Announcements of Upcoming Meetings
Notice that this list is not meant to be all-inclusive, but concentrates
on meetings of potential interest to X-ray, gamma-ray, cosmic-ray, and
gravitational astrophysicists. The HEASARC also maintains a list of upcoming
high-energy astrophysics summer schools, a list of on-line proceedings
of high-energy astrophysics meetings, as well as a list of on-line proceedings
of high-energy astrophysics summer schools.
Updates, corrections, and/or suggestions about meetings should be sent to
HEASARC Help Desk.
Other Sources of Information on Upcoming
List of International Astronomy meetings maintained by the Canadian
Astronomy Data Center
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Space Calendar
2025 Feb 03 - 05:
The 3rd XRISM Community Workshop
2025 Feb 11 - 13:
The Roman Galactic Plane Survey Community Workshop
2025 Mar 11 - 13:
Transients from Space Workshop
2025 Mar 24 - 28:
Celebrating 20 years of Swift Discoveries
2025 Apr 01 - 03:
XMM 25th Anniversary conference
2025 Apr 01 - 04:
An extraordinary journey into the Transient Sky: from restless progenitor stars to explosive multi-messenger signals.
2025 Apr 07 - 11:
First Galaxies - the building blocks of galaxies across
cosmic time
2025 Apr 07 - 11:
Frontiers in X-ray Polarimetry (FiXP) Academy
2025 Jun 16 - 19:
X-ray Quasi-Periodic Eruptions and Repeating Nuclear Transients
2025 Jul 14 - 18:
Cosmic Cartography with Roman: Advances in Galaxy Structures, Distributions, Dark Matter, and Dark Energy
2025 Jul 14 - 18:
24th International Conference on General Relativity and
Gravitation and 16th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on
Gravitational Waves
2025 Jul 28 - 31: Towards the Habitable
Worlds Observatory: Visionary Science and Transformational Technology
2025 Aug 4 - 15:
JWST Summer School: High Redshift Transients with JWST
2025 Sep 08 - 12:
Massive Black Holes across Cosmic Time
2025 Dec 01 - 05:
Highly accreting supermassive black holes across all cosmic times: from the local Universe to cosmic dawn
2025 Jul 28 - Aug 1: New Data that Challenge Underlying Assumptions in Early Galaxy Evolution
High Energy Astrophysics
The 3rd XRISM Community Workshop
- Meeting Dates: 2024 Feb 03 - 05
- Meeting Location: College Park, Maryland, USA
- Registration deadline: 2024 Dec 12
- Registration (for virtual participation) deadline: 2025 Jan 31
The primary objective of this workshop is to discuss data analysis techniques and prepare the astronomical community for the upcoming Cycle 2 General Observer (GO) Call for Proposals for XRISM. This workshop will consist of talks and hands-on sessions with experts from the XRISM team that will cover XRISM data analysis techniques and software, with the goal of maximizing the use of the unique high resolution spectroscopic and imaging data provided by XRISM.
The workshop will primarily focus on the scientific data analysis of
XRISM observations, but will also cover techniques and software
relevant to Cycle 2 proposals.
There is no registration fee for this workshop; however,
registration is required. Please fill out the registration form by December 12, 2024 for in-person participation. The registration for virtual participation will remain open until Jan 31st, 2025.
For space reasons, in-person attendance at the meeting is limited to 60 participants. If more than 60 participants have registered by December 12, then participation will be determined by a lottery. We will send a notification email by December 19 to those who register for in-person participation. If a space becomes available, there will be a waiting list for those who are not registered for in-person participation. If the demand for online participation is high, we may have to cap the number for practical reasons.
Registration for in-person attendees will include coffee breaks (with light refreshments).
Limited travel support is available for those who would otherwise not be able to attend; see the registration form for details.
For additional questions, please see the conference website.
The Roman Galactic Plane Survey Community Workshop
- Meeting Dates: 2025 Feb 11 - 13
- Meeting Location: virtual
- Registration Deadline: 2025 Jan 31
The committee charged with recommending the implementation of a Roman
Galactic Plane General Astrophysics Survey invites you to provide
input on preliminary designs by participating in a virtual workshop,
to be held February 11-13, 2025. Registration is requested by
Friday, January 31, 2025.
The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, NASA's next flagship
observatory, is planned for launch in late 2026. An Early-Definition
Astrophysics Survey Assessment Committee composed of community
members recommended that a survey of the Galactic plane with Roman be defined prior to launch through a community process.
The work of crafting an observational strategy for a Roman Galactic
Plane Survey of approximately 700 hours that maximizes its overall
science return is being undertaken by a definition committee composed of members of the science community. There are no mission level science requirements on the Galactic Plane Survey, leaving the full parameter space available to define the observational strategies (filters, depth, cadence, etc.) in a way that will enable a broad range of astrophysical investigations.
The definition committee for the Roman Galactic Plane Survey has developed a preliminary strategy for the survey, based on white papers and science pitches received from the community last year. This workshop will be an opportunity for the community to provide feedback on the preliminary designs, and to discuss some of the tensions between different elements of the strategy. The workshop will be fully online, and there is no registration fee. The sessions and content will be structured to enable participation from a range of time zones.
Please register for this workshop as soon as possible so that we can coordinate the online sessions!
Please visit the webpage for details, including upcoming deadlines.
Transients from Space Workshop
- Meeting Dates: 2025 Mar 11 - 13
- Meeting Location: Baltimore, Maryland, USA
- Abstract Deadline: 2024 Nov 01
- Registration Deadline: 2025 Feb 07
Save the Date! We are pleased to announce that the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) will host a workshop on transients and time-domain astronomy titled "Transients From Space" (TFS) on March 11-13, 2025 at STScI in Baltimore, MD.
Transient science is entering an exciting new era of discovery. The 2020 Decadal Survey named Time Domain Astronomy (TDA) as a top priority, and NASA's Physics of the Cosmos (PCOS) program has prioritized Time Domain And Multi-Messenger (TDAMM) astrophysics. New discoveries will be greatly impacted by space-based telescopes, including, but not limited to, HST, JWST, Swift, Fermi, TESS, Euclid, UVEX, ULTRASAT, LISA, and Roman. These telescopes probe new phase space in time, wavelength, and redshift, thereby opening up new sub-fields. This STScI workshop will explore novel research made possible by these telescopes and discuss how the community can optimize scientific output in the future. It will feature invited talks, contributed talks, posters, discussion panels, and fun social activities.
Our key objectives aim to:
- Highlight and build off successful science driven by space telescope data and policies;
- Uncover regions of overlap among telescopes and discuss opportunities for cross-mission synergies;
- Identify community needs for research and collaboration, particularly in the upcoming era of big data;
- Optimize future space-based observations for the entire community.
Workshop topics include, but are not limited to:
- Early-Time Observations: SNe Ia, Fast Transients, Shock Breakout
- High-Energy Transients: GRBs, GW
- Progenitors: pre-explosion variability, stellar evolution
- Infrared Transients: dust, SNRs, echoes, TDEs, AGN
- High-z Transients: Lensed SNe, extreme explosions (SLSNe, PISNe), TDEs, AGN
- Survey Science: Euclid, Roman, UVEX, Big Data
- Theory of explosive transients and compact objects
Attendance: The workshop will be a hybrid event (in-person and virtual). To maximize engagement, in-person attendance is encouraged for all participants, especially speakers.
Ori Fox (STScI), Armin Rest (STScI), Suvi Gezari (STScI), Lou Strolger (STScI)
SOC Members
Jennifer Andrews (Gemini Observatory), Ori Fox (STScI; Chair), Suvi Gezari (STScI; Co-Chair), Isobel Hook (Lancaster University), Rebekah Hounsell (GSFC), Patrick Kelly (University of Minnesota), Takashi Moriya (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan), Robert Quimby (San Diego State University), Armin Rest (STScI; Co-Chair), Lou Strolger (STScI; Co-Chair), Tea Temim (Princeton), Yossef Zenati (JHU/STScI)
LOC Members
Ori Fox, Suvi Gezari, Sherita Hanna, Victory Ramnarine, Armin Rest, Shemiah Smith, Lou Strolger
Confirmed Invited Speakers
Federica Bianco (Delaware/Rubin), Azalee Bostroem (Arizona), Maria Teresa Botticella (INAF), Brad Cenko (Goddard), Wenlei Chen (OK State), Kishalay De (Columbia University/CCA/Flatiron Institute), Maria Drout (Toronto), Saurabh Jha (Rutgers), Josefin Larsson (KTH), Julie McEnery (Goddard), Brian Metzger (Columbia University/CCA/Flatiron Institute), Jeremy Perkins (Goddard), Justin Pierel (STScI), Ben Rose (Baylor), Melissa Shahbandeh (STScI), Nao Suzuki (LBL), Qinan Wang (MIT), Yuhan Yao (Berkeley)
Please visit our webpage for details, including upcoming deadlines.
Celebrating 20 years of Swift Discoveries
- Meeting Dates: 2025 Mar 24 - 28
- Meeting Location: Florence, Italy
- Abstract Deadline: 2024 Dec 31
- Early Registration Deadline: 2025 Feb 10
- Regular Registration Deadline: 2025 Mar 16
- Late Registration Deadline: 2025 Mar 16
When the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory was launched on November 20, 2004, its prime objective was to chase Gamma-Ray Bursts. Since then, the mission has far exceeded its original scientific goals. Swift discovered the first afterglows and host galaxies of short-hard GRBs, and a growing sample of events from the local Universe to the epoch of reionization, providing arcsecond positions, light curves, and spectra for more than 1,500 events.
Over time, Swift has become an unequalled Target of Opportunity machine for the astronomical community, thanks to a unique combination of sensitive instrumentation and operational flexibility that provides unprecedented observational capabilities: rapid response coupled with multi-wavelength monitoring of any class of transient/variable object.
After almost 20 years of operations, we think it a fitting occasion to revisit Swift's achievements and to put our mission in the context of the rapidly evolving fields of time-domain and multi-messenger astrophysics. Therefore, we are organizing the meeting "Celebrating 20 years of Swift Discoveries", to be held on March 24-28, 2025, in Florence, Italy, at the Firenze Fiera conference center.
Please mark your calendar to save the date!
Please visit our webpage for details, including upcoming deadlines.
XMM 25th
Anniversary Conference
- Meeting Dates: 2025 Apr 01 - 03
- Meeting Location: Washington D.C.
- Abstract Deadline: TBA
- Early Registration Deadline: TBA
- Regular Registration Deadline: TBA
On December 10, 1999, XMM was launched into orbit on an Ariane 5
rocket, beginning its 25 year journey for X-ray astronomy.
Jointly with our ESA partners, we will be holding a 3-day virtual data analysis workshop on April 1-3 2025. Later in late May/early June we will be holding an XMM 25th Anniversary conference in the Washington D.C. metro area. This is planned for three days and will be a similar but expanded version of our 20th Anniversary symposium at GSFC in 2019.
Details for registration for both will be announced soon.
Please mark your calendar to save the date!
An extraordinary journey into the Transient Sky: from restless progenitor stars to explosive multi-messenger signals
- Meeting Dates: 2025 Apr 01 - 04
- Meeting Location: Padova, Italy
- Abstract submission and Registration opens: 2024 Oct 21
- Abstract submission closes: 2024 Dec 15
- Abstract selection: 2025 Feb 1
- Registration closes: 2025 Mar 1
A conference in honour of Enrico Cappellaro, Massimo Della Valle,
Laura Greggio, Massimo Turatto
We are delighted to announce the conference: "An extraordinary journey
into the Transient Sky: from restless progenitor stars to explosive
multi-messenger signals. A conference in honour of Enrico
Cappellaro, Massimo Della Valle, Laura Greggio and Massimo Turatto",
which will be held from 1st to 4th April 2025, in Padua (Italy).
Supernovae play a key role in various issues in modern astronomy and
cosmology. Current surveys have given an enormous boost to the study
of transients and supernovae in particular, and it is essential to
discuss the state-of-the-art before entering a golden age of the
study of the transient Universe. Thanks to the synoptic surveys that
will monitor every night the entire visible sky, from optical to
radio, and the new-generation instrumentation that will make it
possible to observe all the messengers associated with supernova
explosions, from photons to neutrinos, from high-energy particles to
gravitational waves, it will finally be possible to have both a
statistically significant sample of events and a very detailed
overview of individual events.
The study of supernovae in the Italian scientific community began in
the 1960s with the work of Leonida Rosino and Roberto Barbon and
subsequently received a great impulse thanks to Enrico Cappellaro,
Massimo Della Valle, Laura Greggio and Massimo Turatto, who studied
in Padua in the same years. With this international conference, we
intend to celebrate their retirement by recalling their important
contribution to the study of supernovae and discussing the still
open challenges that we are ready to take up.
Reviewing the trajectory of our honorees, we will touch on topics such
as the progenitors of supernovae, the search for supernovae and their
rates, the supernova class zoo, supernovae in connection with
gamma-ray bursts, and supernova observations in the age of
multi-messenger Astronomy.
For additional questions, please see the conference website.
First Galaxies - the building blocks of galaxies across cosmic time
- Meeting Dates: 2025 Apr 07 - 11
- Meeting Location: Oxford, UK
- Abstract submission opens: 2024 October 18
- Abstract submission closes: 2024 December 20
- Registration closes: 2025 Mar 1
The unparalleled near-infrared capabilities of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) allow us to study distant galaxies in remarkable detail. This has ushered in a new era of galaxy evolution studies. With new knowledge of the properties of the stars, gas and dust that make up these early galaxies, we can now start to gain insights into the physical processes driving the assembly of the earliest galaxies, and how they evolve into their lower redshift descendants.
This conference will be an opportunity to highlight recent observational and theoretical results shedding new light on the detailed properties of the stellar populations and interstellar medium (ISM) of galaxies through the early phases of cosmic history. It will also serve as a forum for discussing how new JWST results are transforming our understanding of the formation and evolution of galaxies from early times through to the present day.
Scientific Focus:
- Nature of stellar populations in distant galaxies
- Properties of the interstellar medium across redshifts
- Chemical enrichment and build-up of dust across cosmic time
- Spatially resolved studies of galaxies and their environments
- Impact of galaxies on cosmic reionization
- How can simulations and theory help interpret the latest observations
- Feedback and regulating galaxy growth
Rebecca Bowler (Manchester);
Andy Bunker (Oxford, co-chair);
Alex Cameron (Oxford, co-chair);
Emma Curtis-Lake (Hertfordshire);
Richard Ellis (UCL);
Laura Pentericci (INAF-Rome);
Aayush Saxena (Oxford, co-chair);
Stephen Wilkins (Sussex)
Kit Boyett;
Andy Bunker;
Alex Cameron;
Leanne O'Donnell;
Gareth Jones;
Aayush Saxena
For additional questions, please see the conference website.
X-ray Quasi-Periodic Eruptions and Repeating Nuclear Transients
- Meeting Dates: 2025 Jun 16 - 19
- Meeting Location: Madrid, Spain
- Abstract and Registration Opens: 2025 Jan 13
- Abstract Submission Deadline: 2025 Feb 28
- Accepted Abstract Notices: 2025 March
- Registration closes: 2025 May 2
A series of extreme-variability phenomena associated with supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in galactic nuclei are being revealed with increasing frequency in recent years thanks to enhanced survey capabilities across the electromagnetic spectrum. The observation of these extreme phenomena has opened the way to the study of the physics of SMBHs in real time - something that, until a decade ago, was exclusively associated with stellar-mass black holes. As the baseline of follow-up observations extends, repeating events have gathered more and more observational evidence in the recent past.
Understanding the diverse phenomena presented by multi-wavelength
observations - a non-exhaustive list of which is given below - is
challenging and competing interpretations are being actively
debated. With this workshop, we aim at providing an environment
where observers and theorists can gather together to investigate
whether a detailed look at individual sources, and the broader
characteristics of source samples, can reveal common threads which
will enable us to advance our understanding of the dynamic and
complex environments which exist in galactic nuclei.
- Full and partial Tidal Disruption Events
- Multi-wavelength emission and outflows in nuclear transients
- X-ray Quasi-Periodic Eruptions in galactic nuclei
- Quasi-Periodic Oscillations from supermassive black holes
- Changing-look and changing-state Active Galactic Nuclei
- Supermassive black hole binaries, Extreme Mass-Ratio Inspirals, Gravitational Waves
- Theory and numerical simulations
Riccardo Arcodia, Alessia Franchini, Suvi Gezari, Erin Kara, Itai Linial, Giovanni Miniutti (co-chair), Richard Saxton (co-chair), Norbert Schartel, Natalie Webb
Lucia Ballo, Ignacio de la Calle, Jacobo Ebrero, Margherita Giustini (co-chair), Aitor Ibarra Ibaibarriaga, Jose López Miralles, Erwan Quintin (co-chair), Juan Pablo Vega González
Further information:
The workshop is intended to be in-person to ease productive discussion and will lead to the publication of conference proceedings.
For additional questions, please see the workshop website.
Cosmic Cartography with Roman: Advances in Galaxy Structures, Distributions, Dark Matter, and Dark Energy
- Meeting Dates: 2025 Jul 14 - 18
- Meeting Location: Baltimore, MD
- Abstract Opens: 2025 Feb 03
- Registration Opens: 2025 Apr 14
- Registration Deadline: 2025 Jun 09
The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, planned to launch in late 2026, will be capable of surveying the sky 1000 times faster than the Hubble Space Telescope with similar sensitivity and resolution. A combination of near-infrared imaging and spectroscopic surveys, designed by Roman's community-defined Core Community Surveys and General Astrophysics Survey programs, will generate unique data-sets and large-area maps of the sky that will catalyze scientific discovery across all of astrophysics. Roman's accurate mapping of stars, galaxies, and galaxy clusters will offer the unique ability to map our Universe, both the seen and the unseen.
This conference aims to focus on the intersection of galaxy formation
and evolution with dark matter and dark energy. It will explore the
novel research that is possible only with large cosmic surveys and
simulations and discuss how the community will be able to optimize
scientific output with Roman in the future. Topics of discussion
will include, but are not limited to, the expected impacts from
Roman observations of galaxy clustering, baryon acoustic
oscillations, weak lensing, galaxy clusters, supernova cosmology,
stellar streams, and dwarf galaxies. The conference will also strive
to foster synergies between contemporaneous experiments to Roman,
such as Euclid, Rubin's LSST, DESI, and Simons Observatory. The
schedule will feature invited talks, contributed talks, posters,
discussion panels, and fun social activities.
Attendance: The workshop will be a hybrid event (in-person and
virtual). To maximize engagement, in-person attendance is encouraged
for all participants, especially speakers.
Ami Choi (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center; Co-Chair), Javier Sanchez (STScI; Co-Chair), Alexandra Amon (Princeton University), Ori Fox (STScI), Konrad Kuijken (Leiden University), Patricia Larsen (Argonne National Laboratory), Lado Samushia (Kansas State University), Yun Wang (Caltech/IPAC), Yuanyuan Zhang (NOIRLab)
Leslie Beauchamp (STScI), Annalisa Calamida (STScI), Samantha Hoffmann (STScI), Max Mutchler (STScI), Cristina Oliveira (STScI), Melissa Shahbandeh (STScI), Shemiah Smith (STScI)
Further information:
The workshop is intended to be in-person to ease productive discussion and will lead to the publication of conference proceedings.
For additional questions, please see the workshop website.
24th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation and 16th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves
- Meeting Dates: 2025 Jul 14 - 18
- Meeting Location: Glasgow, UK
- Abstract Deadline: 2025 Mar 21
- Early Registration Deadline: 2025 May 9
- Registration Deadline: 2025 Jun 29
The International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation is
organised every three years under the guidance of the International
Society on General Relativity and Gravitation. It is the principal
international meeting for scientists working in all areas of
relativity and gravitation.
The Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves is organised
every two years under the guidance of the Gravitational Wave
International Committee. It is the principal international meeting
for scientists working in all areas of gravitational-wave science.
In 2025, the 24th International Conference on General Relativity and
Gravitation (GR24) and the 16th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on
Gravitational Waves (Amaldi16) will be held together as a joint
meeting, bringing together experts from across classical and quantum
gravity, mathematical and applied relativity, gravitational-wave
instrumentation and data-analysis, and multimessenger astronomy.
The GR24-Amaldi Meeting will be held as a primarily in-person event
at the Scottish Event Campus, Glasgow. Online resources will be made
freely available after the event. Meeting organisation is led by the
Institute for Gravitational Research at the University of Glasgow
and the Institute of Physics.
For additional questions, please see the conference website.
24th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation and 16th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves
- Meeting Dates: 2025 Jul 14 - 18
- Meeting Location: Glasgow, UK
- Abstract Deadline: 2025 Mar 21
- Early Registration Deadline: 2025 May 9
- Registration Deadline: 2025 Jun 29
The International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation is
organised every three years under the guidance of the International
Society on General Relativity and Gravitation. It is the principal
international meeting for scientists working in all areas of
relativity and gravitation.
The Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves is organised
every two years under the guidance of the Gravitational Wave
International Committee. It is the principal international meeting
for scientists working in all areas of gravitational-wave science.
In 2025, the 24th International Conference on General Relativity and
Gravitation (GR24) and the 16th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on
Gravitational Waves (Amaldi16) will be held together as a joint
meeting, bringing together experts from across classical and quantum
gravity, mathematical and applied relativity, gravitational-wave
instrumentation and data-analysis, and multimessenger astronomy.
The GR24-Amaldi Meeting will be held as a primarily in-person event
at the Scottish Event Campus, Glasgow. Online resources will be made
freely available after the event. Meeting organisation is led by the
Institute for Gravitational Research at the University of Glasgow
and the Institute of Physics.
For additional questions, please see the conference website.
Massive Black Holes across Cosmic Time
- Meeting Dates: 2025 Sep 08 - 12
- Meeting Location: Cambridge, England
- Abstract Deadline: 2025 Feb (TBA)
- Registration Deadline: 2025 Jun (TBA)
The decisive role of massive black holes in galaxy evolution is implied through scaling relations with
galaxy properties and observations of ubiquitous nuclear outflows
across a wide redshift range. In simulations, accretion onto black
holes is a key ingredient in matching observed galaxy mass
functions. Recently, the surprisingly high abundance of AGN at z>4
revealed through JWST observations has sparked renewed interest in
massive black hole seeding and growth during the first billion
years from both observational and theoretical sides.
The conference aims at bringing together researchers studying massive
black holes across and beyond the electromagnetic spectrum, as
well as theorists and simulators to discuss recent advances in the
research of massive black hole growth, evolution, demographics,
and impact across cosmic time.
We will focus on the following key
- Observational indicators of massive black holes across
cosmic time
- Observational constraints on black hole masses through
a variety of techniques and across wavelengths (including stellar
dynamics, reverberation mapping, single-epoch virial relations,
scaling relations, and gravitational waves)
- Black hole demographics
as a function of redshift through simulationsConstraints on
massive black hole formation (including seeding models) and growth
pathways through theory, and in combination with
- Impact of black holes on galaxy evolution evidenced
through feedback and scaling relations in observations and
Scientific Organising Committee:
Xiaohui Fan (University of
Arizona); Jenny Greene (Princeton University); Sophie Koudmani
(Herts/KICC); Roberto Maiolino (KICC, co-chair); Chris Moore
(KICC/IoA/DAMPT); Priyamvada Natarajan (Yale University); Debora
Sijacki (KICC); Hannah &Ueml;bler (MPE, co-chair)
Local Organising
Sophie Koudmani(Co-chair); Jan Scholtz(Co-chair); Leah
Bigwood; Steve Brereton(admin); Stephanie Buttigieg; Sophia Geris; Lucy
Ivey; Xihan Ji; Ignas Juodžbalis; Roberto Maiolino; Eun-jin Shin; Debora
Sijacki; Alison Wilson (admin)
For additional questions, please see the conference
Highly accreting supermassive black holes across all cosmic times: from the local Universe to cosmic dawn
- Meeting Dates: 2025 Dec 01 - 05
- Meeting Location: Santiago, Chile
Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are among the most dynamic and powerful
sources in the universe, powered by supermassive black holes (SMBHs)
through mass accretion. The accretion rate influences many AGN
properties, with high accretion rates playing a key role in growing
black holes and launching outflows that may shape the host galaxy's
growth. Highly accreting AGN, particularly at low redshift, offer a
benchmark to understand the rapid growth of the first SMBHs in the
early Universe, which remains a mystery to be solved.
Significant theoretical and observational advancements have been made
in understanding fast-accreting systems, thanks to long-running
observatories like VLT, ALMA, JVLA, Chandra, XMM, HST, and NuSTAR,
as well as the recently launched JWST, Euclid, and IXPE. With the
first light of the ELT on the horizon and the recent results from
JWST on the growth of SMBH at high redshift, now is the ideal time
to convene and share insights on highly accreting SMBHs. The
workshop will gather astronomers to summarize the field's current
status, bridging the accretion history from the early to the local
Universe, and explore the mechanisms driving their growth and impact
on the Universe.
This workshop will focus on the following key themes:
- NLS1s and other low-z highly accreting AGN and their cosmological implications;
- Outflows, jets, feedback in highly accreting sources from the nearby Universe to cosmic dawn;
- Surrounding environment and host galaxy properties of highly accreting AGN at all epochs;
- Theoretical and observational advances in the nuclear properties of extreme accreting AGN from low-z to high-z;
- Changing-look, tidal disruption event and their implication in changing the accretion state of AGN;
- Recent progress in the study of QSOs at high-z and AGN evolution;
- Recent observations with state-of-the-art facilities (JWST, ALMA,
XMM-Newton), future observations with new facilities (Vera Rubin,
Athena, ELT, SKA, 4MOST, AXIS, PRIMA), theoretical modeling and
The workshop will be held in person at the ESO premises in Santiago,
Chile, with remote participation available via MS Teams.
For additional questions, please email to agn2025_loc[AT]eso[DOT]org
or check out the conference website.
Other Selected Astronomy, Physics and Space Science
Selected Astronomy-related Technology (e.g.,
Instrumentation) Meetings
Selected Astronomy-related Physics, Computational,
Data Analysis, Software or Statistics Meetings
Selected Space Science-related Education and Public
Outreach Meetings
- None
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Last modified: Tuesday, 04-Feb-2025 13:10:52 EST