Cosmos Non-refereed Publications
Astronomy from space : the design and operation orbiting observatories
Davies, J, Publisher: Chichester; New York: Wiley, 1997. Series: Wiley-PRAXIS series in astronomy and astrophysics. ISBN: 0471962589 (1997)
Radiometric measurements for the purposes of the permanent space patrol of the solar EUV and soft x-ray radiation
Avakyan, S, SPIE, 2805, 244 (1996)
HRI Observations of Powerful Radio Galaxies Positional Confirmation of Optically Quiet Quasars
Feigelson, E, psu rept (1996)
Linear Energy Transfer (LET) spectra of cosmic radiation in low Earth orbit
Parnell, T et al., hlps rept (1995)
Cosmic ray particles with different LET values under various thicknesses of shielding in low altitude orbits: Calculations and Cosmos-2044 measurements
Benton, E et al., hlps rept (1995)
North-south asymmetry of Galactic cosmic rays at an altitude of 500 KM
Afanas'ev, K et al., IzSSR, 55, 2010 (1991)
The charge state of anomalous oxygen
Grigorov, N et al., IzSSR, 55, 2017 (1991)
Investigation of 20 - 600 keV Röntgen sources radiation by means of spectrometers installed on the satellite "Kosmos 1106".
Kharadze, E & Kakhidze, G, AbaOB, 68, 69 (1990)
Exploration of terrestrial planets from spacecraft: instrumentation, investigation, interpretation.
Surkov, Y, Ellis Horwood, New York, NY (USA) (1990)
Cosmic rays in near-earth space in 1977-1979 based on Cosmos-900 data
Gorchakov, Y et al., RpScT, 2, 6 (1989)
Detection of artificial sources of nuclear radiation in space, revision
Share, G et al., nrl rept (1989)
Experiment on the measurement of fluxes of energetic neutrons and gamma rays on the Salyut-7/Cosmos-1686 orbital complex
Pankov, V et al., IzSSR, 52, 2374 (1988)
Investigation of high-energy particles of primary cosmic rays with the SOKOL satellite-borne instrumentation
Grigorov, N et al., MVSFA, 29, 44 (1988)
Search for infrared sources in the Ara region.
Li, J & Xiao, Z, PBeiO, 11, 5 (1988)
Investigation of primary particles of high-energy cosmic radiation aboard the Kosmos 1543 satellite.
Ivanenko, I et al., IzSSR, 51, 1781 (1987)
Peculiarities in the propagation of solar cosmic ray protons during the flares of September 19 and November 22, 1977 according to Čerenkov counter data of Kosmos 900.
Gorchakov, E et al., IzSSR, 51, 1833 (1987)
Multiply charged particles in primary cosmic rays with energy less than or equal to 2 TeV
Ivanenko, I et al., RpPhM, 4, 66 (1987)
Problems and methods in the extraatmospheric study of high-energy particles
Grigorov, N, Rapoport, I & Shestoperov, V, MVSFA, 27, 8 (1986)
Planetary distribution of secondary charged particles beyond the earth's radiation belts
Gorchakov, E et al., MVSFA, 27, 13 (1986)
Measurements of fluxes of high-energy protons and electrons by 2 oppositely oriented spectrometers aboard Cosmos-368 artificial Earth satellite
Bratolyubova-Tsulukidze, L et al., RpSpR, 5, 23 (1985)
Formation of high-energy secondary electrons in low-density medium at great altitudes
Kurnosova, L, Razorenov, L & Fradkin, M, RpSpR, 6, 32 (1985)
Development of MM/SMM technology for radio astronomy in P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute Academy of Sciences USSR
Salomonovich, A, mswr, symp, 175 (1985)
Variation of fast charged particles in event of 22 November 1977 based on Cosmos-900 satellite data
Gorchakov, Y et al., RpSpR, 2, 67 (1984)
Cutoff for solar cosmic rays in Earth's magnetosphere in magnetically quiet periods
Biryukov, A et al., RpSpR, 6, 70 (1984)
Search for galactic sources and bursts of X-rays in the 40-290 keV energy range with the Cosmos-428 spectrometer
Kakhidze, G et al., AbaOB, 57, 9 (1983)
Processing of scientific telemetry data of satellite-borne X-ray spectrometers, recorded in an analog form on paper tape
Kakhidze, G et al., AbaOB, 57, 17 (1983)
Scintillation spectrometers of the Cosmos 856 and 914 satellites for the study of galactic X-rays in the 20-320 keV range
Kakhidze, G, Iakovlev, B & Kuleshova, L, AbaOB, 57, 21 (1983)
Observation of the CYG X-1 and CYG X-2 sources by the Cosmos-856 X-ray spectrometers in the 20-320 keV energy range
Kakhidze, G et al., AbaOB, 57, 29 (1983)
Search for X-ray burst sources by the Cosmos-856 scintillation spectrometers in the 20-320 keV energy range
Kakhidze, G, Iakovlev, B & Kuleshova, L, AbaOB, 57, 33 (1983)
Search for galactic X-ray sources and bursts by the Cosmos-914 spectrometers in the 20-320 keV energy range
Kakhidze, G et al., AbaOB, 57, 37 (1983)
Complex of programs for processing scientific data from the X-ray spectrometers of the Cosmos 856 and 914 X-ray spectrometers on an ES computer
Kakhidze, G et al., AbaOB, 57, 41 (1983)
The Cosmos-1106 scintillation spectrometers for the detection of hard X-rays and gamma rays
Kakhidze, G, Iakovlev, B & Kudrevatykh, E, AbaOB, 57, 49 (1983)
Observation of high-energy diffuse gamma-radiation by the Cosmos-856 and Cosmos-914 satellites
Kalinkin, L & Nagornykh, I, MoIKI (1983)
Objective prism radial velocities for clusters of galaxies near the South Galactic Pole
Parker, Q et al., Astronomical Measuring Machines Workshop, 233 (1983)
Measurement of charge and energy spectra of heavy nuclei aboard Cosmos-936 artificial Earth satellite
Dashin, S, Marennyy, A & Gertsen, G, RpBAM, 3, 107 (1982)
Investigation of cosmic gamma-bursts.
Mazets, E & Golenetskii, S, Astrophysics and Cosmic Physics, 216 (1982)
Investigation, evaluation and forecast of near-earth space radiation situation
Avdiushin, S, Pereiaslova, N & Svidskii, P, smfe, cong, 263 (1982)
Observation of diffuse cosmic gamma -radiation in the 100 - 700 MeV energy range aboard Cosmos 731.
Bokov, V et al., IzSSR, 45, 633 (1981)
Gamma-telescope characteristics on the AES Cosmos 561 and Cosmos 731.
Bokov, V & Kruglov, E, IzSSR, 45, 653 (1981)
High-energy particles in space - Experimental methods and techniques
Shafer, I, heps book (1981)
Excess radiation at high altitudes /200-500 km/ above the earth
Klimenko, V et al., High-Energy Particles in Space - Experimental Methods and Techniques, 27 (1981)
Electron fluxes with energies greater than 150 MeV, based on Cosmos-555 satellite data
Kurnosova, L et al., High-Energy Particles in Space - Experimental Methods and Techniques, 40 (1981)
A look at the universe in gamma rays
Kniffen, D, aans meet (1979)
The Cosmos-782 and Prognoz-4 studies of cosmic radiation LET spectra
Kovalev, E & Markelov, V, Life Sciences and Space Research, 119 (1979)
Observations of the magnetospheric fluxes of protons and electrons from Cosmos-900 satellite on December 1-15, 1977
Tverskoi, B et al., cosp meet (1978)
Notes on Soviet Space Astronomy
Oberg, J, S&T, 53, 92 (1977)
Stellar UV-photometric equipment installed on the Cosmos 215 satellite.
Dimov, N & Terez, E, IzKry, 55, 196 (1976)
Results of ultraviolet photometry of stars on board the satellite Cosmos 215.
Zvereva, A & Eerme, K, IzKry, 55, 200 (1976)
Observation of solar cosmic rays during the flare of April 29, 1973.
Bazilevskaia, G et al., IzSSR, 40, 457 (1976)
Some characteristics of reentrant albedo fluxes at heights between 200 and 300 KM
Kurnosova, L et al., IzSSR, 40, 546 (1976)
Composition of the penetrating radiation above the earth's atmosphere from data of Cosmos 721.
Vernov, S et al., IzSSR, 40, 549 (1976)
Continuation of the experiment "Gamma-telescope" aboard Cosmos 731.
Belyaevskij, A et al., IzSSR, 40, 556 (1976)
Charged-particle flux at heights of 200-300 KM above earth
Kurnosova, L, Cosmic Rays in the Stratosphere and in Near Space (Russian), 143 (1976)
Gamma-ray astronomy : nuclear transition region
Chupp, E, Geophysics and Astrophysics Monographs, Dordrech: Reidel (1976)
Measurement of proton spectra on satellites from the Cosmos series of artificial satellites
Kovalev, Y et al., cora, nasa, 247 (1975)
Measurement of spectra and neutron fluxes on artificial earth satellites from the Cosmos series
Dudkin, V et al., cora, nasa, 252 (1975)
High-energy gamma quanta in primary cosmic rays
Bratoliubova-Tsulukidze, L et al., Cosmic Ray Studies, 52 (1975)
"Gamma-telescope" experiment. (Preliminary results).
Belyaevskij, A et al., IzSSR, 38, 1838 (1974)
Investigations of cosmic dust
Mazets, E, Problems of Modern Physics, 183 (1974)
Investigation of corpuscular radiation on satellites and space vehicles
Kolchin, A, Lebedev, V & Skrebtsov, G, Problems of Modern Physics, 231 (1974)
Some studies of the multiply charged component of cosmic rays carried out in satellites and automatic space probes
Ivanova, N, Problems of Modern Physics, 245 (1974)
Dynamics of the outer radiation belt during magnetic storm of December 17, 1971
Vernov, S et al., stp, 2, 1 (1974)
Dynamics of plasma sheet and dayside polar cusp according to solar proton measurements in polar regions
Ivanova, T, Sosnovets, E & Tverskaia, L, stp, 2, 116 (1974)
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