Lomonosov Publications
Publication list from ADS
The MVL-300 (Lomonosov) publication list through September 2020 is the
result of a query to the
ADS service using the keyword “Lomonosov” and rejecting
results unrelated to the high-energy astrophysics and the MVL-300 mission.
Useful Lomonosov References
On the mission
On the instruments
The UFFO Pathfinder mission on Lomonosov for fast GRB X-ray and optical location
Connell, P, Gamma-Ray Bursts 2012 Conference (GRB 2012), 123 (2012)
UFFO Burst Alert & Trigger Telescope (UBAT): a new instrument for GRBs detection
Rodrigo, J et al., MmSAI, 83, 370 (2012)
Erratum: Erratum to: “Space Experiments aboard the Lomonosov MSU Satellite”
Sadovnichiy, V et al., CosRe, 52, 250 (2014)
Wide-Field Gamma-Spectrometer BDRG: GRB Monitor On-Board the Lomonosov Mission
Svertilov, S et al., SSRv, 214, 8 (2018)
On cosmic ray shower detections
On gamma-ray bursts
Other Sites
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Page authors: Lorella Angelini Jesse Allen
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Last modified: Wednesday, 16-Sep-2020 10:59:05 EDT