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Images Nova Herculis 1991 - ROSAT detection of a classical novae Scientist/Artist's Impression Spectra BY Cam - (polar) BBXRT EX Hydra - (intermediate polar) ASCA (SIS) V1223 Sgr and AO Psc - (intermediate polars) ASCA SIS Light Curves HT Cas -(dwarf novae) ASCA U Gem - (dwarf novae) EXOSAT ME AM Her -(polar) EXOSAT soft and hard X-ray light curves. QQ Vul -(polar) EXOSAT soft X-ray light curves. AO Psc -(intermediate polar) ASCA two-day light curve SS Cygni (dwarf nova) - RXTE XY Ari (intermediate polar) - RXTE OY Car - XMM-Newton Further CVS Resources and References Introduction to Cataclysmic Variables Imagine the Universe! - Cataclysmic Variables Imagine the Universe! - White Dwarfs
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