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Sample Plots and QDP FilesThis appendix contains several sample figures that were created with the QDP program. In all the figures, the name of the QDP file used to generate the figure is displayed in the top left corner. For the first figure this name is XANADU:[PLOT.QDP]SPIRAL.QDP. It is possible to reproduce this figure by using: $ QDP XANADU:[PLOT.QDP]SPIRAL For reader convenience, the top section of each QDP file is listed. In cases where the QDP also uses a PLT command file, the top section of the .PCO file is also listed. A careful comparison of each figure and the PLT commands used to generate it, will illustrate the actions of many PLT commands.
The 1.0000 0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 0.9988 0.0491 -0.9988 -0.0491 0.9952 0.0980 -0.9952 -0.0980 0.9892 0.1467 -0.9892 -0.1467 0.9808 0.1951 -0.9808 -0.1951 0.9700 0.2430 -0.9700 -0.2430 0.9569 0.2903 -0.9569 -0.2903 0.9415 0.3369 -0.9415 -0.3369 0.9239 0.3827 -0.9239 -0.3827 0.9040 0.4276 -0.9040 -0.4276 " "
The CS 1.3 GAP 0.0 LAB 1 "(1) A SIMPLE LABEL" LAB 2 P -0.80 -0.50 J L RO 90 CS 2 "\FI(2) ROTATED" LAB 3 P .6 -.5 CS 2 CO 3 RO 45 "(3) At any angle" LAB 4 P -1 -1 LI 30 CS 2 CO 4 "(4) The bottom corner" LAB 5 P -.6 0 LI 45 CS 2 CO 5 "(5) Position (-0.6,0.0)" LAB 6 P 0. .75 MA 10 CS 1.5 CO 6 "(6) Label Markers" LAB 7 P 0. .50 MA 10 CS 1.5 CO 6 J R "(7) Right justified" LAB 8 P -.50 -.25 LI 0 LS 3 CO 8 CS 2 "(8) A Line Label" LAB 9 P -.50 -.5 LI 0 LS 4 CO 8 CS 2 "(9) any style" ! -1 -1 1 -1 1 1
The READ SERR 1 2 3 4 5 @"XANADU,PLOT/QDP,FIG2" ! See PLT Command File "FIG2.PCO" ! 440.02 0.75 0.749 2.8E-2 1.41 5.2E-02 284.3 38.0 0.1445/.185 6.0E-03/.185 62.7 " " " " " "The above QDP file calls the PLT command file FIG2.PCO :
COL OFF 1,6 CSIZ 1.3 FONT RO LAB 1 CS 1.3 CEN BOT JUS RIG VP .9 .91 "\FIEXOSAT \FRME" LAB RO LAB T X-ray Burst from Cir X-1 LAB G1 Time (sec) R Y1 430 540 LAB G2 Flux R Y2 .01 2 LAB G3 Temp R Y3 .5 4 LAB G4 R\U2 R Y4 30 800 LAB G5 L/L\DEd R Y5 .02 3 LAB G6 Chi LAB POS Y 2.5 LOG Y P V TIM OFF VIEW .15,,.90
The ! FOLD. Scatter errors. ! Start time( 82135.4), End time( 94966.3) ! Period( 4.827641200D+00), Phase 0( 4.000D-01), DPDOT( 0.000D+00) READ SERR 1 XAXIS LIN 3.9062500E-03 7.8125000E-03 @"XANADU,PLOT/QDP,FIG3" ! See PLT Command File "FIG3.PCO" ! 249.0985 1.712956 248.0650 1.642315 245.0948 1.686881 246.7742 1.685483 245.0568 1.691913 " "The above QDP file calls the PLT command file FIG3.PCO :
CSIZ 1.2 FONT RO LAB OT Cen X-3 LAB T Spline fit to Pulse Profile LAB X Pulse Phase LAB Y Rate (ct/sec) LAB PAR OFF MOD @"XANADU,PLOT/QDP,FIG3" R X 0 1 TIM OFF VIEW .15 .15
The READ SERR 1 2 @"XANADU,PLOT/QDP,FIG4" ! See PLT Command File "FIG4.PCO" ! 1.00 0.50 -1.E-01 3.1 2.00 0.50 -0.4 3.1 3.00 0.50 -1.9 3.1 4.00 0.50 2.8 3.1 5.00 0.50 3.7 3.1 6.00 0.50 0.3 3.1 7.00 0.50 0.2 3.1 8.00 0.50 5.5 3.1 9.00 0.50 -4.7 3.1 " "
The above QDP file calls the PLT command file SKIP SING LINE ON 1 MARK 17 ON 1 LINE ON 2 MARK 21 ON 2 MARK SIZE 1.5 LAB 1 MAR 17 JUS Lef LAB 1 POS 36 45 "High Energy" LAB 2 MAR 21 JUS Lef LAB 2 POS 36 41 "Low Energy" LAB T CROSS-SCAN PROFILES LAB X RA PIXEL LAB Y Background Subtracted Intensity (kJy Sr\u-1) TIME OFF
The skip on @"xanadu,plot/qdp,fig5" ! See PLT Command File "FIG5.PCO" -7.300000 -0.6800003 -7.180000 -0.4200001 -7.060000 -0.1800003 -6.940000 6.0000420E-02 -6.820000 0.3000002 -6.700000 0.5400000 -6.580000 0.7700005 -6.460000 1.010000 -6.340000 1.240000 -6.220000 1.450000 -6.100000 1.750000 " "The above QDP file calls the PLT command file FIG5.PCO :
CSIZ 1.3 FONT ROMAN LAB X Log Photon Energy LAB Y Intensity ( keV s\u-1\d cm\u-2\d sr\u-1\d keV\u-1\d ) LINE ON 1 MARK 3 ON 2 MARK SIZE 2.0 R -2 1 -3 1 TIME OFF
The COL OFF 1..999 CON LEV -1. -.5 0. .5 1. LS 4 4 1 1 1 LW 1 2 3 4 5 XAX LIN 1 1 YAX LIN 1 1 R 1 30 1 30 ! .748 .795 .826 .842 .841 .823 .788 .734 .664 .577 .474 .358 .228- 8.700E-02 -6.300E-02 -.220 -.383 -.548 -.713 -.876 -1.035 -1.187 -1.331- -1.464 -1.585 -1.692 -1.783 -1.859 -1.917 -1.958 .499 .574 .639 .691 .731 .755 .764 .756 .731 .689 .631 .555 .464- .358 .239 .107 -3.400E-02 -.184 -.340 -.500 -.662 -.823 -.981 -1.135- -1.281 -1.418 -1.545 -1.658 -1.758 -1.842 .281 .364 .442 .513 .573 .622 .658 .681 .688 .679 .654 .613 .556- .483 .395 .292 .177 5.000E-02 -8.600E-02 -.230 -.381 -.535 -.691 -.846- -.999 -1.147 -1.289 -1.422 -1.544 -1.654 "
Web Page Maintained by: Dr. Lawrence E. Brown elwin@redshift.gsfc.nasa.gov |