The Copernicus Archive
The Copernicus archive at HEASARC includes the
Raw data from the UCLX experiment restored in FITS by the HEASARC.
No other data are available
from the HEASARC archive.
Experiment |
Raw Data |
The Copernicus UCLXE raw data can be selected using the database
XCOPRAW available from
Browse or directly from the
Copernicus FTP area in the HEASARC archive.
Data from the UV experiment are available
from the
STSci archive .
The RAW Copernicus UCLXE data :
The original file structure contained an header followed by the
data records.
Two types of header record were present in the original file storing
different parameters. A string set to HEAD or SL identified the header type.
The HEAD data are pointed to a source position, instead the SL data
are raster scan around the source position.
The data records contain the scientific data from all 4 instruments,
HK data and pointing constraints. Typically several files contribute to
one observation.
The data are organized in each FITS file with the same
content of the original file. The FITS layout consists of one
extension bintable containing both scientific and housekeeping data.
The scientific data are stored in the columns CNT_1_3, CNT_3_9, CNT_6_18 and
CNT_CPM and are from the 1-3 Å, 3-9 Å, 6-18 Å and the channeltron
detectors respectively. There are in total 6563 FITS files.
A few data records in the original files had unrecoverable errors.
This is less 1 % of the total archive.
The native format of the Copernicus UCLXE data did not contain
the pointing position but only the source name and the observation log
was not available in a suitable format when the FITS files were created.
The coordinates in the fits file were mostly obtained by cross-correlating
the object name with various catalogs available from HEASARC and SIMBAD
and with the object name listed in the archive of the UV experiment,
Princeton Experiment Package, on Copernicus.
For 131 files no matching object name was found in any of
the catalogs searched. These files can be identified by the keyword
CATID1 and CATALOG set both to 'NONE' and the RA and DEC at 1950 equinox
set to -999. The original SL header record did not contain either
coordinates or object name. The RA_OBJ, DEC_OBJ, OBJECT keywords,
in fits file with IDHEADER=SL, are retained from the HEAD observation
immediately preceeding (in time) the current SL file.
Offset observations with respect to a source position have coordinates
equal to the that source position (e.g. 3U1743-29PT3 is MX1743-29 or
The observation log was in a form of microfilm and not usable to extract
easily coordinates. However we converted the microfilm to gif files
(one gif for each microfilm frame). These files are available
in the
Copernicus FTP area in the HEASARC archive and they can be used to verify
the exact pointing.
The FITS files includes data also taken with a 6 channel Pulse Height Analyzer
connected with one of the 3 proportional counters, however no response matrix
is available to analyse the spectra.
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Page authors: Lorella Angelini Jesse Allen
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Last modified: Friday, 25-Sep-2020 16:49:23 EDT