
For the user

There are several issues that could be addressed here; most of them are matters that apply to traditional printed media, e.g. write clearly, check your spelling, etc.

Avoid using vague words like 'click here' as the link to other pages. Try to make linking words or phrases part of a meaningful sentence, so that the user has a clear understanding of where they are going once they connect to another page. Make no mention of the links themselves in the text. The paragraph in which a link is contained should be as readable as if there were no links present at all.

Even though your pages may have been created with a particular sequence in mind, it is important to remember that readers may connect to any of the pages in any order. Therefore, your text and vocabulary should stand alone. Avoid starting the page with phrases like, "The next thing to consider..." It may also be helpful to link key words in the opening paragraph of each document to background information.

For more on keeping links in context and improving readability, see this Style Guide for Online Hypertext.

For maintainers

WWW documents should be clean, crisp, and readable, just like programming code. Use comment lines or copious white space when more clarity is needed or to separate sections of html code. A comment block in HTML is marked with the < !-- (text) --> tags. It helps to have the page author's name in the file, either in a comment block or as the mailto (visible on the viewable Web page).

Style Guide Readability
Device Independence
HEASARC Specifics

Page author: Karen Smale

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Last modified: Monday, 19-Jun-2006 11:24:57 EDT