Diffuse X-ray Spectrometer Bibliography

photo of DXS in the shuttle bay
  1. Resolving the Origin of the Diffuse Soft X-Ray Background
    Smith, R et al., ApJ, 787, 77 (2014)
  2. The X-Ray-Emitting Components toward l = 111°: The Local Hot Bubble and Beyond
    Kuntz, K & Snowden, S, ApJ, 674, 209 (2008)
  3. X-rays from the Local Bubble
    Freyberg, M, Ap&SS, 289, 229 (2004)
  4. A High Spectral Resolution Observation of the Soft X-Ray Diffuse Background with Thermal Detectors
    McCammon, D et al., ApJ, 576, 188 (2002)
  5. Modeling the Local Interstellar Medium
    Breitschwerdt, D, Ap&SS, 276, 163 (2001)
  6. Spectra of the 1/4 keV X-Ray Diffuse Background from the Diffuse X-Ray Spectrometer Experiment
    Sanders, W et al., ApJ, 554, 694 (2001)
  7. The Soft X-ray Background Spectrum from DXS
    Sanders, W et al., LNP, 506, 83 (1998)
  8. The Study of the Diffuse X-Ray Background Between 150 EV and 280 EV with the Diffuse X-Ray Spectrometer
    Morgenthaler, J, PhD Thesis, 23 (1998)

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Last modified: Thursday, 24-Sep-2020 18:38:53 EDT