HEASARC services

The HEASARC provides a number of services and has capabities to facilitate the archive of mission data or high level products results of a scientific investigation. The list below may be customed to account the mission needs:

  • Provide and maintain the archive infrastructure for any mission data or data products.
  • Archive the mission data for all mission phases: pre-launch, during mission operation and after operations ended.
  • Design the archive structure for science and housekeeping for all mission data. The mission archive includes the data sets
  • Design and Ingest the mission database tables in the HEASARC database system. Database tables are used to browse the data.
  • Give public access to the mission data via the HEASARC on-line system which includes HTTPS and FTPS protocols.
  • Give limited access to the mission data taken during the initial observatory activation and verification phase and/or during normal operation as indicated by the mission data distribution policy. The data are encrypted during this period.
  • Provide and maintain the HEAsoft software infrastructure, environment and repository. Maintain and update all the mission independent tools and the FITS manipulation tools.
  • Ingest the mission software package in HEAsoft and distribute the software.
  • Provide and maintain the data transfer protocol software (ex. Data Transfer System).
  • Archive , distribute and provide software access to the mission calibration data.
  • Provide expertise for the mission science and calibration FITS files design. The design accounts for : re-use of file structure and interoperability with other missions , re-use of the existing software, implement FITS and OGIP standards.
  • Provide, maintain and update the ARK/RPS system, in preparation for guest observer proposal submission.
  • Provide a Web server, standard settings for the mission Web pages and maintain the Web pages with the data archive and calibration.
  • Scientific expertise in the use of the mission archive.

General guidelines

  • Requirements for missions that uses the HEASARC as their archive site.

  • Requirements for high level products provided by users.

  • Archive common elements

    Useful Links :

  • HEASARC services
    HEASARC provides a number of services applicable to missions during their operation phase and final archive phase or to the delivery of "products".

  • HEASARC & FITS standards
    Data are accepted in FITS format. HEASARC has standards for specific products and/or mandatory keywords.

  • HEASARC & Software standards
    Mission or community contributed software may be included, maintained and distributed by the HEASARC. HEASARC has a Tutorial to "How to develop an ftool".

  • HEASARC Home | Observatories | Archive | Calibration | Software | Tools | Students/Teachers/Public

    Last modified: Thursday, 07-Oct-2021 12:57:19 EDT