Hakucho Bibliography: Non-refereed Publications

From Sco X-1 to magnetars: Past, present, and future of X-ray studies of neutron stars
Makishima, K, MmSAI, 84, 547 (2013)
Importance to Observe GRBs in Soft X-Ray Energies — Summary of the HAKUCHO, GINGA and ASCA Observations in Soft X-Ray Energies
Murakami, T, All-Sky X-Ray Observations in the Next Decade, 147 (1997)
Correlation between X-ray flux and rotational acceleration in VELA X-1
Deeter, J et al., uwsa rept (1989)
Grazing incidence optics for the X-ray astronomy mission SXO
Tanaka, Y & Makino, F, SPIE, 830, 242 (1988)
Observations of X-ray pulsars
Nagase, F, Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 1 (1988)
Results of the Timing Analyses of X-Ray Pulsars Observed by Hakucho and TENMA (abstract)
Nagase, F, IAUS, 125, 200 (1987)
Some developments in optical telescope instrumentation and data reduction systems in Japan
Isobe, S, RMxAA, 14, 722 (1987)
Old Soldier’s Tale-How the “HAKUCHO” Satellite Went into Orbit
Oda, M, Cosmic Pathways: Contemporary Perpectives in Physics and Astrophysics, 364 (1986)
Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in Galactic Bulge Sources Observed by Hakucho
Matsuoka, M, ASSL, 113, 139 (1985)
Simultaneous X-ray, optical and infrared observations of X-ray binaries
Gnedin, I, AbaOB, 58, 239 (1985)
GB 811016 and EXO 0748-676
Laros, J et al., IAUC, 4054, 1 (1985)
MXB 1730-335
Stella, L et al., IAUC, 4110, 1 (1985)
Type I X-Ray Bursts
Matsuoka, M, Galactic and Extra-Galactic Compact X-ray Sources, 45 (1985)
Quasi-periodicity of the Rapid Burster in 1983
Kunieda, H, X-ray Astronomy '84, 141 (1985)
X-ray properties of the galactic bulge sources
Shibazaki, N & Mitsuda, K, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 63 (1984)
Recent observations of transient and variable x-ray sources with satellites “Hakucho” and “Tenma”
Oda, M, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 103 (1984)
X-ray pulsars observed with hakucho and tenma
Nagase, F et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 131 (1984)
Joint timing analysis of A0535+26 at 1980 outburst
Kawai, N & Nagase, F, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 146 (1984)
A precursor in a large x-ray burst and the expanding envelope of the neutron star
Tawara, Y, Kii, T & Hayakawa, S, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 257 (1984)
Observation of a cosmic gamma-ray burst on hakucho
Katoh, M et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 390 (1984)
Satellite observations
srja, nasa, 3 (1984)
Infrared Object near XB 1812-12
Kodaira, K, IAUC, 3846, 2 (1983)
Hercules X-1 and MXB 1730-335
Tanaka, Y, IAUC, 3852, 2 (1983)
New X-Ray Source
Tanaka, Y, IAUC, 3891, 2 (1983)
Observation of Oct 16 1981 Cosmic Gamma Burst by Hakucho Satellite
Katoh, M et al., International Cosmic Ray Conference, 22 (1983)
Recent results on galactic X-ray sources
Tanaka, Y, International Cosmic Ray Conference, 91 (1983)
New Space Observatories / IRAS / TENMA / Hakucho / Astron / EXOSAT
S&T, 66, 216 (1983)
X-ray bursts: nuclear flash model and its difficulties
Hayakawa, S, Third Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, 869 (1983)
Some topics on the x-ray pulsars and the x-ray bursts observed by the satellite Hakucho
Oda, M, Gamma Ray Transients and Related Astrophysical Phenomena, 319 (1982)
Association of recurrent soft x-ray transients with x-ray burst sources
Murakami, T, Gamma Ray Transients and Related Astrophysical Phenomena, 339 (1982)
X-ray Spectrum of Cen X-3 from HAKUCHO
Lieu, R et al., BAAS, 14, 965 (1982)
X-Ray/Optical/Infrared/Radio Observations
Lewin, W & Oda, M, IAUC, 3681, 2 (1982)
GX 301-2 = 4u 1223-62
Oda, M, IAUC, 3688, 1 (1982)
Soft X-Ray Transient
Oda, M, IAUC, 3695, 2 (1982)
GX 301-2 = 4u 1223-62
Oda, M, IAUC, 3703, 3 (1982)
Possible Identification of X-Ray Burster with Serpens X-2
Oda, M, IAUC, 3723, 1 (1982)
A neutron star observed with the Hakucho satellite
Oda, M, JSICE, 21, 575 (1982)
Variations of pulse periods of X-ray pulsars
Hayakawa, S, Accreting Neutron Stars, 14 (1982)
Japanese X-ray astronomy program
Hayakawa, S, Accreting Neutron Stars, 314 (1982)
Observations of X-ray bursts by the ‘Hakucho’ satellite
Oda, M, ASSL, 87, 61 (1981)
X-ray pulsars observed with "HAKUCHO". I. Vela X-1
Nagase, F, AstHe, 74, 336 (1981)
Some X-Ray Pulsars and Bursters Observed with Hakucho
Oda, M, BAAS, 13, 908 (1981)
Optical/Infrared/X-ray Observations in 1981
Lewin, W et al., IAUC, 3568, 1 (1981)
Oda, M, Oda, N & Jugaku, J, IAUC, 3575, 1 (1981)
Nova Coronae Austrinae 1981
Mattei, J et al., IAUC, 3594, 1 (1981)
GX 339-4 = 4u 1658-48
Giles, A & Adams, D, IAUC, 3594, 2 (1981)
GX 339-4
Oda, M, IAUC, 3616, 2 (1981)
GX 17+2
Oda, M et al., IAUC, 3624, 1 (1981)
V1333 Aquilae = 4U 1908+00
Paradijs, J et al., IAUC, 3626, 1 (1981)
GX 17+2
Oda, M, IAUC, 3628, 4 (1981)
X-Ray/Optical/Infrared/Radio Observations
Lewin, W & Oda, M, IAUC, 3652, 1 (1981)
Pulse Profiles and Spin Change of VELA X-1
Hayakawa, S & Nagase, F, International Cosmic Ray Conference, 42 (1981)
Diagnosis of the neutron star and its environment with X-ray astronomy
Oda, M, Plasma Astrophysics, 251 (1981)
X-ray astronomy program in Japan
Tanaka, Y, xras, nasa, 219 (1981)
4U 1907+09
Marshall, N, Watson, M & Oda, M, IAUC, 3452, 1 (1980)
4U 1608-52
Oda, M, IAUC, 3469, 3 (1980)
X-Ray Outburst of Aquila X-1 (4U 1908+00)
Oda, M & Margon, B, IAUC, 3481, 1 (1980)
Cygnus X-1
Oda, M, IAUC, 3491, 2 (1980)
Cygnus X-1
Oda, M, IAUC, 3502, 2 (1980)
X-Ray Bursts
Oda, M & Grindlay, J, IAUC, 3506, 2 (1980)
Oda, M, IAUC, 3520, 1 (1980)
X-Ray Nova
Oda, M, IAUC, 3525, 2 (1980)
Oda, N, IAUC, 3527, 1 (1980)
Cygnus X-1
Oda, N, IAUC, 3541, 2 (1980)
Optical/X-ray Observations of X-Ray Burst Sources
Lewin, W et al., IAUC, 3334, 2 (1979)
4U 1608-52
Oda, M, Kaluzienski, L & Holt, S, IAUC, 3349, 1 (1979)
Novalike Object in Centaurus
Oda, M & Liller, W, IAUC, 3366, 2 (1979)
Possible X-Rays from MXB1730-333
Oda, M, IAUC, 3392, 1 (1979)
Pedersen, H et al., IAUC, 3399, 1 (1979)
Optical/X-ray Observations in 1980
Lewin, W et al., IAUC, 3420, 2 (1979)
X-Ray Observation by the Satellite ‘hakucho’ Corsa-B i) the Outline
Inoue, H et al., International Cosmic Ray Conference, 5 (1979)
X-Ray Observation by the Satellite ‘hakucho’ Corsa-B Ii) Searching for X-Ray Burst Sources
Hakucho Team et al., International Cosmic Ray Conference, 52 (1979)
X-Ray Observation by the Satellite ‘hakucho’ Corsa-B Iii) Observation of Two X-Ray Burst Sources: 4U1608-52 and 4U1702-42
Hakucho Team et al., International Cosmic Ray Conference, 55 (1979)
X-Ray Observation by the Satellite ‘hakucho’ Corsa-B Iv) Transient X-Ray Sources
Hakucho Team et al., International Cosmic Ray Conference, 57 (1979)
X-Ray Observation by the Satellite ‘hakucho’ Corsa-B v) Soft X-Ray Sources
Hakucho Team et al., International Cosmic Ray Conference, 60 (1979)
X-Ray Observation by the Satellite ‘hakucho’ Corsa-B v) Soft X-Ray Sources
Hakucho Team et al., International Cosmic Ray Conference, 7 (1979)