HEAO-3 Bibliography
Publication list from ADS
The HEAO-3 publication list through July 2020 is the result of a query to the
ADS service using the keyword
HEAO3 or HEAO-3. Note: the following links are not section 508 compliant.
- Instrumentation:
- Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Experiment:
The HEAO 3 background: Spectrum observed by a large germanium spectrometer in low earth orbit
Wheaton, W et al., High-Energy Radiation Background in Space, 304 (1989)
- CsI anti-coincidence shield:
Gamma-Ray Burst Localization by HEAO 3
Schwartz, R et al., ApJ, 317, 846 (1987)
- Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Experiment:
The HEAO 3 gamma-ray spectrometer
Mahoney, W et al., NucIM, 178, 363 (1980)
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Page authors: Lorella Angelini Jesse Allen
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Last modified: Thursday, 24-Sep-2020 19:42:29 EDT