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Most PLT commands operate on `groups' of data points. The default is for each vector of the input data to be in a separate group. For the default mode, commands like COlor and MArker affect the appearance of an entire vector. Using the SKip command, it is possible to independently control the appearance of sub-sets of data within a single vector. Thus, when using SKip, a single y vector can be divided into several plot groups that can be independently controlled with COlor, MArker, R Y1, etc. Currently, SKip should only be used when the input data consists of two vectors as the other vectors will not be plotted. Note, SKip cannot affect whether a data point has an error associated with it.

SKip OFf
Each vector of the input data is plotted as a separate group (default).

SKip Single
A new plotting group begins every time x-coordinate equals NO (the no data flag) ONE or more consecutive times. SKip Single is useful when you wish to plot different groups with different markers.

SKip Double
A new plotting group begins every time x-coordinate equals NO (the no data flag) TWO or more consecutive times. SKip Double is useful when you wish to plot different groups using lines that may contain breaks.

Example: Consider the QDP file:

  1  2
  2  1
  3  4
  4  3
  5  6
  6  5
With the default SKip Off, the above will be plotted as two groups each containing nine points. Using SKip Single, would cause the above data to be divided into three groups. The first group would consist of the data in the first three lines, the second would come from lines four to seven, and the third group from lines eight and nine. Using Skip Double would cause the above data to be plotted as two groups with lines one through seven being in the first group and the last two lines making the second group.

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