HEASARC-Related Publications Overview
Note: The HEASARC's Browse mission tables often contain bibliographic code
tags (bibcodes) which identify papers which have used specific datasets: there
is a web page which gives more
information on the breakdown of these bibcodes by mission and year. Refereed Papers Which Refer to HEASARC-Supported Missions, by YearThe table below lists the numbers of refereed publications for HEASARC-archived missions (and 2 other missions, MAXI and AGILE, which are not archived in the HEASARC) by year in the interval from 1993 to last year, where active, ie., still operational, high-energy missions have been given bold names and CMB mission names are italicized. The search was done using a variety of search tools and bibliographic sources, including searches for references which have the mission name in their abstract using the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS), the Fermi Science Support Center, XMM-Newton Guest Observer Facility and Swift Guest Observer Facility's bibliographies, the Suzaku bibliography at ISAS, and the Chandra X-ray Center's Chandra bibliography. Clicking on the number will display a list of papers for that mission, for that year, except for Fermi where it will take you to the Fermi Bibliography Tool page and for XMM-Newton and Suzaku where it will display the entirety of all the mission papers. The results from these relatively unsophisticated searches should be used with care, as they may be incomplete and/or contain some extraneous papers.
This figure shows in a graphical form the above table of the annual numbers
of refereed publications for the major HEASARC missions for the period
from 1993 to 2014 inclusive.
All Refereed Papers Which Refer to Other (Older) HEASARC-Supported MissionsThe table below gives publications for other HEASARC-archived missions summed over four 5-year time intervals, Jan 2007 to Dec 2011, Jan 2002 to Dec 2006, Jan 1997 to Dec 2001 and Jan 1992 to Dec 1996. As before, the search was done using the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) to search for references to the mission name in the abstract of all refereed publications (some non-mission related references were deleted). Clicking on the number will display the list of papers for that mission for this time interval.
A Selective Bibliography of Refereed Papers which used HEASARC Software/ResourcesThis lists the papers in the IOP science journals (most notably ApJ, ApJL, ApJS and AJ) published in the last 10-year period which reference using HEASARC software and/or other services (specifically identified by searching for the word listed below in the full text of the articles in these journals). We list the results obtained when we last performed this query (on April 7, 2014). By clicking on the number, the user can repeat the search and obtain the number for the 10-year period up to the time of their query. Clearly, these results are not independent, i.e, some publications will contain references to more than one of these search terms.
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