Apollo 16 Non-refereed Publications
Iron signatures in Planetary Regoliths: The Moon as Case Study
McFadden, L, Clark, P & Basu, A, DPS, 30, 0702 (1998)
The Distribution of Th on the Moon's Surface
Haskin, L, LPI, 28, 519 (1997)
Continuum background in space-borne gamma-ray detectors.
Evans, L et al., High Energy Radiation Background in Space, 47 (1997)
The Moon as Case Study, 2: Examining the Relationship Between Surface Chemical, Mineralogical, and Physical Properties
Clark, P & McFadden, L, DPS, 28, 1704 (1996)
The galactic gamma-ray flux in the 0.06 to 5 MeV range
Gilman, D et al., Gamma Ray Spectroscopy in Astrophysics, 190 (1978)
Low energy gamma ray astronomy from Apollo 16
Gilman, D, legr book (1977)
Lunar resource surveys from orbit
Arnold, J, spmf conf (1977)
Studies in support of the analysis of astronomical data from Apollo 16
Greisen, K, cuni rept (1976)
Interpretation of Various Radiation Background Observed in the Gamma-Ray Spectrometer Experiments Carried on the Apollo Missions and Implications for Diffuse Gamma-Ray Measurements
Dyer, C et al., International Cosmic Ray Conference, 2 (1975)
A balloon observation of a small cosmic X-ray burst
Ogawara, Y et al., X-Rays in Space - Cosmic, Solar, and Auroral X-Rays, Volume 1, 638 (1975)
Lunar elemental analysis obtained from the Apollo gamma-ray and X-ray remote sensing experiment
Trombka, J et al., Soviet-American Conference on the Cosmochemistry of the Moon and Planets, 4 (1974)
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Page authors: Lorella Angelini Jesse Allen
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Last modified: Wednesday, 09-Sep-2020 15:13:25 EDT