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The QDP/PLT software was originally developed on a DEC-VMS system and later ported to a SUN-UNIX and NeXT NeXTStep systems. QDP/PLT is currently supported on these three systems. Since standard Fortran is extremely portable, it should be a simple matter to port QDP/PLT to other systems. Support for other systems will be minimal (due to lack of time), but occasionally QDP/PLT will be tested on other systems, such as MS DOS, to ensure that major problems are not being introduced.

The author is interested in any attempt to port the QDP/PLT software to other systems and should be consulted before any such attempt is made. System dependent routines have been isolated into two files called SYSIO.xxx and SYS.xxx, where xxx denotes the operating system. If the software is ported to new systems, it may be necessary to add additional routines to the SYS.xxx file. Although SYS.xxx should only be used on one system, you should still write the routines in standard Fortran so that others can use your file as a template.

Web Page Maintained by: Dr. Lawrence E. Brown elwin@redshift.gsfc.nasa.gov