XRISM Proposal Tools

The following documentation and applications can be used to support the preparation of XRISM observing proposals:

  • Proposer's Observatory Guide (POG): Cycle 1 POG is still available and can be used for early planning of Cycle 2 proposals. Cycle 2 POG will be available in March.
    A complete guide for proposer's, addressing the specificities of the mission and its instruments, is available in html and pdf formats. This guide also adresses important cases such as observing bright sources or extended sources with XRISM. It is strongly recommended to proposers to read this guide.

  • Materials from the XRISM Community Workshops:
    Slides and video recordings from presentations of the XRISM Community Workshops are available. Presentations include video tutorials that may help proposers in many respects.

  • Count Rate and Branching Ratio Estimates:
    The standard HEASARC tool WebPIMMS is available for estimating count rates and Resolve branching ratios. No update is planned since Cycle 1, since the effective area calibration has not changed.

  • Online Spectral Simulations:
    The standard HEASARC tool WebSpec supports XRISM simulations using the same response files that are available for download. The XRISM response files in WebSpec will be updated in March.

  • HEASoft Simulation Software for XRISM Observations:
    The simulation software is part of the HEASoft suite of tools. The main tasks relevant to XRISM proposers are the following:

    To install the software, follow the steps in the general installation directions for the HEASoft distribution.

  • Visibility:
    The standard HEASARC Viewing tool can be used to determine target visibilities for XRISM based solely on Sun avoidance.

  • XRISM Roll Angle:
    The XRISM Roll Angle tool calculates the range of spacecraft roll angles at which a given celestial target can be observed.

  • Date/Time Converter:
    The standard HEASARC xTime tool convert XRISM time to other time systems and formats, and vice versa.

    Any questions regarding the XRISM proposal tools can be submitted to our XRISM helpdesk. You can access our helpdesk by using HEASARC's Feedback form , or click the "HELP" icon to the left.