Recent discoveries made with the EXOSAT medium energy experiment have highlighted
the need to improve the on-board high time resolution application software. The
Observatory has therefore implemented a number of new on-board computer programs
(modes - eg. MHER7, MHTR5, MHTR4) to exploit to the full the capabilities of the
system. Naturally, with several ME experiment modes designed for quite specific
applications, the selection of a particular combination of modes which would
maximise the scientific return from an observation is not always straightforward.
To assist the user, a few standard OBC configurations suitable for observing a
wide range of classes of X-ray object have therefore been defined and are
outlined in this note. Note that the two new OBC modes, MHTR4 and MHTR5, are
described on p.34.
1a) Faint ME Source (a)
This is the standard EXOSAT configuration for observations of weak ME sources, if
high time resolution is not important. The ME array halves will normally be
swapped every 3 hr or so using the standard array swap strategy (eg. HI+, H2-,
Hl-, H2+ etc) to give the best estimate of the background counting rate.
Unexpected brightening of the source or solar activity should not cause CPU
or telemetry overload problems.
OBC Program Comments % Telementry
MHER4 det.ID, 256 channel spectra
every 10s. Intensity samples 27
(Ar+Xe) every 0.25s.
MHTR5 4 msec intensity samples summed 15
over all Ar detectors.
GHBL4 256 channel spectrum every 8s. 5
LDIR2 Direct mode ~25
1b) Faint ME Source (b)
This configuration substitutes MHER6 for MHTR5 and provides intensity samples
over a selected range of energy channels with a time resolution of 9 msec. If a
limited energy range of 2-6 keV is chosen, the background for an 'offset mode'
observation in the MHER6 data is about a factor of 10 lower than that in MHTR5.
This mode could be used, for example, to search for low level
pulsed emission with periods >50 msec from a supernova remnant. The telemetry
usage, ~84%, is slightly higher than for Faint Source (a). If higher time
resolution is required, it is possible to reduce the telemetry requirements of
the LE by using a diamond filter and hence increase the MHER6 resolution to 6
msec. Note that MHER6 has an option to accumulate intensity samples over two
selected ranges of energy channels.
A major disadvantage of MHER6 is that CPU overload can occur if the source count
rate increases to ~500 cts/sec. This results in a halt of the CPU processor and a
potentially dangerous spacecraft operational state since monitoring of 'safety
mode' conditions is continuously carried out by the 0BC, notwithstanding the loss
of about 20 minutes of data while programs are re-initiated. This mode will
therefore not be used if there is the slightest chance of bright flaring or
bursting behaviour.
2. Intermediate Source Strength Configuration
This configuration is designed to provide high time. resolution spectra during an
X-ray burst. Even during the most intense flares or bursts, the CPU usage will
remain comfortably below the level at which the OBC would halt. It is also suited
to observations of all sources of medium intensity such as long period pulsars
(Vela X-1), dipping sources (X1755-338) etc. The LE is used with a diamond filter
in order to reduce the telemetry load. Depending on whether the observer is
primarily interested in the continuum or burst properties, the ME configuration
can be offset, coaligned or a combination of both. A full LE image can be
acquired if MHTR5 data is collected with a time resolution of 4 msec. Note that
changing the time resolution of the MHTR5 data would result in a loss of about 20
minutes OBC data (QE rates are still available from the housekeeping
OBC Program Comments % Telemetry
MHER5 64channel Ar and Xe spectra
every 1 and 2s respectively and 31
intensity samples (Ar only) every
31 msec per half experiment.
MHTR5 Ar intensity samples summed over 30
all detectors every 2 msec.
GHBL4 256 channel spectra every 2s 17
LDIR2 Diamond filter ~10
= ~88%
3. High Time Resolution Configuration
This configuration is designed to provide the highest possible time resolution
continuous data (0.25 msec) over a selected range of energy channels, together
with high time resolution ME spectra and GSPC spectra at the normal time
resolution. The ME would normally be coaligned although it is sometimes worth
spending 1 hr with each array half offset to obtain good background estimates.
This mode should be considered the standing 'QPO hunting' configuration. Although
certain circumstances may allow it, the LE is normally not operated because of
CPU limitations.
OBC Program Comments % Telemetry
MHTR4 Intensity samples over the 58
whole instrument at 0.25 msec
for a selected energy band.
MHER5 64 channel spectra for Ar and 31
Xe every 1 and 2s and msec Ar
intensity samples per half experiment.
GHBL4 256 channel spectra every 8s. 5
4. Energy Dependent High Time Resolution Configuration
This configuration is designed to give high time resolution data in four energy
bands. It can be used, for example, to determine the energy dependence of any
QPO's detected with the High Time Resolution configuration. Normally the ME
should be coaligned, although an hour or so in array offset mode (each half) is
recommended if spectra are also of prime importance. The maximum incident count
rate (source + background) which can be accommodated with both MHER5 and MHER7
active is ~1300 cts/s. 'Since the Xe background is ~600 cts/s, this represents an
incident source count rate of ~700 cts/s (or~200 UFU; coaligned). For sources
brighter than this, only the Ar data should be routed to the OBC, resulting in a
lower deadtime and no Xe data in the HER5 packets. Incident source count rates of
up to ~1200 cts/s can be accommodated in this way. If required, MHER7 can be
configured to give intensity samples over 2 selectable energy ranges every 2
Alternatively, MHER2 may be substituted for 14HER5. HHER2 will provide 128
channel Argon and Xenon spectra every Is integrated over the whole instrument.
The disadvantage is that if all array is offset to provide background
information, MHER2 be stopped and MHER5 started resulting in the loss of ~5 minutes of ME data. Note
that MHER2 does not provide intensity samples. MHER2 requires
significantly less CPU than MHER5 and can probably be used for all allowable incident count rates.
OBC Program Comments % Telemetry
MHER7 Intensity samples over 4 selected 60
energy bands every 4 msec.
MHER5 64 channel Ar and Xe spectra every 31
1 and 2s respectively and Ar intensity
samples every 31 msec per half experiment
GHBL4 256 channel spectra every 8s. 5
= 96%
5. Extremely Bright Source Energy Dependent Configuration
This configuration has been designed for observations of extremely bright sources
such as Sco X- 1, GX5-1 to provide energy-dependent high time resolution data
with a minimum deadtime from 031, sampling losses. To ensure tile safe operation
of the detectors, tile ME should be coaligned or slightly offset to provide an
incident count rate in each Ar detector of not more than 500 cts/s. Only Ar data
should be routed to the OBC to minimise tile deadtime. Xe data is provided by
MHTR5. Spectral data is provided by the GSPC only if required MHER7 can be
configured to provide intensity samples over 2 selectable energy ranges every
OBC Program Comments % Telemetry
MHER7 Intensity samples summed over 60
4 selectable Ar energy channel
ranges every 4 msec.
MHTR5 Intensity samples summed over all 30
Xe detectors only every 2 msec.
GHBL4 256 channel spectra every 4s. 9
6. Pulsar Configuration
For sources with known periods <10s it is often advisable to use either MPULS
or MPULS2 OBC programs in order to minimise the telemetry load and provide high
quality phase resolved spectra. MPULS should be used with sources brighter than
~50 cts/s and MPULS2 with fainter sources. The telemetry usage depends on the
pulsar period and the number of times the data is folded over this period prior
to telemetry.
Please contact the Observatory Team member planning your observation for more
A. Parmar
[About EXOSAT]