Vela-5B Bibliography

HEASARC Bibliography of Vela 5-B Publications
- Instrumentation and Science Highlights:
Correlation of Optical and X-Ray Emission from Sco XR-1
Conner, J et al., BAAS, 2, 304 (1970)
- Mission Overview, Cen X-4:
The Recent Appearance of a New X-Ray Source in the Southern Sky
Conner, J.P., Evans , W.D., & Beliean, R.D., ApJL, 157, L157 (1969)
- X-rays detected coincident with Gamma ray bursts:
Observation of two gamma-ray bursts by VELA X-ray detectors
Terrell, J., Fenimore, E.E., Klebesadel, R.W. & Desai, U.D., ApJ, 254, 279 (1982)
- Gamma ray bursts:
Observations of Gamma-Ray Bursts of Cosmic Origin
Klebesadel, R.W., Strong, I.B., & Olson, R.A., ApJL, 182, L85 (1973)
- Cyg X-1:
Evidence for an approximatily 300 day period in Cygnus X-1
Priedhorsky, W.C., Terrell, J. & Holt, S.S., ApJ, 270, 233 (1983)
- Cen X-3, 4U1223-62, 4U1258-61, and 4U1145-61:
Long-term X-ray observations of CEN X-3, GX 301-2 (4U 1223-62), GX 304-1 (4U 1258-61) and 4U 1145-61
Priedhorsky, W.C. &l Terrell, J., ApJ, 273, 709 (1983)
- Low-mass X-ray binaries:
Long-Term Variability in Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries: A Study Using Data from Vela 5B
Smale, A. & Lochner, J., ApJ, 395, 582 (1992)
- About the Vela-5B archive in
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Page authors: Lorella Angelini Jesse Allen
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Last modified: Thursday, 24-Sep-2020 21:31:17 EDT