Announcements of Upcoming Summer Schools

Notice that this list is not meant to be all-inclusive, but concentrates on summer schools of potential interest to X-ray, gamma-ray, cosmic-ray, and gravitational astrophysicists. The HEASARC also maintains a list of upcoming (mostly high-energy astrophysics) meetings, as well as a list of on-line proceedings of high-energy astrophysics summer schools. Updates, corrections, and/or suggestions about summmer schools should be sent to the HEASARC Help Desk.

High Energy Astrophysics Summer Schools

2024 Jul 1 - 12: Summer School on Gravitational Wave Astronomy

2024 Jul 29 - Aug 2: ZTF Summer School 2024

Other Astrophysics-Related Summer Schools

2024 Jul 2 - 11: 7th Institute of Space Sciences Summer School

Details of High Energy Astrophysics Summer Schools

Summer School on Gravitational Wave Astronomy

Workshop Dates: 2024 Jul 1 - 12
Workshop Location: Bengaluru, India
Early Registration Deadline: 2024 Mar 31

Now that observation of gravitational waves (GWs) from coalescing compact binary mergers has become routine, it is intriguing to consider other potential sources of GWs. With the upcoming observing runs of LIGO, Virgo and KAGRA, there is a possibility that such signals could be detected. This year's ICTS GW Summer School will focus on the sources and searches for continuous GWs. This includes continuous GWs from rapidly spinning neutron stars in our own galaxy as well as exotic sources such as axion clouds around black holes.


  • The astrophysics of neutron stars and binaries (Dipankar Bhattacharya, Ashoka University)
  • Ultralight boson clouds around black holes (Nils Siemonsen, Princeton University)
  • Rapidly spinning neutron stars and emission mechanisms (Keith Riles, University of Michigan)
  • Searches for continuous GWs: Methods and results (Alicia M Sintes, University of the Balearic Islands)
Eligibility criteria: The school is primarily meant for graduate students and postdocs working in GW astrophysics and related fields. A small number of highly motivated senior undergraduates can also be considered. Background in general relativity, numerical methods and astrophysics is a prerequisite for the school.

For more information, check out the school web page.

ZTF Summer School 2024

Workshop Dates: 2024 Jul 29 - Aug 2
Workshop Location: University of Minnesota, USA
Workshop Application Deadline: 2024 May 1

We are delighted to announce that due to continued funding from the National Science Foundation and support from our partners at the University of Washington, Seattle, we will hold a fourth edition of the ZTF summer school. As in previous years, we continue with the same successful hybrid format, with both in-person and virtual attendance possible. We expect to accept up to 20 in-person and 40 online participants. The school will take place on Jul 29- Aug 2 and will be hosted by the University of Minnesota, USA.

This year's theme for the ZTF summer school is AI and machine learning in time-domain astronomy. The program will have a special focus on unsupervised and supervised learning, deep learning, simulation based inference and more. Best suited for graduate students and above, the school offers a week of hands-on training with Python Jupiter notebooks under the guidance of experts in the field. This year, we will wrap up with a special data challenge to apply the newly learned skills. Students will mainly work with astronomical data from the ZTF survey and other transient survey data.

The school format includes short lectures and interactive hands-on sessions when students will work with Python Jupyter notebooks to complete data processing assignments under the guidance of tutors. The school will run approximately between 9 am and 4 pm CDT (UTC-5) each day. During that time, students who participate online will be able to submit questions to tutors via Slack. Students whose time zones make it inconvenient to join the school can work on their own. They are welcome to submit questions on Slack and our tutors will respond as soon as possible.

The final program for the school is currently in development and will be posted in June.

For more information, check out the school web page.

Details of Other Astrophysics-Related Summer schools

7th Institute of Space Sciences Summer School

Workshop Dates: 2024 Jul 2 - 11
Workshop Location: Barcelona, Spain
Early Registration Deadline: 2024 Apr 15
Late Registration (upon availability and without financial support) Deadline: 2024 Jun 15

ICE-CSIC does forefront scientific and technological research with the mission of contributing to our understanding of the Cosmos.

Our centre organises a Summer School for Master and PhD students every year in summer, usually during the month of July.

Students from everywhere have the opportunity to broaden their knowledge, network with researchers and use the experience acquired for their thesis, PhD or post-doc research in the future.

The 7th Institute of Space Sciences Summer School will take place in Barcelona, from July 2nd until July 11th, 2024. The theme this year will be Multiwavelength approach to exoplanetary systems. It will be focused on exoplanet detection and characterisation, as well as on the study of the interaction between exoplanets and their host stars.

Exoplanetary sciences are on a boom, with several existing and upcoming missions that are enlarging the number of known planets of all masses and types, and are improving our knowledge of their atmospheres and interior (e.g. TESS, PLATO, Ariel). The field is connected to several topics of different disciplines: stellar magnetic activity, planetary formation and evolution, magnetism, atmospheric dynamics, the search for extraterrestrial life and possibly many more.

The 2024 Summer School at ICE-CSIC is focused on observations at different wavelengths, exploiting the in-house expertise and existing collaborations. The prime objective being to provide junior astronomers with a foundation in the field of exoplanets through lectures by prominent researchers in the field.

It will be divided into two parts: the first one will be devoted to the understanding of the basics of detection methods, and on how each of them can provide insights into the characterisation of the mass, radius, orbital properties and stability of the exoplanets, the composition and structure of their atmospheres, and the understanding of the stellar hosts including state-of-the art machine learning techniques. The second part aims at forming the students on planetary radio emission and magnetic fields, a topic that recently gained interest in the community. Observational methods and planetary models will be discussed. The school will include extensive hands-on sessions with the aim of showing examples of data analysis for some specific planetary systems, as well as of some numerical models.

ICE-CSIC will welcome around 50 Master and Doctoral students to attend the Summer School, in which they will broaden their knowledge in the exoplanetary field as well as they will get in touch with the other research groups working at the institute. Applications from early-career postdocs are also welcome.

For more information, check out the school web page.

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Last modified: Monday, 24-Jun-2024 15:21:48 EDT