Vela-5B Bibliography: Non-refereed publications

4U1630-47 during 2002-2006 outburst activity - A Timing Analysis
Bhatt, N & Bhattacharyya, S, VI Microquasar Workshop: Microquasars and Beyond, 70 (2006)
Long-term X-ray variability of Cir X-1
Saz Parkinson, P et al., HEAD, 7, 1723 (2003)
Long-term X-ray variability of Circinus X-1
Saz Parkinson, P et al., AAS, 201, 5404 (2002)
HDE 245770
Giovannelli, F et al., IAUC, 7293, 1 (1999)
Cygnus X-2
Smale, A et al., IAUC, 6452, 2 (1996)
Scorpius X-1
Peele, A & White, N, IAUC, 6524, 2 (1996)
Evidence for Periods in the X-ray Transient 4U1608-52
Lochner, J & Roussel-Dupre, D, AAS, 181, 7310 (1992)
Vela 5B Observations of the Small Magellanic Cloud
Whitlock, L & Lochner, J, AAS, 181, 9204 (1992)
GRS 1915+105 and B1900+14
Lochner, J et al., IAUC, 5658, 2 (1992)
Outbursts of 4U1608-52 Observed with Vela 5B
Lochner, J & Roussel-Dupre, D, BAAS, 22, 804 (1990)
The 1973 X-Ray Ourburst of V0332+53-More Detailed Time History
Terrell, J, BAAS, 19, 1019 (1987)
A New Look at the Vela 5B Data: Results from Reorganization
Whitlock, L & Roussel-Dupre, D, BAAS, 18, 918 (1986)
The 1974 Recurrence of X-ray Transient 4U0115+63
Whitlock, L et al., BAAS, 17, 849 (1985)
Cyg X-3 X-Ray Fluctuations, 1969-1979
Terrell, J & Priedhorsky, W, BAAS, 17, 855 (1985)
Recurrent population 2 X-ray transients - similarities to SU UMa cataclysmic variables
Priedhorsky, W, STIN, 86, 16184 (1985)
110-day optical photometric periodicity of the system A0535+26/HDE 245770
Guarnieri, A & et al.,, Multifrequency Behaviour of Galactic Accreting Sources, 310 (1985)
Ten years of vela x-ray observations
Terrell, J & Priedhorsky, W, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 76 (1984)
X-ray emission from Centaurus A.
Terrell, J, MPERp, 184, 102 (1984)
X-ray emission from Centaurus A
Terrell, J, STIN, 85, 18943 (1984)
Long-term observations of CYG X-3 with VELA 5B
Priedhorsky, W, STIN, 85, 26586 (1984)
X-ray emission from Centaurus A
Terrell, J, X-ray and UV Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei, 102 (1984)
New Results from Long-Term Observations of Cosmic X-Ray Sources
Priedhorsky, W & Terrell, J, BAAS, 15, 673 (1983)
Terrell, J et al., IAUC, 3893, 1 (1983)
X-Ray Transients, 1969-1976 (The Movie)
Terrell, J et al., BAAS, 14, 619 (1982)
X-ray emission from Centaurus A
Terrell, J, IAUS, 97, 117 (1982)
X-ray transients as seen by Vela, 1969-1979
Terrell, J et al., Accreting Neutron Stars, 210 (1982)
X-ray bursts from a region in the constellation Norma.
Belian, R et al., BAAS, 8, 396 (1976)
The Norma X-Ray Bursts
Belian, R et al., BAAS, 8, 442 (1976)
Short X-Ray Transients from Perseus.
Belian, R et al., BAAS, 8, 541 (1976)
X-Ray Bursts from Perseus
Belian, R et al., IAUC, 2969, 1 (1976)
Daily summary for IMS high-altitude satellites, days 1-181 1977
STIN, 77, 10115 (1976)
Correlation of Optical and X-Ray Emission from Sco XR-1
Conner, J et al., BAAS, 2, 304 (1970)
This list of non-refeered publications was obtained by searching the
SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System abstract search
for Vela 5B. Known false matches (e.g.
“XC” used in a context not refering to the Vela 5B XC instrument)
have been removed.
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