ATHENA Refereed Journals

  1. Plasma-environment effects on K lines of astrophysical interest. III. IPs, K thresholds, radiative rates, and Auger widths in Fe IX - Fe XVI
    Deprince, J et al., A&A, 635, 70 (2020)
  2. The Athena space X-ray observatory and the astrophysics of hot plasma
    Barret, D et al., AN, 341, 224 (2020)
  3. Astrophysical Limits on Very Light Axion-like Particles from Chandra Grating Spectroscopy of NGC 1275
    Reynolds, C et al., ApJ, 890, 59 (2020)
  4. Separating Accretion and Mergers in the Cosmic Growth of Black Holes with X-Ray and Gravitational-wave Observations
    Pacucci, F & Loeb, A, ApJ, 895, 95 (2020)
  5. A Global Nonhydrostatic Atmospheric Model with a Mass- and Energy-conserving Vertically Implicit Correction (VIC) Scheme
    Ge, H et al., ApJ, 898, 130 (2020)
  6. 2SXPS: An Improved and Expanded Swift X-Ray Telescope Point-source Catalog
    Evans, P et al., ApJS, 247, 54 (2020)
  7. Gravitational-wave versus x-ray tests of strong-field gravity
    Cardenas-Avendano, A, Nampalliwar, S & Yunes, N, CQGra, 37, 135008 (2020)
  8. Estimating, monitoring and minimizing the travel footprint associated with the development of the Athena X-ray Integral Field Unit
    Barret, D, ExA, 49, 183 (2020)
  9. WORKPLANS: Workshop on Planetary Nebula Observations
    Aleman, I et al., Galax, 8, 23 (2020)
  10. Searching for sterile neutrino with X-ray intensity mapping
    Caputo, A, Regis, M & Taoso, M, JCAP, 03, 001 (2020)
  11. The Demonstration Model of the ATHENA X-IFU Cryogenic AntiCoincidence Detector
    D'Andrea, M et al., JLTP, 199, 65 (2020)
  12. Progress in the Development of Frequency-Domain Multiplexing for the X-ray Integral Field Unit on Board the Athena Mission
    Akamatsu, H et al., JLTP, 199, 737 (2020)
  13. The hunt for pulsating ultraluminous X-ray sources
    Song, X et al., MNRAS, 491, 1260 (2020)
  14. The spatial distribution of circumstellar material of the wind-fed system GX 301-2
    Zheng, X, Liu, J & Gou, L, MNRAS, 491, 4802 (2020)
  15. AGNs at the cosmic dawn: predictions for future surveys from a ΛCDM cosmological model
    Griffin, A et al., MNRAS, 492, 2535 (2020)
  16. The warm-hot circumgalactic medium around EAGLE-simulation galaxies and its detection prospects with X-ray and UV line absorption
    Wijers, N, Schaye, J & Oppenheimer, B, MNRAS, 498, 574 (2020)
  17. A Disc Reflection Model for Ultra-Soft Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies
    Jiang, J et al., MNRAS, tmp, 2010 (2020)
  18. e X T P perspectives for the ν MSM sterile neutrino dark matter model
    Malyshev, D et al., PhRvD, 101, 123009 (2020)
  19. Numerical simulation of sky localization for LISA-TAIJI joint observation
    Wang, G et al., PhRvD, 102, 024089 (2020)
  20. 7.1 keV sterile neutrino dark matter constraints from a deep Chandra X-ray observation of the Galactic bulge Limiting Window
    Hofmann, F & Wegg, C, A&A, 625, L7 (2019)
  21. Plasma environment effects on K lines of astrophysical interest. II. Ionization potentials, K thresholds, radiative rates, and Auger widths in Ne- through He-like iron ions (Fe XVII - Fe XXV)
    Deprince, J et al., A&A, 626, 83 (2019)
  22. Detecting shocked intergalactic gas with X-ray and radio observations
    Vazza, F et al., A&A, 627, 5 (2019)
  23. Inferring black hole spins and probing accretion/ejection flows in AGNs with the Athena X-ray Integral Field Unit
    Barret, D & Cappi, M, A&A, 628, 5 (2019)
  24. X-ray extinction from interstellar dust. Prospects of observing carbon, sulfur, and other trace elements
    Costantini, E et al., A&A, 629, 78 (2019)
  25. Towards mapping turbulence in the intra-cluster medium. I. Sample variance in spatially-resolved X-ray line diagnostics
    Clerc, N et al., A&A, 629, 143 (2019)
  26. Towards mapping turbulence in the intra-cluster medium. II. Measurement uncertainties in the estimation of structure functions
    Cucchetti, E et al., A&A, 629, 144 (2019)
  27. The advanced telescope for high energy astrophysics
    Matt, G, AN, 340, 35 (2019)
  28. Physical characterization of the deep-space debris WT1190F: A testbed for advanced SSA techniques
    Buzzoni, A et al., AdSpR, 63, 371 (2019)
  29. Estimation of the Particle Radiation Environment at the L1 Point and in Near-Earth Space
    Laurenza, M et al., ApJ, 873, 112 (2019)
  30. A Hard Look at NGC 5347: Revealing a Nearby Compton-thick AGN
    Kammoun, E et al., ApJ, 877, 102 (2019)
  31. Modeling the X-Ray Power Spectra of AGN by Using Reprocessing Echoes from an Extended Corona
    Chainakun, P, ApJ, 878, 20 (2019)
  32. A NICER Look at Strong X-Ray Obscuration in the Seyfert-2 Galaxy NGC 4388
    Miller, J et al., ApJ, 884, 106 (2019)
  33. The Nature of the Broadband X-Ray Variability in the Dwarf Seyfert Galaxy NGC 4395
    Kammoun, E et al., ApJ, 886, 145 (2019)
  34. Steep X-ray reflection emissivity profiles in AGN as the result of radially structured disc ionization
    Kammoun, E et al., MNRAS, 485, 239 (2019)
  35. Towards observing reverberating and superefficient pulsar wind nebulae
    Torres, D, Lin, T & Coti Zelati, F, MNRAS, 486, 1019 (2019)
  36. Searching for fast extragalactic X-ray transients in Chandra surveys
    Yang, G et al., MNRAS, 487, 4721 (2019)
  37. Observational limits on the X-ray emission from the bubble nebula surrounding Ho IX X-1
    Sathyaprakash, R, Roberts, T & Siwek, M, MNRAS, 488, 4614 (2019)
  38. X-ray signatures of the polar dusty gas in AGN
    Liu, J et al., MNRAS, 490, 4344 (2019)
  39. Assessment of the particle radiation environment at L1 and near-Earth space
    Laurenza, M et al., NCimC, 42, 41 (2019)
  40. Probing the physics of AGN feedback with high resolution X-ray spectroscopy
    Ogorzalek, A, PhD Thesis, 7 (2019)
  41. Joint cosmological inference of standard sirens and gravitational wave weak lensing
    Congedo, G & Taylor, A, PhRvD, 99, 083526 (2019)
  42. Microlensing of x-ray pulsars: A method to detect primordial black hole dark matter
    Bai, Y & Orlofsky, N, PhRvD, 99, 123019 (2019)
  43. Constraining Gas Motions in the Intra-Cluster Medium
    Simionescu, A et al., SSRv, 215, 24 (2019)
  44. Estimating the equation of state from measurements of neutron star radii with 5% accuracy
    Sieniawska, M, Bejger, M & Haskell, B, A&A, 616, 105 (2018)
  45. X-ray absorption towards high-redshift sources: probing the intergalactic medium with blazars
    Arcodia, R et al., A&A, 616, 170 (2018)
  46. XZ: Deriving redshifts from X-ray spectra of obscured AGN
    Simmonds, C et al., A&A, 618, 66 (2018)
  47. Constraining the geometry of the nuclear wind in PDS 456 using a novel emission model
    Luminari, A et al., A&A, 619, 149 (2018)
  48. How Do Cold Gas Outflows Shape Galaxies?
    Bolatto, A et al., ASPC, 517, 441 (2018)
  49. The THESEUS space mission concept: science case, design and expected performances
    Amati, L et al., AdSpR, 62, 191 (2018)
  50. Powering of Hα Filaments by Cosmic Rays
    Ruszkowski, M, Yang, H & Reynolds, C, ApJ, 858, 64 (2018)
  51. Gas Perturbations in the Cool Cores of Galaxy Clusters: Effective Equation of State, Velocity Power Spectra, and Turbulent Heating
    Zhuravleva, I et al., ApJ, 865, 53 (2018)
  52. X-Ray Structure between the Innermost Disk and Optical Broad-line Region in NGC 4151
    Miller, J et al., ApJ, 865, 97 (2018)
  53. Magnetic Shielding of Soft Protons in Future X-Ray Telescopes: The Case of the ATHENA Wide Field Imager
    Fioretti, V et al., ApJ, 867, 9 (2018)
  54. Relating Kerr SMBHs in active galactic nuclei to RADs configurations
    Pugliese, D & Stuchlik, Z, CQGra, 35, 185008 (2018)
  55. The Wide Field Imager instrument for Athena
    Meidinger, N, CoSka, 48, 498 (2018)
  56. Soft proton flux on ATHENA focal plane and its impact on the magnetic diverter design
    Lotti, S et al., ExA, 45, 411 (2018)
  57. Science with e-ASTROGAM. A space mission for MeV-GeV gamma-ray astrophysics
    de Angelis, A et al., JHEAp, 19, 1 (2018)
  58. The Cryogenic AntiCoincidence Detector for ATHENA X-IFU: Assessing the Role of the Athermal Phonons Collectors in the AC-S8 Prototype
    D'Andrea, M et al., JLTP, 193, 949 (2018)
  59. The Cryogenic AntiCoincidence Detector for ATHENA X-IFU: Improvement of the Test Setup Toward the Demonstration Model
    D'Andrea, M et al., JLTP, 193, 958 (2018)
  60. Projected bounds on ALPs from Athena
    Conlon, J et al., MNRAS, 473, 4932 (2018)
  61. Searching for outflows in ultraluminous X-ray sources through high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy
    Kosec, P et al., MNRAS, 473, 5680 (2018)
  62. On obtaining neutron star mass and radius constraints from quiescent low-mass X-ray binaries in the Galactic plane
    Marino, A et al., MNRAS, 479, 3634 (2018)
  63. Measuring masses in low mass X-ray binaries via X-ray spectroscopy: the case of MXB 1659-298
    Ponti, G et al., MNRAS, 481, L94 (2018)
  64. New astronomy reviews special issue: History of Kepler's major exoplanet "firsts"
    Lissauer, J & Eisberg, J, NewAR, 83, 1 (2018)
  65. Hitomi observations of the LMC SNR N 132 D: Highly redshifted X-ray emission from iron ejecta
    Hitomi Collaboration et al., PASJ, 70, 16 (2018)
  66. Enrichment of the Hot Intracluster Medium: Observations
    Mernier, F et al., SSRv, 214, 129 (2018)
  67. The WISSH quasars project. III. X-ray properties of hyper-luminous quasars
    Martocchia, S et al., A&A, 608, 51 (2017)
  68. High-resolution X-ray spectroscopy: The coming-of-age
    Kaastra, J, AN, 338, 146 (2017)
  69. Athena: ESA's X-ray observatory for the late 2020s
    Barcons, X et al., AN, 338, 153 (2017)
  70. Future perspectives for abundance measurements in clusters of galaxies with XMM-Newton
    de Plaa, J & Mernier, F, AN, 338, 299 (2017)
  71. X-ray selection of Compton-Thick AGN at high redshift
    Lanzuisi, G, AN, 338, 316 (2017)
  72. Diagnosing the Kinematics of the Tori in Active Galactic Nuclei with the Velocity-resolved Reverberation Mapping of the Narrow Iron Kα Line
    Liu, Y & Li, X, ApJL, 844, L8 (2017)
  73. Unseen Progenitors of Luminous High-z Quasars in the R h = ct Universe
    Fatuzzo, M & Melia, F, ApJ, 846, 129 (2017)
  74. The e-ASTROGAM mission. Exploring the extreme Universe with gamma rays in the MeV - GeV range
    De Angelis, A et al., ExA, 44, 25 (2017)
  75. Editorial to the special issue on Particle background for space instrumentation in the context of the Athena mission
    Natalucci, L & Macculi, C, ExA, 44, 261 (2017)
  76. A systematic analysis of the XMM-Newton background: III. Impact of the magnetospheric environment
    Ghizzardi, S et al., ExA, 44, 273 (2017)
  77. A systematic analysis of the XMM-Newton background: I. Dataset and extraction procedures
    Marelli, M et al., ExA, 44, 297 (2017)
  78. A systematic analysis of the XMM-Newton background: II. Properties of the in-Field-Of-View excess component
    Salvetti, D et al., ExA, 44, 309 (2017)
  79. A systematic analysis of the XMM-Newton background: IV. Origin of the unfocused and focused components
    Gastaldello, F et al., ExA, 44, 321 (2017)
  80. Hyper-velocity impact risk assessment and mitigation strategies in the context of future X-ray astronomy missions
    Perinati, E et al., ExA, 44, 337 (2017)
  81. The Cryogenic AntiCoincidence detector for ATHENA X-IFU: a scientific assessment of the observational capabilities in the hard X-ray band
    D'Andrea, M et al., ExA, 44, 359 (2017)
  82. The particle background of the X-IFU instrument
    Lotti, S et al., ExA, 44, 371 (2017)
  83. Preliminary assessment of the ATHENA/WFI non-X-ray background
    Perinati, E et al., ExA, 44, 387 (2017)
  84. Geant4 simulations of soft proton scattering in X-ray optics. A tentative validation using laboratory measurements
    Fioretti, V et al., ExA, 44, 413 (2017)
  85. Inferring Compton-thick AGN candidates at z > 2 with Chandra using the >8 keV rest-frame spectral curvature
    Baronchelli, L et al., MNRAS, 471, 364 (2017)
  86. On X-ray telescopes in general and the Athena optics in particular
    Westergaard, N, Ferreira, D & Massahi, S, NIMPA, 873, 5 (2017)
  87. A critical assessment of the metal content of the intracluster medium
    Molendi, S et al., A&A, 586, 32 (2016)
  88. 7.1 keV sterile neutrino constraints from X-ray observations of 33 clusters of galaxies with Chandra ACIS
    Hofmann, F et al., A&A, 592, 112 (2016)
  89. Accretion Disk Signatures in Type I X-Ray Bursts: Prospects for Future Missions
    Keek, L, Wolf, Z & Ballantyne, D, ApJ, 826, 79 (2016)
  90. El programa científico de la Agencia Espacial Europea
    Gabriel, C, BAAA, 58, 183 (2016)
  91. Gain drift compensation with no feedback-loop developed for the X-Ray Integral Field Unit/ATHENA readout chain
    Prele, D et al., JATIS, 2, 046002 (2016)
  92. Development of the superconducting detectors and read-out for the X-IFU instrument on board of the X-ray observatory Athena
    Gottardi, L et al., NIMPA, 824, 622 (2016)
  93. Fe XXV line profiles in colliding wind binaries
    Rauw, G, Mossoux, E & Naze, Y, NewA, 43, 70 (2016)
  94. Extreme Environments: From supermassive black holes to supernovae
    Krauss, F, PhD Thesis, 265 (2016)
  95. Toward a full test of the ν MSM sterile neutrino dark matter model with Athena
    Neronov, A & Malyshev, D, PhRvD, 93, 063518 (2016)
  96. Chemical Enrichment RGS cluster Sample (CHEERS): Constraints on turbulence
    Pinto, C et al., A&A, 575, 38 (2015)
  97. Wide field imager instrument for the Advanced Telescope for High Energy Astrophysics
    Meidinger, N et al., JATIS, 1, 014006 (2015)
  98. Magnetorotational instability in cool cores of galaxy clusters
    Nipoti, C et al., JPlPh, 81, 054908 (2015)
  99. 5.9-keV Mn K-shell X-ray luminosity from the decay of 55Fe in Type Ia supernova models
    Seitenzahl, I et al., MNRAS, 447, 1484 (2015)
  100. Gas density fluctuations in the Perseus Cluster: clumping factor and velocity power spectrum
    Zhuravleva, I et al., MNRAS, 450, 4184 (2015)
  101. Detection of radial velocity shifts due to black hole binaries near merger
    McKernan, B & Ford, K, MNRAS, 452, L1 (2015)
  102. Using the transit of Venus to probe the upper planetary atmosphere
    Reale, F et al., NatCo, 6, 7563 (2015)
  103. Metal enrichment in the Fermi bubbles as a probe of their origin
    Inoue, Y et al., PASJ, 67, 56 (2015)
  104. The SKA view of cool-core clusters: evolution of radio mini-halos and AGN feedback
    Gitti, M et al., Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array (AASKA14), 76 (2015)
  105. In-orbit background of X-ray microcalorimeters and its effects on observations
    Lotti, S et al., A&A, 569, 54 (2014)
  106. Probing large-scale structure with large samples of X-ray selected AGN. I. Baryonic acoustic oscillations
    Hutsi, G et al., A&A, 572, 28 (2014)
  107. A New Cosmological Distance Measure Using Active Galactic Nucleus X-Ray Variability
    La Franca, F et al., ApJL, 787, L12 (2014)
  108. Evaluation of the surface strength of glass plates shaped by hot slumping process
    Proserpio, L et al., OptEn, 53, 085101 (2014)
  109. Bulk motion measurements in clusters of galaxies with ATHENA-like missions
    Nevalainen, J, AN, 334, 321 (2013)
  110. Multiwavelength Astronomy and CTA: X-rays
    Takahashi, T, Uchiyama, Y & Stawarz, L, APh, 43, 142 (2013)
  111. Testing the No-hair Theorem with Observations in the Electromagnetic Spectrum. IV. Relativistically Broadened Iron Lines
    Johannsen, T & Psaltis, D, ApJ, 773, 57 (2013)
  112. The spin of supermassive black holes
    Reynolds, C, CQGra, 30, 244004 (2013)
  113. Ripple effects and oscillations in the broad Fe Kα line as a probe of massive black hole mergers
    McKernan, B et al., MNRAS, 432, 1468 (2013)
  114. The origin of blueshifted absorption features in the X-ray spectrum of PG 1211+143: outflow or disc
    Gallo, L & Fabian, A, MNRAS, 434, L66 (2013)
  115. Angular fluctuations in the CXB: is Fe 6.4 keV line tomography of the large-scale structure feasible?
    Hutsi, G, Gilfanov, M & Sunyaev, R, A&A, 547, 21 (2012)
  116. Technology developments needed for future X-ray astronomy missions
    de Korte, P, AcAau, 77, 118 (2012)
  117. Demography of High-Redshift AGN
    Fiore, F, Puccetti, S & Mathur, S, AdAst, 2012, 9 (2012)
  118. A new recoil proton telescope for characterisation of energy and fluence of fast neutron fields
    Taforeau, J et al., JInst, 7, 4015 (2012)
  119. Dark matter detection with hard X-ray telescopes
    Jeltema, T & Profumo, S, MNRAS, 421, 1215 (2012)
  120. X-ray colour-colour selection for heavily absorbed active galactic nuclei
    Brightman, M & Nandra, K, MNRAS, 422, 1166 (2012)
  121. Estimate of the impact of background particles on the X-ray Microcalorimeter Spectrometer on IXO
    Lotti, S et al., NIMPA, 686, 31 (2012)
  122. Czech Contribution to Athena
    Hudec, R et al., AcPol, 51, 0628 (2011)
  123. X-Ray Micro-Calorimeter Based on Si Thermistors for X-Ray Astronomy: Design and First Measurements
    Aliane, A et al., JLTP, 151, 381 (2008)
  124. A 1.4-GHz survey of the southern European Large-Area ISO Survey region
    Gruppioni, C et al., MNRAS, 305, 297 (1999)
  125. Supernovae as the Site of the r-Process: Implications for Gamma-Ray Astronomy
    Qian, Y, Vogel, P & Wasserburg, G, ApJ, 506, 868 (1998)

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