ATHENA Non-refereed Publications

  1. Recent advancements in the technology readiness of the Lynx X-ray Microcalorimeter
    Bandler, S et al., AAS, 235, 13004 (2020)
  2. Mapping the hot baryons in the Universe from XMM-Newton to Athena
    Su, Y et al., AAS, 235, 13802 (2020)
  3. New Results from X-ray Timing of TDEs
    Pasham, D, AAS, 235, 33207 (2020)
  4. Spotting the birth of compact objects using X-ray timing of fast-rising transients
    Pasham, D & Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (Nicer),, AAS, 235, 35003 (2020)
  5. The Arcus Soft X-ray Grating Spectrometer Explorer
    Smith, R & Arcus Team, AAS, 235, 37307 (2020)
  6. Separating accretion and mergers in the cosmic growth of black holes with X-ray and gravitational wave observations
    Pacucci, F & Loeb, A, AAS, 236, 11103 (2020)
  7. High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of Diffuse Emission
    Smith, R & Arcus Team, AAS, 236, 11604 (2020)
  8. State Transition of Accretion-Disk Winds in BH XRBs
    Fukumura, K et al., AAS, 236, 20801 (2020)
  9. Athena X-IFU Event Reconstruction: Extreme Learning Machine Approach
    Ceballos, M & Cobo, B, ASPC, 522, 435 (2020)
  10. LIGO/Virgo trigger S200213t: Possible host galaxies
    Evans, P, GCN 27045 (2020)
  11. The Hot Universe with XRISM and Athena
    Guainazzi, M & Tashiro, M, IAUS, 342, 29 (2020)
  12. What do observations tell us about the highest-redshift supermassive black holes?
    Trakhtenbrot, B, arXiv, 2002, 00972 (2020)
  13. Entering the Era of Dark Matter Astronomy? Near to Long-Term Forecasts in X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Bands
    Zhong, D, Valli, M & Abazajian, K, arXiv, 2003, 00148 (2020)
  14. The warm-hot circumgalactic medium around EAGLE-simulation galaxies and its detection prospects with X-ray and UV line absorption
    Wijers, N, Schaye, J & Oppenheimer, B, arXiv, 2004, 05171 (2020)
  15. Estimating, monitoring and minimizing the travel footprint associated with the development of the Athena X-ray Integral Field Unit -- An on-line travel footprint calculator released to the science community
    Barret, D, arXiv, 2004, 05603 (2020)
  16. XENON1T anomaly from anomaly-free ALP dark matter and its implications for stellar cooling anomaly
    Takahashi, F, Yamada, M & Yin, W, arXiv, 2006, 10035 (2020)
  17. Exploring rapid transient detection with the Athena Wide Field Imager
    Pradhan, P et al., arXiv, 2007, 05548 (2020)
  18. High-resolution X-ray spectroscopy of the stellar wind in Vela X-1 during a flare
    Lomaeva, M et al., arXiv, 2007, 07260 (2020)
  19. Detection capabilities of the Athena X-IFU for the warm-hot intergalactic medium using gamma-ray burst X-ray afterglows
    Walsh, S et al., arXiv, 2007, 10158 (2020)
  20. Constraining the origin and models of chemical enrichment in galaxy clusters using the Athena X-IFU
    Mernier, F et al., arXiv, 2007, 15910 (2020)
  21. THESEUS Insights into ALP, Dark Photon and Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter
    Thorpe-Morgan, C et al., arXiv, 2008, 08306 (2020)
  22. Mock catalogs for the extragalactic X-ray sky: simulating AGN surveys with Athena and with the AXIS probe
    Marchesi, S et al., arXiv, 2008, 09133 (2020)
  23. High-redshift galaxy groups as seen by Athena/WFI
    Zhang, C et al., arXiv, 2008, 09271 (2020)
  24. Transition Edge Sensors devices 'Made in Spain': from fabrication to photon energy measurements
    Ceballos, M et al., Contributions to the XIV.0 Scientific Meeting (virtual) of the Spanish Astronomical Society, 220 (2020)
  25. The Athena Community Office
    Martinez-Nunez, S et al., Contributions to the XIV.0 Scientific Meeting (virtual) of the Spanish Astronomical Society, 232 (2020)
  26. RAS enters world of `Blade Runner'; Polar north bears towards Siberia; Gaia maps stars in other galaxies; New tech opens Athena's eye; Ultima Thule in close-up
    A&G, 60, 0228 (2019)
  27. Reducing the Athena WFI Background with the Science Products Module: Results from Geant4 Simulations
    Miller, E et al., AAS, 233, 15812 (2019)
  28. Probing the physics of AGN feedback with high resolution X-ray spectroscopy
    Ogorzalek, A, AAS, 233, 21302 (2019)
  29. Probing the Inner Regions of Supermassive Black Hole Accretion Disks and Jets
    Keck, M, AAS, 233, 21303 (2019)
  30. Athena: Studying the Energetic Universe
    Brenneman, L, AAS, 233, 24235 (2019)
  31. AtomDB in 2019: New models and features for modeling X-ray emission
    Foster, A, Smith, R & Brickhouse, N, AAS, 233, 25105 (2019)
  32. Normal Galaxy Studies with Next-generation X-ray surveys: eROSITA and Athena WFI
    Basu-Zych, A et al., AAS, 233, 36321 (2019)
  33. Nearby Galaxy Surveys in the 2020's and Beyond: The Post Chandra and XMM-Newton Era
    Vulic, N et al., AAS, 233, 41801 (2019)
  34. US Contributions to the Athena WFI
    Burrows, D, AAS, 233, 46202 (2019)
  35. XQCSAT: A High-Resolution Spectroscopic Study of Hot Gas in the Halo and Interstellar Medium
    McCammon, D & Kaaret, P, AAS, 234, 10805 (2019)
  36. High Energy Exoplanet Science in the Next Decade and Beyond
    Wolk, S, AAS, 234, 20803 (2019)
  37. SIRENA: Software for Athena X-IFU Event Reconstruction
    Ceballos, M et al., ASPC, 521, 663 (2019)
  38. Jitter and Readout Sampling Frequency Impact on the Athena/X-IFU Performance
    Ceballos, M, Cobo, B & Peille, P, ASPC, 523, 547 (2019)
  39. The Next decade (or two) of X-ray Exoplanet Studies.
    Wolk, S, ESS, 4, 33021 (2019)
  40. Unveiling galaxy cluster candidates at z>2 with Planck and NASA's Great Observatories; Prospects for JWST, Euclid, WFIRST, Athena and Lynx.
    Dole, H, HEAD, 17, 10403 (2019)
  41. The joint fluctuations of the CIB and CXB: new ideas, new results and future developments
    Cappelluti, N, HEAD, 17, 10604 (2019)
  42. Constraining the power of X-ray winds: a Bayesian approach
    Ogorzalek, A et al., HEAD, 17, 10622 (2019)
  43. Revealing Intermediate Disk Radii in NGC 4151 with Chandra
    Miller, J et al., HEAD, 17, 10643 (2019)
  44. First results from the NuSTAR Obscured Seyferts Survey
    Kammoun, E & Miller, J, HEAD, 17, 10650 (2019)
  45. Constraining spins of supermassive black holes when they tidally disrupt stars
    Ranga Reddy Ranga Reddy Pasham, D et al., HEAD, 17, 10663 (2019)
  46. Impact of Supernovae-driven Outflows on the Circumgalactic Medium and Its X-ray Properties
    Li, M & Tonnesen, S, HEAD, 17, 10803 (2019)
  47. Nearby Galaxy Surveys in the 2020’s and Beyond: The Post Chandra and XMM-Newton Era
    Vulic, N et al., HEAD, 17, 10823 (2019)
  48. The physics and astrophysics of X-ray outflows from Athena Observations of Active Galactic Nuclei
    Laha, S, HEAD, 17, 10908 (2019)
  49. Athena to probe the cosmic evolution of supermassive black holes with spectral-timing analysis of tidal disruption flares
    Ranga Reddy Ranga Reddy Pasham, D, HEAD, 17, 10909 (2019)
  50. Progress in the development of microcalorimeter arrays for the Athena X-IFU
    Bandler, S, HEAD, 17, 10911 (2019)
  51. Laboratory Astrophysics Needs for Athena
    Smith, R, HEAD, 17, 10915 (2019)
  52. Validating the Athena Calibration Requirements
    Brenneman, L et al., HEAD, 17, 10916 (2019)
  53. Reducing Particle Background of X-ray Silicon Based Detectors Through Correlation Analysis
    Bulbul, E et al., HEAD, 17, 10917 (2019)
  54. Signatures of orbital motion in strongly curved space-time of accreting black holes via the upcoming X-ray missions
    Karas, V et al., HEAD, 17, 10918 (2019)
  55. Reducing the Athena WFI Background with the Science Products Module: Results from Geant4 Simulations
    Miller, E et al., HEAD, 17, 10919 (2019)
  56. Laboratory Measurements in Support of High Energy Astrophysics Orbiting Observatories
    Brown, G, HEAD, 17, 10920 (2019)
  57. HEX-P: The High-Energy X-ray Probe
    Madsen, K et al., HEAD, 17, 10958 (2019)
  58. Arcus, The Soft X-ray Grating Explorer
    Smith, R, HEAD, 17, 10965 (2019)
  59. Spotting the birth of compact objects using X-ray timing of fast-rising transients
    Ranga Reddy Ranga Reddy Pasham, D et al., HEAD, 17, 11116 (2019)
  60. More Complex Than You Thought: Geometry, Kinematics, and Fe Abundance of Matter Surrounding the Accretion Flow in 14 Galactic X-Ray Binaries with 56 Chandra HETG Spectra
    Tzanavaris, P & Yaqoob, T, HEAD, 17, 11247 (2019)
  61. Laboratory benchmarks for collisional excitation cross sections of K-shell transitions in Fe group elements
    Hell, N et al., HEAD, 17, 20303 (2019)
  62. Venturing beyond the ISCO: Probing the black hole plunging region
    Wilkins, D & Reynolds, C, HEAD, 17, 30101 (2019)
  63. The Transient High Energy Sky and Early Universe Surveyor (THESEUS)
    Amati, L et al., HEAD, 17, 30302 (2019)
  64. Athena: ESA's mission to explore the Hot and Energetic Universe
    Nandra, K, HEAD, 17, 30303 (2019)
  65. Discovery and Opportunity in the X-Ray Time Domain
    Haggard, D, IAUS, 339, 143 (2019)
  66. Athena: The First-Ever Encounter of (2) Pallas with a SmallSat
    O'Rourke, J et al., LPI, 50, 2225 (2019)
  67. The Athena Wide Field Imager (WFI) Science Products Module
    Falcone, A & Burrows, D, The Space Astrophysics Landscape for the 2020s and Beyond, 5045 (2019)
  68. Chasing X-ray counterparts of gravitational wave events with Athena
    Guainazzi, M, MmSAI, 90, 87 (2019)
  69. The Transient High-Energy Sky and Early Universe Surveyor (THESEUS)
    Amati, L et al., MmSAI, 90, 118 (2019)
  70. Electrical characterization of prototype DEPFET detectors for Athena's Wide Field Imager
    Bonholzer, M et al., SPIE, 11118, 0F (2019)
  71. Arcus: the soft x-ray grating explorer
    Smith, R et al., SPIE, 11118, 0W (2019)
  72. Status of the wide field imager instrument for Athena
    Meidinger, N et al., SPIE, 11118, 0Y (2019)
  73. US Contributions to the Athena Wide Field Imager
    Burrows, D et al., SPIE, 11118, 0Z (2019)
  74. Optics developments for ATHENA
    Bavdaz, M et al., SPIE, 11119, 0D (2019)
  75. Development and manufacturing of SPO X-ray mirrors
    Landgraf, B et al., SPIE, 11119, 0E (2019)
  76. Installation and commissioning of the silicon pore optics coating facility for the ATHENA mission
    Massahi, S et al., SPIE, 11119, 0F (2019)
  77. Performance and time stability of Ir/SiC X-ray mirror coatings for ATHENA
    Svendsen, S et al., SPIE, 11119, 0G (2019)
  78. Stacking of mirrors for silicon pore optics
    Keek, L et al., SPIE, 11119, 0H (2019)
  79. X-ray testing of silicon pore optics
    Vacanti, G et al., SPIE, 11119, 0I (2019)
  80. Assembly of confocal silicon pore optic mirror modules for Athena
    Barriere, N et al., SPIE, 11119, 0J (2019)
  81. Environmental testing of silicon pore optics for Athena
    Girou, D et al., SPIE, 11119, 0K (2019)
  82. Status of the silicon pore optics technology
    Collon, M et al., SPIE, 11119, 0L (2019)
  83. Integration facility for the ATHENA X-Ray Telescope
    Valsecchi, G et al., SPIE, 11119, 0M (2019)
  84. BEaTriX: the Beam Expander Testing X-Ray facility for testing ATHENA's SPO modules: progress in the realization
    Salmaso, B et al., SPIE, 11119, 0N (2019)
  85. VERT-X: VERTical X-ray raster-scan facility for ATHENA calibration. The concept design.
    Moretti, A et al., SPIE, 11119, 0O (2019)
  86. Stray x-ray flux in the Athena Mirror
    Willingale, R, SPIE, 11119, 0Q (2019)
  87. Soft x-ray reflectivity-enhancement in astronomical telescopes via overcoatings: alternative materials and deposition methods
    Pareschi, G et al., SPIE, 11119, 0S (2019)
  88. Developments in testing x-ray optics at MPE's PANTER facility
    Bradshaw, M et al., SPIE, 11119, 16 (2019)
  89. LEXR: A low-energy X-ray reflectometer for characterization of ATHENA mirror coatings
    Henriksen, P et al., SPIE, 11119, 1F (2019)
  90. Thermal simulations for characterization of ATHENA mirror modules with a radiating box in the BEaTriX facility
    Basso, S & Salmaso, B, SPIE, 11119, 1I (2019)
  91. BEaTriX, the Beam Expander Testing X-ray facility for testing ATHENA's SPO modules: the collimating mirror
    Vecchi, G et al., SPIE, 11119, 1J (2019)
  92. X-ray reflectometry of a platinum coating as reference sample for the ATHENA coating development
    Jafari, A et al., SPIE, 11119, 1K (2019)
  93. ATHENA Telescope: alignment and integration of SPO mirror modules
    Valsecchi, G et al., SPIE, 11180, 1N (2019)
  94. Silicon pore optics mirror module production and testing
    Collon, M et al., SPIE, 11180, 23 (2019)
  95. X-ray testing at PANTER of optics for the ATHENA and Arcus Missions
    Burwitz, V et al., SPIE, 11180, 24 (2019)
  96. A vertical facility based on raster scan configuration for the x-ray scientific calibrations of the ATHENA optics
    Pareschi, G et al., SPIE, 11180, 25 (2019)
  97. BEaTriX (Beam Expander Testing X-ray facility) for testing ATHENA's SPO modules: advancement status
    Salmaso, B et al., SPIE, 11180, 26 (2019)
  98. Athena Coustenis-Chair, Panel on Planetary Protection
    SpReT, 204, 3 (2019)
  99. Opening the low-background and high-spectral-resolution domain with the ATHENA large X-ray observatory: Development of the Cryogenic AntiCoincidence Detector for the X-ray Integral Field Unit
    D'Andrea, M, arXiv, 1904, 03307 (2019)
  100. Astro2020 Science White Paper: Future X-ray Studies of Supernova Remnants
    Williams, B et al., arXiv, 1904, 05857 (2019)
  101. BlueMUSE: Project Overview and Science Cases
    Richard, J et al., arXiv, 1906, 01657 (2019)
  102. Voyage through the Hidden Physics of the Cosmic Web
    Simionescu, A et al., arXiv, 1908, 01778 (2019)
  103. Closing gaps to our origins. The UV window into the Universe
    Gomez de Castro, A et al., arXiv, 1911, 00769 (2019)
  104. SIXTE: Simulation of X-ray Telescopes
    Sixte Team, Peille, P & Dauser, T, ascl, soft, 03002 (2019)
  105. Revealing the Origin and Cosmic Evolution of Supermassive Black Holes
    Woods, T et al., clrp, 2020, 34 (2019)
  106. The Transient High-Energy Sky and Early Universe Surveyor (THESEUS)
    Amati, L, The Extragalactic Explosive Universe: the New Era of Transient Surveys and Data-Driven Discovery, 1 (2019)
  107. Athena: Mission and Spanish participation
    Carrera, F, Highlights on Spanish Astrophysics X, 1 (2019)
  108. From the school to the space: outreach experience in Astronomy at IFCA
    Ceballos, M, Highlights on Spanish Astrophysics X, 612 (2019)
  109. The Transient High-Energy Sky and Early Universe Surveyor (THESEUS)
    Amati, L, The Multi-Messenger Astronomy: Gamma-Ray Bursts, 16 (2019)
  110. Twenty years of XMM-Newton
    Webb, N, SF2A-2019: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 59 (2019)
  111. What We Can Learn from Ejecta in Supernova Remnants
    Williams, B, Supernova Remnants: An Odyssey in Space after Stellar Death II, 139 (2019)
  112. Athena
    ATLAS Collaboration, zndo, 26, 41997 (2019)
  113. Lynx mission concept study
    Vikhlinin, A, AAS, 231, 10304 (2018)
  114. Deciphering AGN outflows with joint UV and X-ray observations
    Kaastra, J & Mrk 509 Team, AAS, 231, 10601 (2018)
  115. AXIS - A High Angular Resoltuion X-ray Probe Concept Study
    Mushotzky, R & AXIS Study Team, AAS, 231, 12106 (2018)
  116. AXIS - Advanced X-ray Imaging Sarellite
    Loewenstein, M & AXIS Team, AAS, 231, 14003 (2018)
  117. Arcus: An Overview of the Soft X-ray Grating Explorer
    Smith, R & Arcus Collaboration, AAS, 231, 23718 (2018)
  118. Arcus end-to-end simulations
    Wilms, J et al., AAS, 231, 23722 (2018)
  119. Hitomi Observations of the LMC SNR N132D: Fast and Asymmetric Iron-rich Ejecta
    Miller, E & Hitomi Collaboration, AAS, 231, 24113 (2018)
  120. Looking for Dust-Scattering Light Echoes
    Mills, B, Heinz, S & Corrales, L, AAS, 231, 35001 (2018)
  121. Exploring transient detection with WFI onboard Athena
    Pradhan, P et al., AAS, 231, 44705 (2018)
  122. The measurement of micron sized impact fragment using delay line detector
    Li, Y, Mocker, A & Srama, R, EPSC, 12, 1187 (2018)
  123. The THESEUS Workshop 2017
    Amati, L et al., MmSAI, 89, 118 (2018)
  124. THESEUS in the era of multi-messenger astronomy .
    Stratta, G et al., MmSAI, 89, 205 (2018)
  125. Development of the ATHENA mirror
    Bavdaz, M et al., SPIE, 10699, 0X (2018)
  126. Silicon pore optics mirror module production and testing
    Collon, M et al., SPIE, 10699, 0Y (2018)
  127. Results of silicon pore optics mirror modules optical integration in the ATHENA telescope
    Valsecchi, G et al., SPIE, 10699, 0Z (2018)
  128. ATHENA: system studies and optics accommodation
    Ayre, M et al., SPIE, 10699, 1E (2018)
  129. Development of the Wide Field Imager instrument for ATHENA
    Meidinger, N, Nandra, K & Plattner, M, SPIE, 10699, 1F (2018)
  130. The ATHENA X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU)
    Barret, D et al., SPIE, 10699, 1G (2018)
  131. First tests of large prototype DEPFET detectors for ATHENA's wide field imager
    Bonholzer, M et al., SPIE, 10699, 1H (2018)
  132. Evaluation of the ATHENA/WFI instrumental background
    von Kienlin, A et al., SPIE, 10699, 1I (2018)
  133. The ATHENA WFI science products module
    Burrows, D et al., SPIE, 10699, 1J (2018)
  134. ATHENA WFI optical blocking filters development status toward the end of the instrument phase-A
    Barbera, M et al., SPIE, 10699, 1K (2018)
  135. Development of TiAu TES x-ray calorimeters for the X-IFU on ATHENA space observatory
    Khosropanah, P et al., SPIE, 10699, 1M (2018)
  136. Estimates for the background of the ATHENA X-IFU instrument: the cosmic rays contribution
    Lotti, S et al., SPIE, 10699, 1Q (2018)
  137. ATHENA X-IFU thermal filters development status toward the end of the instrument phase-A
    Barbera, M et al., SPIE, 10699, 1R (2018)
  138. AXIS: a probe class next generation high angular resolution x-ray imaging satellite
    Mushotzky, R, SPIE, 10699, 29 (2018)
  139. The e-ASTROGAM gamma-ray space observatory for the multimessenger astronomy of the 2030s
    Tatischeff, V et al., SPIE, 10699, 2J (2018)
  140. Progress in the realization of the beam expander testing x-ray facility (BEaTriX) for testing ATHENA's SPO modules
    Salmaso, B et al., SPIE, 10699, 3I (2018)
  141. Performance and stability of mirror coatings for the ATHENA mission
    Della Monica Ferreira, D et al., SPIE, 10699, 3K (2018)
  142. Silicon pore optics manufacturing plan and schedule for ATHENA
    Wille, E et al., SPIE, 10699, 3L (2018)
  143. Simulating the optical performances of the ATHENA x-ray telescope optics
    Sironi, G et al., SPIE, 10699, 3N (2018)
  144. The McXtrace AstroX toolbox: a general ray tracing software package for end to end simulation of x-ray optics for astronomical instrumentation
    Knudsen, E et al., SPIE, 10699, 3S (2018)
  145. AHEAD joint research activity on x-ray optics
    Burwitz, V et al., SPIE, 10699, 3T (2018)
  146. Design of the charged particle diverter for the ATHENA mission
    Ferreira, I et al., SPIE, 10699, 4A (2018)
  147. A magnetic electron repeller to improve the ATHENA/WFI background level
    Perinati, E et al., SPIE, 10699, 4B (2018)
  148. Structural modelling and mechanical tests supporting the design of the ATHENA X-IFU thermal filters and WFI optical blocking filter
    Parodi, G et al., SPIE, 10699, 4C (2018)
  149. Energy response of ATHENA WFI prototype detectors
    Treberspurg, W et al., SPIE, 10699, 4F (2018)
  150. Characterizing particle background of ATHENA WFI for the science products module: swift XRT full frame and XMM-PN small window mode observations
    Bulbul, E et al., SPIE, 10699, 4G (2018)
  151. Reducing the ATHENA WFI background with the science products module: lessons from Chandra ACIS
    Grant, C et al., SPIE, 10699, 4H (2018)
  152. Studies of operation modes for the ATHENA WFI detectors
    Behrens, A et al., SPIE, 10699, 4I (2018)
  153. The performance of the ATHENA X-ray Integral Field Unit
    Peille, P et al., SPIE, 10699, 4K (2018)
  154. Simulating x-ray observations of galaxy clusters with the x-ray integral field unit onboard the ATHENA mission
    Cucchetti, E et al., SPIE, 10699, 4L (2018)
  155. Energy scale calibration and drift correction of the X-IFU
    Cucchetti, E et al., SPIE, 10699, 4M (2018)
  156. Reproducibility and monitoring of the instrumental particle background for the x-ray integral field unit
    Cucchetti, E et al., SPIE, 10699, 4N (2018)
  157. Testing the X-IFU calibration requirements: an example for quantum efficiency and energy resolution
    Cucchetti, E et al., SPIE, 10699, 4O (2018)
  158. Development of the WFEE subsystem for the X-IFU instrument of the ATHENA Space Observatory
    Chen, S et al., SPIE, 10699, 4P (2018)
  159. Performance of a state-of-the-art DAC system for FDM readout
    den Hartog, R et al., SPIE, 10699, 4Q (2018)
  160. Radio frequency shielding of thin aluminized plastic filters investigated for the ATHENA X-IFU detector
    Lo Cicero, U et al., SPIE, 10699, 4R (2018)
  161. ATHENA X-ray Integral Field Unit on-board event processor: analysis of performance of two triggering algorithms
    Cobo, B et al., SPIE, 10699, 4S (2018)
  162. The cryogenic anticoincidence detector for ATHENA X-IFU: preliminary test of AC-S9 towards the demonstration model
    D'Andrea, M et al., SPIE, 10699, 4T (2018)
  163. First results of the ATHENA/X-IFU digital readout electronics prototype
    Ravera, L et al., SPIE, 10699, 4V (2018)
  164. Numerical simulation and validation of ATHENA/X-IFU/digital readout electronics
    Gumuchian, P et al., SPIE, 10699, 4W (2018)
  165. Thermal modelling of the ATHENA X-IFU filters
    Sciortino, L et al., SPIE, 10699, 50 (2018)
  166. Simulating modulated x-ray calibration sources for future x-ray missions using GEANT4
    de Vries, C et al., SPIE, 10699, 65 (2018)
  167. Blazed transmission grating technology development for the Arcus x-ray spectrometer explorer
    Heilmann, R et al., SPIE, 10699, 6D (2018)
  168. Ray-tracing Arcus in phase A
    Gunther, H et al., SPIE, 10699, 6F (2018)
  169. Optical instrument design of the high-energy x-ray probe (HEX-P)
    Madsen, K et al., SPIE, 10699, 6M (2018)
  170. VERITAS 2.2: a low noise source follower and drain current readout integrated circuit for the wide field imager on the Athena x-ray satellite
    Herrmann, S et al., SPIE, 10709, 35 (2018)
  171. Predicting the particle-induced background for future x-ray astronomy missions: the importance of experimental validation for GEANT4 simulations
    Hall, D et al., SPIE, 10709, 37 (2018)
  172. Mapping Black Hole Winds, from the Event Horizon up to Galaxy Scales
    Tombesi, F, AGN13: Beauty and the Beast, 27 (2018)
  173. The early growth of (sub-L*) super-massive black holes as seen by Chandra
    Vito, F et al., AGN13: Beauty and the Beast, 30 (2018)
  174. Estimating the EOS from the measurement of NS radii with 5% accuracy
    Sieniawska, M, Bejger, M & Haskell, B, arXiv, 1803, 08813 (2018)
  175. The Hot Universe with XRISM and Athena
    Guainazzi, M & Tashiro, M, arXiv, 1807, 06903 (2018)
  176. SKA-Athena Synergy White Paper
    Cassano, R et al., arXiv, 1807, 09080 (2018)
  177. The Lynx Mission Concept Study Interim Report
    The Lynx Team, arXiv, 1809, 09642 (2018)
  178. Science with an ngVLA: How Do Cold Gas Outflows Shape Galaxies?
    Bolatto, A et al., arXiv, 1810, 06737 (2018)
  179. X-ray surveys: Soft to Hard - probing obscured black hole growth over cosmic time
    Aird, J, 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 46 (2018)
  180. Estimates of the energetic proton environment at L1 point
    Alberti, T & Laurenza, M, 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 57 (2018)
  181. Spectral-timing studies of X-ray binaries and AGNs with Athena
    Cappi, M, 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 505 (2018)
  182. Search for serendipitous Trans-Neptunian Object occultation in X-rays
    Chang, H, Liu, C & Shang, J, 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 575 (2018)
  183. Studying the elemental abundances of Kepler Supernova Remnant with Athena
    Ergin, T, Sezer, A & Bamba, A, 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 995 (2018)
  184. The BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey (BASS) Second Data Release
    Koss, M, 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 1819 (2018)
  185. Intermediate-mass black holes in dwarf galaxies out to redshift=2 in the Chandra COSMOS Legacy Survey
    Mezcua, M et al., 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2275 (2018)
  186. What we have learned from the brightest novae in the X-ray band in the Magellanic Clouds
    Orio, M, 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2519 (2018)
  187. High resolution imaging X-ray spectroscopy: the X-IFU instrument on Athena
    Pajot, F et al., 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2549 (2018)
  188. Super-Eddington driven winds in ultraluminous X-ray sources
    Pinto, C, 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2683 (2018)
  189. Accretion in magnetic CVs from an observational perspective
    Schwope, A, Traulsen, I & Worpel, H, 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 3044 (2018)
  190. Investigating the origin of the recombining plasma in W49B with X-IFU onboard Athena
    Sezer, A et al., 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 3067 (2018)
  191. Physical properties of the highest redshift supermassive black holes
    Trakhtenbrot, B, 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 3420 (2018)
  192. The X-ray Counterpart to the Gravitational Wave Event GW170817
    Troja, E, 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 3431 (2018)
  193. The impact of Athena on Frontier Astrophysics
    den Herder, J, Frontier Research in Astrophysics - III, 73 (2018)
  194. Future Exoplanet Research: XUV (EUV and X-Ray) Detection and Characterization
    Branduardi-Raymont, G, Dunn, W & Sciortino, S, Handbook of Exoplanets, 164 (2018)
  195. The Athena X-ray Observatory view of the Multiphase AGN Feeding and Feedback
    Cappi, M, Multiphase AGN Feeding & Feedback; Linking the Micro to Macro Scales in Galaxies, Groups, and Clusters, 7 (2018)
  196. Mapping SMBH Winds, from the Event Horizon up to Galaxy Scales
    Tombesi, F, Multiphase AGN Feeding & Feedback; Linking the Micro to Macro Scales in Galaxies, Groups, and Clusters, 53 (2018)
  197. Polish contribution to the ATHENA Wide Field Imager
    Skup, K et al., XXXVIII Polish Astronomical Society Meeting, 349 (2018)
  198. Arcus: Exploring the Formation and Evolution of Clusters, Galaxies, and Stars
    Smith, R & Arcus Collaboration, AAS, 230, 11715 (2017)
  199. High Energy Astrophysics and Cosmology from Space: NASA's Physics of the Cosmos Program
    Bautz, M, APS April Meeting Abstracts, 5001 (2017)
  200. Black holes, formation of structure, and extreme physics: the present and future of X-ray astrophysics
    Kraft, R & Bautz, M, APS April Meeting Abstracts, 5005 (2017)
  201. The High Energy X-ray Probe (HEX-P)
    Harrison, F & HEX-P Collaboration Collaboration, APS April Meeting Abstracts, 9002 (2017)
  202. ATLAS event display: Virtual Point-1 visualization software
    Seeley, K et al., APS April Meeting Abstracts, 1019 (2017)
  203. ASPIC: Public Spectroscopic Archives at CeSAM
    Moreau, C et al., ASPC, 512, 161 (2017)
  204. SIRENA: A Software Package for the Energy Reconstruction of the Athena X-IFU Events
    Ceballos, M et al., ASPC, 512, 605 (2017)
  205. The High-Energy X-ray Probe (HEX-P)
    Madsen, K et al., HEAD, 16, 10321 (2017)
  206. The Advanced X-ray Imaging Satellite (AXIS)
    Reynolds, C & Mushotzky, R, HEAD, 16, 10323 (2017)
  207. The Advanced Telescope for High Energy Astrophysics
    Guainazzi, M, HEAD, 16, 10329 (2017)
  208. Obscured Supermassive Black Hole Growth - Connections to Host Galaxies and Evolutionary Models
    DiPompeo, M, Hickox, R & Myers, A, HEAD, 16, 10609 (2017)
  209. The Quiescent Neutron Star and Hierarchical Triple: 4U 2129+47
    Nowak, M et al., HEAD, 16, 10820 (2017)
  210. Hitomi Observations of the LMC SNR N132D: Fast and Asymmetric Iron-rich Ejecta
    Miller, E, HEAD, 16, 11010 (2017)
  211. High resolution spectral signatures of X-ray emission following charge exchange recombination between highly charged iron and neutral helium, molecular hydrogen and molecular nitrogen: A comparison between theory and experiment
    Brown, G et al., HEAD, 16, 11201 (2017)
  212. Utilizing X-ray gas velocity measurements as a new probe of AGN feedback in giant elliptical galaxies
    Ogorzalek, A et al., HEAD, 16, 40105 (2017)
  213. Performance of a double tilted-Rowland-spectrometer on Arcus
    Gunther, H et al., SPIE, 10397, 0P (2017)
  214. Arcus: exploring the formation and evolution of clusters, galaxies, and stars
    Smith, R et al., SPIE, 10397, 0Q (2017)
  215. Studies of prototype DEPFET sensors for the Wide Field Imager of Athena
    Treberspurg, W et al., SPIE, 10397, 0U (2017)
  216. The Wide Field Imager instrument for Athena
    Meidinger, N et al., SPIE, 10397, 0V (2017)
  217. ATHENA: system design and implementation for a next-generation x-ray telescope
    Ayre, M et al., SPIE, 10397, 0X (2017)
  218. The ATHENA telescope and optics status
    Bavdaz, M et al., SPIE, 10399, 0B (2017)
  219. Development of ATHENA mirror modules
    Collon, M et al., SPIE, 10399, 0C (2017)
  220. Optical integration of SPO mirror modules in the ATHENA telescope
    Valsecchi, G et al., SPIE, 10399, 0E (2017)
  221. Environmental testing of the ATHENA mirror modules (Conference Presentation)
    Landgraf, B et al., SPIE, 10399, 0G (2017)
  222. Optical simulations for design, alignment, and performance prediction of silicon pore optics for the ATHENA x-ray telescope (Conference Presentation)
    Spiga, D et al., SPIE, 10399, 0H (2017)
  223. Testing and calibrating the ATHENA optics at PANTER (Conference Presentation)
    Burwitz, V et al., SPIE, 10399, 0O (2017)
  224. A hybrid concept (segmented plus monolithic fused silica shells) for a high-throughput and high-angular resolution x-ray mission (Lynx/X-Ray Surveyor like)
    Basso, S et al., SPIE, 10399, 0V (2017)
  225. Design, development, and performance of x-ray mirror coatings for the ATHENA mission
    Della Monica Ferreira, D et al., SPIE, 10399, 18 (2017)
  226. Industrialization of the mirror plate coatings for the ATHENA mission
    Massahi, S et al., SPIE, 10399, 1W (2017)
  227. Development of a second generation SiLC-based Laue lens
    Girou, D et al., SPIE, 10399, 1Y (2017)
  228. X-ray telescope mirrors made of slumped glass sheets
    Winter, A et al., SPIE, 10563, 21 (2017)
  229. Silicon pore optics for future x-ray telescopes
    Wille, E et al., SPIE, 10564, 0H (2017)
  230. Obscured Black Hole Growth at High Redshift and High Luminosity
    Urry, C, NASA ADAP Proposal, 55 (2017)
  231. AtomDB: Expanding an Accessible and Accurate Atomic Database for X-ray Astronomy
    Smith, R, NASA ADAP Proposal, 210 (2017)
  232. Mapping Black Hole Winds, from the Event Horizon up to Galaxy Scales
    Tombesi, F, Workshop sull'Astronomia Millimetrica in Italia, 20 (2017)
  233. Development of Integrated Readout Electronics for Next Generation X-ray CCDs
    Allen, S, NASA APRA Proposal, 52 (2017)
  234. ESO-Athena Synergy White Paper
    Padovani, P et al., arXiv, 1705, 06064 (2017)
  235. Diagnosing the kinematics of the tori in active galactic nuclei with the velocity-resolved reverberation mapping of the narrow iron K$\alpha$ line
    Liu, Y & Li, X, arXiv, 1707, 02665 (2017)
  236. Searches for Axion-Like Particles with NGC1275: Current and Future Bounds
    Jennings, N, arXiv, 1711, 02208 (2017)
  237. Estimates for a DM $\rightarrow a \rightarrow \gamma$ 3.55 keV line in the radio lobes of Centaurus A
    Jennings, N, arXiv, 1712, 00442 (2017)
  238. The Central Role of Compact Star Clusters in the Early Universe
    Ricotti, M, NASA ATP Proposal, 13 (2017)
  239. Precipitation-Regulated AGN Feedback in Halos from 10^12 - 10^15 M_Sun
    Voit, G, Chandra Proposal, 5077 (2017)
  240. A Reliable X-ray View of the First Quasars
    Brandt, W, Chandra Proposal, 5175 (2017)
  241. SIRENA software for Athena X-IFU event reconstruction
    Ceballos, M et al., Highlights on Spanish Astrophysics IX, 703 (2017)
  242. Athena Community Office
    Martinez-Nunez, S et al., Highlights on Spanish Astrophysics IX, 705 (2017)
  243. The Athena Observatory and its Science Objective
    Guainazzi, M, From the Dolomites to the Event Horizon: Sledging Down the Black Hole Potential, 31 (2017)
  244. Athena and the WHIM
    Piro, L, Whereabouts and Physics of the Roaming Baryons in the Universe, 36 (2017)
  245. The Athena science case in context
    Barcons, X, The X-ray Universe 2017, 4 (2017)
  246. The Athena X-ray Integral Field Unit
    Barret, D, The X-ray Universe 2017, 5 (2017)
  247. Probing Dark Matter using X-ray Observations
    Bulbul, E, The X-ray Universe 2017, 6 (2017)
  248. Athena: mission concept, study status, and optics development
    Guainazzi, M & Study Athena Team, The X-ray Universe 2017, 15 (2017)
  249. The Wide Field Imager for Athena
    Rau, A et al., The X-ray Universe 2017, 24 (2017)
  250. Results from the use of the X-ray reverberation model KYNREFREV in XSPEC
    Caballero-Garcia, M, The X-ray Universe 2017, 50 (2017)
  251. Deep X-ray spectroscopy of obscured AGN in the Chandra Deep Field South
    Comastri, A & Iwasawa, K, The X-ray Universe 2017, 58 (2017)
  252. A strong test for the forward shock model in GRBs: the 90 Ms follow up of the X-ray afterglow of GRB 130427A.
    De Pasquale, M et al., The X-ray Universe 2017, 67 (2017)
  253. Athena's Constraints on the Dense Matter Equation of State from Quiescent Low Mass X-ray Binaries
    Guillot, S, The X-ray Universe 2017, 93 (2017)
  254. Arcsecond and Sub-arcsedond Imaging with X-ray Multi-Image Interferometer and Imager for (very) small sattelites
    Hayashida, K et al., The X-ray Universe 2017, 97 (2017)
  255. Projected bounds on ALP-photon coupling from simulated ATHENA data
    Jennings, N et al., The X-ray Universe 2017, 105 (2017)
  256. Bounds on Axion-like Particles from X-ray observations of AGNs and quasars
    Krippendorf, S et al., The X-ray Universe 2017, 120 (2017)
  257. Inverse-Compton emission from the radio lobes of powerful high-redshift radio galaxies
    Lal, D et al., The X-ray Universe 2017, 125 (2017)
  258. Surveys with Athena: results from detailed SIXTE simulations
    Lanzuisi, G et al., The X-ray Universe 2017, 127 (2017)
  259. SPI-ing Exoplanets
    Maggio, A, The X-ray Universe 2017, 134 (2017)
  260. Transient iron fluorescence: new clues on the AGN disk/corona?
    Nardini, E, The X-ray Universe 2017, 155 (2017)
  261. X-raying the most luminous quasars at cosmic noon
    Piconcelli, E, Martocchia, S & Zappacosta, L, The X-ray Universe 2017, 176 (2017)
  262. Galaxy clusters from eeHIFLUGCS, to eROSITA, to Athena
    Reiprich, T, The X-ray Universe 2017, 189 (2017)
  263. XZ: X-ray spectroscopic redshifts of obscured AGN
    Simmonds, C & Buchner, J, The X-ray Universe 2017, 211 (2017)
  264. The Transient High-Energy Sky and Early Universe Surveyor (THESEUS)
    Amati, L et al., The X-ray Universe 2017, 250 (2017)
  265. Calibrating the Athena telescope
    de Bruijne, J et al., The X-ray Universe 2017, 262 (2017)
  266. On the accuracy of reflection-based SMBH spin measurements
    Kammoun, E, Risaliti, G & Nardini, E, The X-ray Universe 2017, 287 (2017)
  267. Current and Future X-ray Studies of High-Redshift AGNs and the First Supermassive Black Holes
    Brandt, N, AAS, 227, 10702 (2016)
  268. Arcus: An X-ray Grating Spectroscopy Mission
    Smith, R & Arcus Collaboration, AAS, 227, 14728 (2016)
  269. NASA Astrophysics Funds Strategic Technology Development
    Seery, B, Ganel, O & Pham, B, AAS, 227, 44403 (2016)
  270. High Energy Astrophysics and Cosmology from Space: NASA's Physics of the Cosmos Program
    Hornschemeier, A, APS April Meeting Abstracts, 11001 (2016)
  271. Revisiting the LISA science case in a changing astrophysical landscape
    Cornish, N, APS April Meeting Abstracts, 12001 (2016)
  272. Studying the high redshift Universe with Athena
    O'Brien, P, HEAD, 15, 11203 (2016)
  273. Arcus: Exploring the Formation and Evolution of Clusters, Galaxies, and Stars
    Smith, R, HEAD, 15, 30203 (2016)
  274. Can Supermassive Black Holes Influence the Evolution of their Host Galaxies?
    Tombesi, F et al., HEAD, 15, 40006 (2016)
  275. Studying stellar explosions with Athena
    O'Brien, P & Jonker, P, IAUFM, 29, 243 (2016)
  276. Fast event recognition for x-ray silicon imagers
    Burrows, D et al., SPIE, 9905, 0L (2016)
  277. ATHENA: system studies and optics accommodation
    Ayre, M et al., SPIE, 9905, 26 (2016)
  278. The ATHENA optics development
    Bavdaz, M et al., SPIE, 9905, 27 (2016)
  279. Silicon pore optics for the ATHENA telescope
    Collon, M et al., SPIE, 9905, 28 (2016)
  280. Mass production of silicon pore optics for ATHENA
    Wille, E, Bavdaz, M & Collon, M, SPIE, 9905, 29 (2016)
  281. The wide field imager instrument for Athena
    Meidinger, N et al., SPIE, 9905, 2A (2016)
  282. Athena Wide Field Imager key science drivers
    Rau, A et al., SPIE, 9905, 2B (2016)
  283. Studies of prototype DEPFET sensors for the wide field imager of Athena
    Treberspurg, W et al., SPIE, 9905, 2C (2016)
  284. WFI electronics and on-board data processing
    Plattner, M et al., SPIE, 9905, 2D (2016)
  285. Thermal analysis of the WFI on the ATHENA observatory
    Furmetz, M, Pietschner, D & Meidinger, N, SPIE, 9905, 2E (2016)
  286. The Athena X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU)
    Barret, D et al., SPIE, 9905, 2F (2016)
  287. X-IFU technical challenge
    Lam Trong, T, SPIE, 9905, 2G (2016)
  288. Transition-edge sensor pixel parameter design of the microcalorimeter array for the x-ray integral field unit on Athena
    Smith, S et al., SPIE, 9905, 2H (2016)
  289. The focal plane assembly for the Athena X-ray Integral Field Unit instrument
    Jackson, B et al., SPIE, 9905, 2I (2016)
  290. Preliminary thermal architecture of the X-IFU instrument dewar
    Charles, I et al., SPIE, 9905, 2J (2016)
  291. The Cryogenic AntiCoincidence detector for ATHENA X-IFU: a program overview
    Macculi, C et al., SPIE, 9905, 2K (2016)
  292. Arcus: the x-ray grating spectrometer explorer
    Smith, R et al., SPIE, 9905, 4M (2016)
  293. The evolution of structure and feedback with Arcus
    Brenneman, L et al., SPIE, 9905, 4P (2016)
  294. Observing the WHIM with Athena
    Brand, T et al., SPIE, 9905, 5F (2016)
  295. Detectability of exoplanet transits with Athena's WFI instrument: testing for white and correlated noise
    Carpano, S, Wilms, J & Rau, A, SPIE, 9905, 5G (2016)
  296. X-ray mirror development and testing for the ATHENA mission
    Della Monica Ferreira, D et al., SPIE, 9905, 5K (2016)
  297. New x-ray parallel beam facility XPBF 2.0 for the characterization of silicon pore optics
    Krumrey, M et al., SPIE, 9905, 5N (2016)
  298. Simulation and modeling of silicon pore optics for the ATHENA x-ray telescope
    Spiga, D et al., SPIE, 9905, 5O (2016)
  299. Development and production of a multilayer-coated x-ray reflecting stack for the Athena mission
    Massahi, S et al., SPIE, 9905, 5P (2016)
  300. Optimising the multiplex factor of the frequency domain multiplexed readout of the TES-based microcalorimeter imaging array for the X-IFU instrument on the Athena x-ray observatory
    van der Kuur, J et al., SPIE, 9905, 5R (2016)
  301. Development of frequency domain multiplexing for the X-ray Integral Field unit (X-IFU) on the Athena
    Akamatsu, H et al., SPIE, 9905, 5S (2016)
  302. The impact of crosstalk in the X-IFU instrument on Athena science cases
    den Hartog, R et al., SPIE, 9905, 5T (2016)
  303. Gain drift compensation with no-feedback-loop developed for the X-IFU/ATHENA readout chain
    Prele, D et al., SPIE, 9905, 5U (2016)
  304. Microcalorimeter pulse analysis by means of principle component decomposition
    de Vries, C et al., SPIE, 9905, 5V (2016)
  305. Performance assessment of different pulse reconstruction algorithms for the ATHENA X-ray Integral Field Unit
    Peille, P et al., SPIE, 9905, 5W (2016)
  306. The Cryogenic Anti-Coincidence detector for ATHENA X-IFU: pulse analysis of the AC-S7 single pixel prototype
    D'Andrea, M et al., SPIE, 9905, 5X (2016)
  307. The mechanical and EM simulations of the CryoAC for the ATHENA X-IFU
    Corsini, D et al., SPIE, 9905, 5Y (2016)
  308. The new cryogenic silicon monolithic micro-bridged Anticoincidence detector for the X-IFU of ATHENA
    Biasotti, M et al., SPIE, 9905, 5Z (2016)
  309. Temperature effects on the performances of the ATHENA X-IFU thermal filters
    Barbera, M et al., SPIE, 9905, 60 (2016)
  310. The filter wheel and filters development for the X-IFU instruments onboard Athena
    Bozzo, E et al., SPIE, 9905, 61 (2016)
  311. Conceptual design of the X-IFU Instrument Control Unit on board the ESA Athena mission
    Corcione, L et al., SPIE, 9905, 62 (2016)
  312. Updates on the background estimates for the X-IFU instrument onboard of the ATHENA mission
    Lotti, S et al., SPIE, 9905, 63 (2016)
  313. TESSIM: a simulator for the Athena-X-IFU
    Wilms, J et al., SPIE, 9905, 64 (2016)
  314. Background studies for ATHENA: status of the activities at IAAT
    Perinati, E et al., SPIE, 9905, 65 (2016)
  315. Surface investigation and aluminum oxide estimation on test filters for the ATHENA X-IFU and WFI detectors
    Sciortino, L et al., SPIE, 9905, 66 (2016)
  316. Spectroscopic performance of DEPFET active pixel sensor prototypes suitable for the high count rate Athena WFI detector
    Muller-Seidlitz, J et al., SPIE, 9905, 67 (2016)
  317. The filter and calibration wheel for the ATHENA wide field imager
    Rataj, M et al., SPIE, 9905, 68 (2016)
  318. Cold and Hot Slumped Glass Optics with interfacing ribs for high angular resolution x-ray telescopes
    Civitani, M et al., SPIE, 9905, 6U (2016)
  319. Monte Carlo simulations of soft proton flares: testing the physics with XMM-Newton
    Fioretti, V et al., SPIE, 9905, 6W (2016)
  320. Simulating x-ray telescopes with McXtrace: a case study of ATHENA's optics
    Ferreira, D et al., SPIE, 9905, 76 (2016)
  321. Design and advancement status of the Beam Expander Testing X-ray facility (BEaTriX)
    Spiga, D et al., SPIE, 9963, 04 (2016)
  322. Probing the Physics of Core-Collapse Supernovae and Ultra-Relativistic Outflows using Pulsar Wind Nebulae
    Gelfand, J, NASA ADAP Proposal, 95 (2016)
  323. How Super-Massive Black Holes grow and shape galaxies. The promise of the Athena X-ray observatory
    Barcons, X, Active Galactic Nuclei: What's in a Name?, 56 (2016)
  324. A Test Stand to Characterize and Contribute to the Development of DEPFET X-ray Detectors
    Falcone, A, NASA APRA Proposal, 78 (2016)
  325. High Fidelity Line Diagnostics for the X-ray Astrophysics Recovery Mission
    Foster, A, NASA APRA Proposal, 92 (2016)
  326. High accuracy laboratory studies of x-ray emission from He-like ions for interpreting spectra from the X-ray Astrophysics Recovery Mission
    Brown, G, NASA APRA Proposal, 102 (2016)
  327. The Filter Wheel and Filters development for the X-IFU instrument on-board Athena
    Bozzo, E et al., arXiv, 1609, 03776 (2016)
  328. Understanding the build-up of supermassive black holes and galaxies
    Carrera, F, Ueda, Y & Georgakakis, A, 41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 293 (2016)
  329. The light up and early evolution of high redshift Supermassive Black Holes
    Comastri, A et al., 41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 370 (2016)
  330. The mass in galaxy clusters from X-ray/SZ observables
    Ettori, S, 41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 559 (2016)
  331. Astrophysics of galaxy clusters
    Ettori, S, 41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 560 (2016)
  332. Athena Science Status
    Fabian, A, 41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 563 (2016)
  333. Athena's Constraints on the Dense Matter Equation of State from Quiescent Low Mass X-ray Binaries
    Guillot, S, 41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 753 (2016)
  334. AGN feedback in galaxy clusters and groups
    Hardcastle, M, 41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 804 (2016)
  335. Athena Mission Status
    Lumb, D, 41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 1196 (2016)
  336. The close environment of Supermassive Black Holes
    Matt, G, 41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 1268 (2016)
  337. The evolution of galaxy groups and clusters
    Mazzotta, P, 41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 1271 (2016)
  338. Studying transient events with Athena
    O'Brien, P, 41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 1451 (2016)
  339. Studying high redshift galaxy groups with the Athena Wide-Field-Imager
    Pacaud, F et al., 41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 1492 (2016)
  340. Athena Mission performance
    Piro, L, 41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 1565 (2016)
  341. The Athena Mirror
    Wille, E, 41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2058 (2016)
  342. AGN warm absorption with the ATHENA
    Rozanska, A et al., 37th Meeting of the Polish Astronomical Society, 72 (2016)
  343. SNR research: where do we stand today, and what will the future bring
    Vink, J, Supernova Remnants: An Odyssey in Space after Stellar Death, 131 (2016)
  344. Dance into the fire: dust survival inside supernova remnants
    Micelotta, E, Dwek, E & Slavin, J, Supernova Remnants: An Odyssey in Space after Stellar Death, 143 (2016)
  345. High-resolution X-ray spectroscopy: the coming-of-age
    Kaastra, J, XMM-Newton: The Next Decade, 3 (2016)
  346. Athena: ESA's X-ray observatory to study the Hot and Energetic Universe in the late 2020s
    Barcons, X, XMM-Newton: The Next Decade, 11 (2016)
  347. 10+ more years of Chandra-XMM-Newton Synergy
    Wilkes, B, XMM-Newton: The Next Decade, 34 (2016)
  348. XMM-Newton reveals matter accreting onto the central supermassive black hole of NGC 2617
    Giustini, M, XMM-Newton: The Next Decade, 48 (2016)
  349. EPIC 2.0: a second youth for XMM-Newton's workhorse.
    Molendi, S, XMM-Newton: The Next Decade, 55 (2016)
  350. XMM-Newton, powerful AGN winds and galaxy feedback
    Pounds, K & King, A, XMM-Newton: The Next Decade, 60 (2016)
  351. A novel approach to model EPIC variable background
    Marelli, M et al., XMM-Newton: The Next Decade, 101 (2016)
  352. NASA Astrophysics Cosmic Origins (COR) and Physics of the Cosmos (PCOS) Strategic Technology Development Program
    Pham, T & Seery, B, AAS, 225, 44202 (2015)
  353. Energy Reconstruction for Events Detected in TES X-ray Detectors
    Ceballos, M, Cardiel, N & Cobo, B, ASPC, 495, 331 (2015)
  354. Studying stellar explosions with Athena
    O'Brien, P & Jonker, P, IAUGA, 22, 51380 (2015)
  355. Development of an X-ray Telescope with a Large Effective Area for the Iron K Line Band
    Matsumoto, H et al., IAUGA, 22, 55901 (2015)
  356. The origin and growth of the first black holes
    Schawinski, K, IAUGA, 22, 57177 (2015)
  357. All the X-ray binaries in the Universe: X-ray Emission from Normal and Starburst Galaxies Near and Far
    Hornschemeier, A, Basu-Zych, A & Lehmer, B, IAUGA, 22, 58336 (2015)
  358. The optical blocking filter for the ATHENA wide field imager: ongoing activities towards the conceptual design
    Barbera, M et al., SPIE, 9601, 09 (2015)
  359. Development of the wide field imager for Athena
    Meidinger, N et al., SPIE, 9601, 0H (2015)
  360. ATHENA: system design and implementation for a next generation x-ray telescope
    Ayre, M et al., SPIE, 9601, 0L (2015)
  361. New ray-tracing capabilities for the development of silicon pore optics
    Vacanti, G et al., SPIE, 9603, 0G (2015)
  362. The Athena optics
    Bavdaz, M et al., SPIE, 9603, 0J (2015)
  363. Silicon pore optics development for ATHENA
    Collon, M et al., SPIE, 9603, 0K (2015)
  364. Silicon pore optics mirror modules for inner and outer radii
    Wille, E et al., SPIE, 9603, 0L (2015)
  365. Investigation of photolithography process on SPOs for the Athena mission
    Massahi, S et al., SPIE, 9603, 0M (2015)
  366. A design study of mirror modules and an assembly based on the slumped glass for an Athena-like optics
    Basso, S et al., SPIE, 9603, 0N (2015)
  367. Slumped glass optics with interfacing ribs for high angular resolution x-ray astronomy: a progress report
    Civitani, M et al., SPIE, 9603, 0P (2015)
  368. Indirect glass slumping for future x-ray missions: overview, status and progress
    Winter, A et al., SPIE, 9603, 0S (2015)
  369. BEaTriX, expanded x-ray beam facility for testing modular elements of telescope optics: an update
    Pelliciari, C et al., SPIE, 9603, 1P (2015)
  370. A Fresnel zone plate collimator: potential and aberrations
    Menz, B et al., SPIE, 9603, 1Q (2015)
  371. Fingerprints of the first black holes? Crosscorrelationg the Near-Infrared and X-ray background in COSMOS
    Hasinger, G, NASA ADAP Proposal, 40 (2015)
  372. SACS: Spitzer Archival Cluster Survey
    Stern, D, NASA ADAP Proposal, 80 (2015)
  373. The circum-galactic medium of the Milky Way
    Mathur, S, NASA ADAP Proposal, 203 (2015)
  374. High Energy Laboratory Astrophysics using an X-Ray Microcalorimeter with an Electron Beam Ion Trap
    Porter, F, NASA APRA Proposal, 63 (2015)
  375. Novel Hybrid CMOS X-ray Detector Developments for Future Large Area and High Resolution X-ray Astronomy Missions
    Falcone, A, NASA APRA Proposal, 104 (2015)
  376. AGN demographics and environment with ESA's Athena mission
    Barcons, X, Demographics and Environment of AGN from Multi-Wavelength Surveys, 6 (2015)
  377. How well can we measure black hole spin?
    Bonson, K & Gallo, L, The Extremes of Black Hole Accretion, 18 (2015)
  378. Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory
    Ehle, M, eheu conf (2015)
  379. The Athena Project in the Context of the Science Programme of ESA
    Gimenez, A, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 1 (2015)
  380. Athena: Assessment Phase Activities
    Lumb, D & Ayre, M, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 2 (2015)
  381. The Athena Optics
    Bavdaz, M, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 3 (2015)
  382. The Athena X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU)
    Barret, D, den Herder, J & Piro, L, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 4 (2015)
  383. Wide Field Imager for Athena
    Meidinger, N et al., Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 5 (2015)
  384. US Contributions to the Athena Mission
    Smith, R, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 6 (2015)
  385. Athena and future plans of the X-ray astronomy in Japan
    Matsumoto, H, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 7 (2015)
  386. The Athena Background
    Piro, L et al., Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 8 (2015)
  387. Athena Mission Performance
    den Herder, J, Piro, L & Rau, A, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 9 (2015)
  388. Athena as an Observatory in the late 2020s
    Barcons, X, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 10 (2015)
  389. The Hot Universe: from Cosmological Filaments to Clusters
    Ohashi, T, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 11 (2015)
  390. The missing baryons and the warm-hot intergalactic medium
    Kaastra, J & Finoguenov, A, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 12 (2015)
  391. Evolution of Groups and Clusters of Galaxies with Athena
    Pointecouteau, E et al., Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 13 (2015)
  392. Astrophysics of Groups and Clusters
    Eckert, D, Ettori, S & Pratt, G, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 14 (2015)
  393. Detecting Missing Baryons around the Milky Way and External Galaxies
    Bregman, J, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 15 (2015)
  394. What we are learning about distant Clusters in XXL
    Maughan, B et al., Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 16 (2015)
  395. Studying AGN Feedback in Galaxy Clusters and Groups with Athena
    Sanders, J, Athena Topical PanelAGN Feedback in Clusters, & Groups, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 17 (2015)
  396. ATHENA Solution for the Cooling Flow Problem in Clusters of Galaxies
    Pinto, C & Fabian, A, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 19 (2015)
  397. Radio AGN Feedback on Galaxy Scales: What can Athena show us?
    Mingo, B et al., Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 20 (2015)
  398. Prospects for the direct WHIM Detection by Athena
    Soltan, A & Rozanska, A, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 21 (2015)
  399. Accretion and Ejection Power in the Universe (and Prospects for Athena)
    Cappi, M, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 22 (2015)
  400. The Landscape of Large Sky Surveys in the Athena Era (Synergy Talk)
    Brandt, W, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 23 (2015)
  401. The Formation and Growth of the Earliest Supermassive Black Holes
    Aird, J, Comastri, A & Topical Panel 2. 1,, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 24 (2015)
  402. The Athena WFI Serendipitous Survey
    Watson, M, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 25 (2015)
  403. A Hubble Diagram for Quasars
    Risaliti, G & Lusso, E, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 26 (2015)
  404. Luminous Extragalactic Transients
    O'Brien, P, Jonker, P & Athena Explosive Transients Working Group, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 27 (2015)
  405. Understanding the build-up of SMBH and Galaxies
    Carrera, F et al., Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 28 (2015)
  406. Astrophysics of Feedback in local AGN and Starbursts
    Ponti, G et al., Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 29 (2015)
  407. ALMA Synergy with ATHENA
    Combes, F, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 30 (2015)
  408. Fast X-ray Flashes; Signs of a Tidal Disruption of a WD by an IMBH?
    Jonker, P et al., Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 32 (2015)
  409. Microlensing Constraints on Quasar Emission Regions: Athena's Perspective
    Dai, X, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 33 (2015)
  410. Athena X-IFU Starburst Simulations
    Ptak, A, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 34 (2015)
  411. Solar System and Exoplanets
    Ezoe, Y et al., Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 35 (2015)
  412. End Points of Stellar Evolution
    Bozzo, E & Athena SWG3. 3,, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 39 (2015)
  413. From Xeus to Athena
    Palumbo, G, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 40 (2015)
  414. Magnetorotational instability in galaxy clusters: looking forward to ATHENA
    Nipoti, C et al., Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 42 (2015)
  415. Unravelling ICM Physics and AGN Feedback with Deep Chandra Observations of NGC 5813
    Randall, S et al., Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 44 (2015)
  416. Study of the X-ray Source Population and the Dark Matter Halo in Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxiess
    Sasaki, M, Saeedi, S & Ducci, L, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 45 (2015)
  417. Compton Thick AGN in the COSMOS field
    Lanzuisi, G & Cosmos Collaboration, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 46 (2015)
  418. The infrared as a means to identify extremely obscured active galactic nuclei
    Messias, H et al., Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 47 (2015)
  419. A trade-off study of the WFI field of view
    Vito, F et al., Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 48 (2015)
  420. The WISSH survey: X-raying the most luminous QSOs in the universe
    Zappacosta, L et al., Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 49 (2015)
  421. The complex evolution of AGN outflows: Challenges of simulating and interpreting observations of AGN activity
    Zubovas, K, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 50 (2015)
  422. X-ray Reverberation with Athena
    De Marco, B et al., Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 51 (2015)
  423. Impact of Quasi-Periodic Oscillations on the energy spectrum
    Varniere, P & Mignon-Risse, R, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 53 (2015)
  424. Search for serendipitous TNO occultation events in X-rays with Athena
    Chang, H, Liu, C & Shang, J, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 56 (2015)
  425. Constraining the Dense Matter Equation of State with ATHENA-WFI observations of Neutron Stars in Quiescent LMXBs
    Guillot, S & Oezel, F, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 59 (2015)
  426. X-ray view of pulsar wind nebulae: What we can learn with Athena?
    Kargaltsev, O et al., Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 60 (2015)
  427. Isolated neutron stars as seen by Athena
    Posselt, B & Pavlov, G, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 61 (2015)
  428. Evolved Fe-rich supernova remnants in the Large Magellanic Cloud with Athena
    Kavanagh, P et al., Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 62 (2015)
  429. Connecting the high- and low-energy Universe: dust processing inside Supernova Remnants
    Micelotta, E, Dwek, E & Slavin, J, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 63 (2015)
  430. N132D: Chandra and XMM-Newton X-ray Imaging and Spectral Analysis
    Plucinsky, P et al., Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 65 (2015)
  431. Catching a glimpse of the X-ray emission from galaxies in the early Universe by studying nearby low-metallicity galaxies
    Basu-Zych, A et al., Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 67 (2015)
  432. Athena X-IFU event reconstruction software: SIRENA
    Ceballos, M et al., Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 69 (2015)
  433. Bright Source Capabilities of the Athena WFI and X-IFU Instrument
    Dauser, T et al., Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 70 (2015)
  434. Athena mission operations concept with a special view on ToO
    Kirsch, M & Symonds, K, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 71 (2015)
  435. The reduction techniques of the particle background for the ATHENA X-IFU instrument at L2 orbit: Geant4 and the CryoAC
    Macculi, C et al., Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 72 (2015)
  436. The X-IFU end-to-end simulations performed for the TES array optimization exercise
    Peille, P et al., Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 73 (2015)
  437. AHEAD: Integrated Activities in the High Energy Astrophysics Domain
    Piro, L, Natalucci, L & Ahead Consortium,, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 74 (2015)
  438. Seeing to the Event Horizon: Probing Accretion Physics with X-ray Reflection
    Wilkins, D, Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory, 76 (2015)
  439. Event processing in X-IFU detector onboard Athena.
    Ceballos, M et al., Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VIII, 865 (2015)
  440. AGN Feedback in the X-ray Surveyor Era
    Reynolds, C, X-Ray Vision Workshop: Probing the Universe in Depth and Detail with the X-Ray Surveyor, 21 (2015)
  441. Measurement of Neutron Star Radii with X-ray Binaries and Recycled Pulsars
    Bogdanov, S, APS April Meeting Abstracts, 4001 (2014)
  442. Properties of Quantum-Dot-Doped Liquid Scintillators
    Coy, C, APS April Meeting Abstracts, 14002 (2014)
  443. What's important at z>5? X-ray Emission from Starbursts!
    Hornschemeier, A et al., HEAD, 14, 11012 (2014)
  444. The Athena X-ray Observatory: observing luminous extragalactic transients
    O'Brien, P & Jonker, P, HEAD, 14, 11616 (2014)
  445. Athena: Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe
    Nandra, K, HEAD, 14, 30101 (2014)
  446. Fifteen years of experience with the Reflection Grating Spectrometer on XMM-Newton
    de Vries, C et al., SPIE, 9144, 0R (2014)
  447. Development of DEPFET active pixel sensors to improve the spectroscopic response for high time resolution applications
    Bahr, A et al., SPIE, 9144, 11 (2014)
  448. X-ray optical units made of glass: achievements and perspectives
    Civitani, M et al., SPIE, 9144, 16 (2014)
  449. Science requirements and optimization of the silicon pore optics design for the Athena mirror
    Willingale, R et al., SPIE, 9144, 2E (2014)
  450. Making the ATHENA optics using silicon pore optics
    Collon, M et al., SPIE, 9144, 2G (2014)
  451. The wide field imager instrument for Athena
    Meidinger, N et al., SPIE, 9144, 2J (2014)
  452. Prospects and limitations of DEPFET active pixel sensors as high speed spectroscopic x-ray imager for the ATHENA wide field imager
    Aschauer, S et al., SPIE, 9144, 2K (2014)
  453. The X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU) for Athena
    Ravera, L et al., SPIE, 9144, 2L (2014)
  454. Development of TES-based detectors array for the X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU) on the future x-ray observatory ATHENA
    Gottardi, L et al., SPIE, 9144, 2M (2014)
  455. Background simulations for the ATHENA X-IFU instrument: impact on the instrumental design
    Lotti, S et al., SPIE, 9144, 2O (2014)
  456. Industrialization scenario for X-ray telescopes production based on glass slumping
    Proserpio, L et al., SPIE, 9144, 48 (2014)
  457. A high resolution large x-ray mission based on thin glass: optomechanical design
    Basso, S et al., SPIE, 9144, 4C (2014)
  458. Arcus: an ISS-attached high-resolution x-ray grating spectrometer
    Smith, R et al., SPIE, 9144, 4Y (2014)
  459. An expanded x-ray beam facility (BEaTriX) to test the modular elements of the ATHENA optics
    Spiga, D et al., SPIE, 9144, 5I (2014)
  460. Studying ATHENA optics with divergent and collimated x-ray beams
    Menz, B et al., SPIE, 9144, 5J (2014)
  461. Optical design for ATHENA X-ray telescope based on slumped mirror segments
    Proserpio, L et al., SPIE, 9144, 5L (2014)
  462. VERITAS 2.0 a multi-channel readout ASIC suitable for the DEPFET arrays of the WFI for Athena
    Porro, M et al., SPIE, 9144, 5N (2014)
  463. Towards Mo/Au based TES detectors for Athena/X-IFU
    Fabrega, L et al., SPIE, 9144, 5P (2014)
  464. Requirements for the detectors and read-out of ATHENA X-IFU
    den Hartog, R et al., SPIE, 9144, 5Q (2014)
  465. TES-detector based focal plane assembly key-technology developments for ATHENA and SAFARI
    van Weers, H et al., SPIE, 9144, 5R (2014)
  466. The Cryogenic AntiCoincidence detector for ATHENA: the progress towards the final pixel design
    Macculi, C et al., SPIE, 9144, 5S (2014)
  467. The DRE: the digital readout electronics for ATHENA X-IFU
    Ravera, L et al., SPIE, 9144, 5T (2014)
  468. Baseline design of the thermal blocking filters for the X-IFU detector on board ATHENA
    Barbera, M et al., SPIE, 9144, 5U (2014)
  469. ATHENA X-IFU detector cooling chain
    Branco, M, Charles, I & Butterworth, J, SPIE, 9144, 5V (2014)
  470. Coolers development for the ATHENA X-IFU cryogenic chain
    Duband, L, Charles, I & Duval, J, SPIE, 9144, 5W (2014)
  471. ATHENA end-to-end simulations
    Wilms, J et al., SPIE, 9144, 5X (2014)
  472. Background studies for ATHENA: towards a new assessment phase
    Perinati, E, Santangelo, A & Tenzer, C, SPIE, 9144, 5Y (2014)
  473. Novel Hybrid CMOS X-ray Detector Developments for Future Large Area and High Resolution X-ray Astronomy Missions
    Falcone, A, NASA APRA Proposal, 37 (2014)
  474. High Energy Laboratory Astrophysics using an X-Ray Microcalorimeter with an Electron Beam Ion Trap
    Porter, F, NASA APRA Proposal, 80 (2014)
  475. Modelling steep radial emissivity in relativistic iron lines from black-hole accretion discs
    Svoboda, J et al., Proceedings of RAGtime 10-13, 209 (2014)
  476. The formation and growth of the earliest supermassive black holes
    Cappelluti, N, Comastri, A & Aird, J, 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 452 (2014)
  477. Understanding the build-up of supermassive black holes and galaxies at the heyday of the Universe
    Carrera, F, 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 460 (2014)
  478. The Astrophysics of galaxy groups and clusters with Athena
    Ettori, S, 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 819 (2014)
  479. The Science of the Hot Energetic Universe with Athena
    Fabian, A, 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 825 (2014)
  480. The close environments of supermassive black holes with Athena
    Kara, E, 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 1386 (2014)
  481. Star formation and evolution in The Hot and Energetic Universe
    Oskinova, L, Sciortino, S & Rauw, G, 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2392 (2014)
  482. Optics for Athena
    Pareschi, G, 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2443 (2014)
  483. The X-Ray Integral Field Unit and the Athena mission
    Piro, L, Barret, D & Den herder, J, 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2556 (2014)
  484. The Wide Field Imager for the Athena X-ray Observatory
    Rau, A, 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2707 (2014)
  485. Revolutions in Galaxy Cluster Science: Astro-H/eROSITA Synergy and Athena Outlook
    Reiprich, T, 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2718 (2014)
  486. Studying the Evolution of Galaxy Groups and Clusters with Athena
    Reiprich, T & Pointecouteau, E, 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2719 (2014)
  487. The Athena view of the end point of stellar evolution
    Rodriguez, J, Motch, C & Wilms, J, 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2764 (2014)
  488. Observing AGN Feedback in Galaxy Clusters and Groups with Athena
    Sanders, J & Croston, J, 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2864 (2014)
  489. High-Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy with a Grating Spectrometer Explorer on the ISS
    Smith, R, 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 3146 (2014)
  490. The diffuse gas in galaxies: supernova remnants and the interstellar medium
    Tiengo, A, Decourchelle, A & Costantini, E, 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 3335 (2014)
  491. Arcus: The next generation of high-resolution X-ray grating spectra
    Smith, R, 15 Years of Science with Chandra, P61 (2014)
  492. The X-ray Integral Field Unit of the Athena X-ray Observatory
    Barret, D et al., The X-ray Universe 2014, 2 (2014)
  493. The Athena mission
    Nandra, P, The X-ray Universe 2014, 10 (2014)
  494. Relativistic Astrophysics in Active Galactic Nuclei
    Reynolds, C, The X-ray Universe 2014, 22 (2014)
  495. A new cosmological distance measure using AGN X-ray variability
    Bianchi, S, The X-ray Universe 2014, 39 (2014)
  496. Completing the census of heavily obscured AGN with Athena
    Carrera, F et al., The X-ray Universe 2014, 45 (2014)
  497. The ICM power spectrum: probing the gas physics of galaxy clusters
    Gaspari, M et al., The X-ray Universe 2014, 78 (2014)
  498. The Wide Field Imager for the Athena X-ray Observatory
    Rau, A, The X-ray Universe 2014, 167 (2014)
  499. The X-ray view of high-redshift clusters: ICM and AGN contribution
    Biffi, V, The X-ray Universe 2014, 229 (2014)
  500. Signature of Early Black holes in Cosmic Backgrounds
    Cappelluti, N, The X-ray Universe 2014, 235 (2014)
  501. Reverberation mapping in the lamp-post geometry of the compact corona illuminating a black-hole accretion disc in AGN
    Dovciak, M et al., The X-ray Universe 2014, 244 (2014)
  502. CV Science with Athena: A case study of AM Herculis
    Traulsen, I & Schwope, A, The X-ray Universe 2014, 326 (2014)
  503. Space Weather data processing and Science Gateway for the Van Allen Probes
    Romeo, G et al., AGUFM, SM53, 2256 (2013)
  504. Testing the No-Hair Theorem with Observations of Black Holes in the Electromagnetic Spectrum
    Johannsen, T, APS April Meeting Abstracts, 10009 (2013)
  505. Data Flow Design for Event Detection and Qualification in TES X-Ray Detectors
    Ceballos, M et al., ASPC, 475, 25 (2013)
  506. From zone plate to microcalorimeter . 50 years of cosmic X-ray spectroscopy at SRON
    Bleeker, J & Verbunt, F, MmSAI, 84, 512 (2013)
  507. Measuring optical constants of multilayer materials for current and future hard X-ray space telescopes
    Brejnholt, N, NASA APRA Proposal, 91 (2013)
  508. The Hot and Energetic Universe: A White Paper presenting the science theme motivating the Athena+ mission
    Nandra, K et al., arXiv, 1306, 2307 (2013)
  509. The Hot and Energetic Universe: The evolution of galaxy groups and clusters
    Pointecouteau, E et al., arXiv, 1306, 2319 (2013)
  510. The Hot and Energetic Universe: The astrophysics of galaxy groups and clusters
    Ettori, S et al., arXiv, 1306, 2322 (2013)
  511. The Hot and Energetic Universe: AGN feedback in galaxy clusters and groups
    Croston, J et al., arXiv, 1306, 2323 (2013)
  512. The Hot and Energetic Universe: The missing baryons and the warm-hot intergalactic medium
    Kaastra, J et al., arXiv, 1306, 2324 (2013)
  513. The Hot and Energetic Universe: The formation and growth of the earliest supermassive black holes
    Aird, J et al., arXiv, 1306, 2325 (2013)
  514. The Hot and Energetic Universe: Understanding the build-up of supermassive black holes and galaxies at the heyday of the Universe
    Georgakakis, A et al., arXiv, 1306, 2328 (2013)
  515. The Hot and Energetic Universe: Astrophysics of feedback in local AGN
    Cappi, M et al., arXiv, 1306, 2330 (2013)
  516. The Hot and Energetic Universe: The close environments of supermassive black holes
    Dovciak, M et al., arXiv, 1306, 2331 (2013)
  517. The Hot and Energetic Universe: End points of stellar evolution
    Motch, C et al., arXiv, 1306, 2334 (2013)
  518. The Hot and Energetic Universe: The astrophysics of supernova remnants and the interstellar medium
    Decourchelle, A et al., arXiv, 1306, 2335 (2013)
  519. The Hot and Energetic Universe: Luminous extragalactic transients
    Jonker, P et al., arXiv, 1306, 2336 (2013)
  520. Impact of Rotation on the Structure and Composition of Neutron Stars
    Weber, F, Orsaria, M & Negreiros, R, arXiv, 1307, 1103 (2013)
  521. The Hot and Energetic Universe: The Optical Design of the Athena+ Mirror
    Willingale, R et al., arXiv, 1307, 1709 (2013)
  522. The Hot and Energetic Universe: The X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU) for Athena+
    Barret, D et al., arXiv, 1308, 6784 (2013)
  523. The Hot and Energetic Universe: The Wide Field Imager (WFI) for Athena+
    Rau, A et al., arXiv, 1308, 6785 (2013)
  524. Astronomical Tests of General Relativity and the Pseudo-Complex Theory
    Boller, T & Muller, A, Exciting Interdisciplinary Physics, 293 (2013)
  525. Athena+
    Fabian, A, From the Dolomites to the Event Horizon: Sledging Down the Black Hole Potential Well, 37 (2013)
  526. TES-based microcalorimeter for future X-ray astronomy missions. Software development for instrument calibration
    Fraga-Encinas, R et al., Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VII, 945 (2013)
  527. Athena+: The first Deep Universe X-ray Observatory
    Barret, D et al., SF2A-2013: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 447 (2013)
  528. Future Opportunities for X-ray Timing After RXTE
    Chakrabarty, D, AAS, 219, 21805 (2012)
  529. RBSP Space Weather data
    Weiss, M et al., AGUFM, SM41, 2186 (2012)
  530. Next-Generation X-Ray Astronomy
    White, N, IAUS, 285, 159 (2012)
  531. Development of high angular resolution x-ray telescopes based on slumped glass foils
    Ghigo, M et al., SPIE, 8443, 0R (2012)
  532. Status of the ESA L1 mission candidate ATHENA
    Rando, N et al., SPIE, 8443, 28 (2012)
  533. Silicon pore optics developments and status
    Bavdaz, M et al., SPIE, 8443, 29 (2012)
  534. Reference payload of the ESA L1 mission candidate ATHENA
    Martin, D et al., SPIE, 8443, 2A (2012)
  535. The x-ray microcalorimeter spectrometer onboard Athena
    den Herder, J et al., SPIE, 8443, 2B (2012)
  536. Nuclear spallation by solar proton events and cosmic rays in the eROSITA and ATHENA focal plane configurations
    Perinati, E et al., SPIE, 8443, 2J (2012)
  537. Development and characterization of coatings on silicon pore optics substrates for the ATHENA Mission
    Ferreira, D et al., SPIE, 8443, 5E (2012)
  538. The cryogenic anticoincidence detector for ATHENA-XMS: preliminary results from the new prototype
    Macculi, C et al., SPIE, 8443, 5G (2012)
  539. An efficient method for reducing the background of microcalorimeters applied to ATHENA-XMS
    Lotti, S et al., SPIE, 8443, 5H (2012)
  540. Background simulations for the wide field imager aboard the ATHENA X-ray Observatory
    Hauf, S et al., SPIE, 8443, 5J (2012)
  541. ATHENA optimized coating design
    Ferreira, D et al., SPIE, 8443, 5L (2012)
  542. Shedding New Light on the Innermost Regions of AGN with XMM, Suzaku and NuSTAR
    Brenneman, L, NASA ADAP Proposal, 58 (2012)
  543. Athena (Advanced Telescope for High ENergy Astrophysics) Assessment Study Report for ESA Cosmic Vision 2015-2025
    Barcons, X et al., arXiv, 1207, 2745 (2012)
  544. Measuring Black Hole Spins in AGN: Current Status and Future Prospects
    Brenneman, L et al., 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 248 (2012)
  545. The light up and evolution of early Massive Black Holes: Athena observations
    Comastri, A, 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 356 (2012)
  546. JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (juice): AN ESA L-Class Mission Candidate to the Jupiter System
    Erd, C, 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 512 (2012)
  547. Planetary Protection for the JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE) Mission Candidate
    Erd, C, 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 513 (2012)
  548. Bulk motion measurements in clusters of galaxies using XMM-Newton and ATHENA
    Nevalainen, J, Galaxy Clusters as Giant Cosmic Laboratories, 40 (2012)
  549. The Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium Explorer (WHIMex) Mission Concept
    Lillie, C et al., AAS, 218, 22107 (2011)
  550. Athena: An X-ray Observatory Class Mission for the Next Decade
    Barcons, X & Athena Science Study Team, HEAD, 12, 3002 (2011)
  551. The Future of High-Energy Astrophysics: Prospects for Supermassive Black Hole Discoveries
    Niel Brandt, W, HEAD, 12, 3202 (2011)
  552. Report Of The Cospar WG On "Future Of Space Astronomy"
    Ubertini, P & Cospar WG on Future of Space Astronomy,, HEAD, 12, 3206 (2011)
  553. The Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium Explorer (WHIMex)
    Lillie, C et al., HEAD, 12, 3608 (2011)
  554. The Prospects Of High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy With Athena For Studies Of Agn Feedback In Clusters
    Heinz, S, HEAD, 12, 3807 (2011)
  555. The Cosmic Vision mission studies: status and overview of the M3 astrophysics candidates and L-class reformulation
    Gehler, M et al., SPIE, 8145, 09 (2011)
  556. Design, fabrication, and characterization of silicon pore optics for ATHENA/IXO
    Collon, M et al., SPIE, 8147, 0D (2011)
  557. Mass production of silicon pore optics for IXO and ATHENA
    Wille, E, Wallace, K & Bavdaz, M, SPIE, 8147, 0E (2011)
  558. Preliminary coating design and coating developments for ATHENA
    Jakobsen, A et al., SPIE, 8147, 0T (2011)
  559. New multilayer design for ASTRO-H/hard x-ray telescope and missions beyond
    Miyata, Y, Tamura, K & Kunieda, H, SPIE, 8147, 0V (2011)
  560. Adjustable grazing incidence x-ray optics: measurement of actuator influence functions and comparison with modeling
    Cotroneo, V et al., SPIE, 8147, 1R (2011)
  561. X-ray Astronomical Optics For The New Decade
    Pareschi, G, X-ray Astrophysics up to 511 keV, 44 (2011)
  562. ATHENA: The Advanced Telescope for High Energy Astrophysics
    Nandra, K, The X-ray Universe 2011, 22 (2011)
  563. The Muon Conditions Data Management:. Database Architecture and Software Infrastructure
    Verducci, M, Astroparticle, Particle and Space Physics, Detectors and Medical Physics Applications, 536 (2010)
  564. The Status of the Atlas Simulation Project for the Lhc Startup
    Dell'Acqua, A et al., Astroparticle, Particle and Space Physics, Detectors and Medical Physics Applications, 436 (2008)
  565. Developing and Deploying Advanced Algorithms to Novel Supercomputing Hardware
    Brunner, R, Kindratenko, V & Myers, A, arXiv, 0711, 3414 (2007)
  566. Ancient Celestial Spheres from Greece
    Dimitrakoudis, S et al., Recent Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 919 (2006)
  567. Atlas Detector Simulation:. Status and Outlook
    Rimoldi, A et al., Astroparticle, Particle and Space Physics, Detectors and Medical Physics Applications, 551 (2006)
  568. Will Antihydrogen Light Shine?
    Variola, A, Frontiers of Fundamental and Computational Physics, 265 (2006)
  569. Detection of Antihydrogen Annihilations with a Si-Micro and Pure CSI Detector
    Johnson, I et al., Astroparticle, Particle and Space Physics, Detectors and Medical Physics Applications, 473 (2004)
  570. Controlled Antihydrogen Propulsion for NASA's Future in Very Deep Space
    Nieto, M, Holzscheiter, M & Turyshev, S, astro, ph, 10511 (2004)
  571. Forming cold antihydrogen for tests of CPT and WEP
    Holzscheiter, M, APS April Meeting Abstracts, 4003 (2002)
  572. Final Analysis of MER Sites Along the Southern Rim of Isidis Planitia
    Crumpler, L, Tanaka, K & Hare, T, LPI, 33, 1923 (2002)
  573. Moessbauer Spectroscopy of SNC Meteorites
    Darby, M, Unmixing the SNCs: Chemical, Isotopic, and Petrologic Components of the Martian Meteorites, 15 (2002)
  574. "It's Bubbles All the Way Down:” The Science and Art of Foam
    Perkowitz, S, APS March Meeting Abstracts, 4003 (2001)
  575. Athena alternative launch site selection
    Cass, S & Schooff, R, Space Technology and Applications, International Forum -- 1999, 1150 (1999)
  576. Supernova 1999E in Anonymous Galaxy
    Cappellaro, E et al., IAUC, 7091, 1 (1999)
  577. Supernova 1998bw in ESO 184-G82
    Patat, F et al., IAUC, 7017, 2 (1998)
  578. A 1.4 GHz Survey of the Southern ELAIS Region
    Gruppioni, C et al., astro, ph, 12256 (1998)
  579. Distributed Software for Observations in the Near Infrared
    Gavryusev, V, Baffa, C & Giani, E, ASPC, 77, 25 (1995)
  580. WGACAT
    White, N, Giommi, P & Angelini, L, IAUC, 6100, 1 (1994)
  581. ATHENA: a high-resolution wide-area coverage commercial remote sensing system
    Claybaugh, W & Megill, L, SPIE, 1495, 81 (1991)

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