would be any risks in funding the proposal.

Key Points
  • Proposals should eliminate language that identifies the proposers or institution, as discussed in the Type-1 Phase-1 Guidelines for Anonymous Proposals and Type-2 SAP DAPR instructions.
  • PIs are required to upload an "Expertise and Resources Not Anonymized" PDF through ARK or NSPIRES as a separate document when submitting the anonymized Scientific/Technical/Management section.
  • Proposals that do not follow these dual-anonymous guidelines may be returned without review.
Additional information may also be found on the web at:

5. Proposal Types, Elements and Submission Method

Additional details concerning Cycle 2 are given in the XRISM NRA. There will be two types of proposals, (1) investigations requesting observations of celestial targets using one or both of the XRISM scientific instruments ("Type-1" or "Observing"); and, (2) theoretical and/or experimental investigations of atomic physics processes critical to enabling the fullest exploitation of the high-quality spectral data expected to be obtained with the Resolve instrument ("Type-2" or "SAP", US proposers only).

Type-1 (Observing) Proposals

Type-1 proposals will undergo a two-stage proposal process. Phase-1 is for observing proposals. Phase-2 is for budget proposals for successful Phase-1 proposers who were awarded Priority A, B or C ratings by the International Merging meeting.

Proposal submission is done via the HEASARC ARK/RPS on-line system. Hard-copy submission is not required. The following elements are required:

Type-2 (SAP) Proposals

The laboratory/theoretical investigation portion of the XRISM GO program, SAP will utilize a single stage proposal process. SAP proposals may request support for a period of up to three years in duration. Only US-based PIs are eligible.

Proposal submission is done via the NASA NSPIRES on-line system. Hard-copy submission is not required. The following elements are required:

The following should not be submitted as part of the Phase-1 proposal:

6. Selected Key Details of the Proposal Form

Type-1 Phase-1 (Observing) - ARK/RPS

New XRISM PIs must first create an ARK account and/or join the XRISM RPS group. This also applies to PIs who submitted their Cycle 1 XRISM proposals to JAXA or ESA but have moved to a US or Canadian institution since then. Having done so, the XRISM RPS form can be accessed via ARK/RPS.

We provide below selected key details for XRISM Cycle 2. For further details, consult the ARK/RPS help file.

Cover Page
General Form
Target Form

After completing all fields for a proposal in ARK/RPS, use the Verify button to confirm that all required entries exist and conform to the expected format. Forms that pass verification can then be submitted. ARK/RPS allows PIs to continue to modify submitted proposals until the deadline, so there is no penalty for submitting the proposal form early.

The LaTeX, PostScript, and PDF buttons of ARK/RPS can be used to generate formatted versions of the proposal forms. Although it is often useful for the PIs to keep formatted copies of the forms for the record, it is not a required part of the proposal submission process.

Type-2 (SAP) - NSPIRES

New NSPIRES users (including PIs and Co-Is) must first create an NSPIRES account. Please refer to the NSPRIES help page for how to link to proposers' institutions, add Team Members, and enter budget information, etc.

7. Anonymized Scientific/Technical/Management Section


8. Expertise and Resources - Not Anonymized Document

PIs are required to upload an up to three-page "Expertise and Resources - Not Anonymized" document PDF through ARK as a separate upload when submitting the anonymized Scientific/Technical/Management section for Type-1 Phase-1 proposals. The LaTeX template or the Word template is available. This document provides a list of all team members, their institutional affiliations, roles, expertise, and contributions to the work. The document should also discuss any specific resources that are key to completing the proposed work. For Type-2, please refer to the list of required elements described in the proposal types, elements, and submission section or the NRA.

This document will be distributed to the review panel after all proposals have been reviewed and rated, only for programs which are in the selectable range. This is to allow the reviewers to assess the team capabilities required to execute a given proposed science investigation. If there are clear, compelling deficiencies in the expertise required to see through the goals of the proposal, the panel may decide to flag the submission accordingly, and provide a detailed justification in its comments to NASA. This review may not be used to flag "up" proposals for having strong team qualifications, nor may it be used to re-evaluate or upgrade proposals.

9. Budget Proposals for Observing Programs: Type-1 Phase-2 Proposals

US PIs whose Type-1 Phase-1 (observing) proposals are assigned a Priority A, B or C rating by the International Merging meeting will be invited to submit a Phase-2 (cost) proposal.

Any questions regarding the XRISM GO program can be submitted to our XRISM helpdesk. You can access our helpdesk by using HEASARC's Feedback form , or click the "HELP" icon to the left.