Einstein (HEAO-2) Bibliography
HEASARC Bibliography of Publications Using Einstein (HEAO-2) Data
Useful HEAO-2 References
- Documentation:
(Einstein) Guest Observers’ Guide : Giacconi,
Schreier and Seward 1978, CFA/HEA 78-214 (6.7 MB pdf file).
- Einstein Observatory Revised User’s Manual: D.E. Harris, Editor;
D. Irwin, Editorial Assistant, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for
Astrophysics, July 1984.
- Instrumentation Papers:
- Mission Overview:
The Einstein (HEAO 2) X-ray Observatory
Giacconi, R et al., ApJ, 230, 540 (1979)
- MPC:
The HEAO-B monitor proportional counter instrument
Gaillardetz, R et al., ITNS, 25, 437 (1978)
- X-ray bursts, Terzan 2, HRI:
Time-resolved imaging and spectral studies of an X-ray burst from globular cluster Terzan 2
Grindlay, J et al., ApJL, 240, L121 (1980)
- SSS:
Si(Li) X-Ray Astronomical Spectroscopy
Holt, S, SSI, 2, 205 (1976)
The Goddard Space Flight Center solid state spectrometer for the HEAO-B mission
Joyce, R et al., ITNS, 25, 453 (1978)
The Spectral Archive of Cosmic X-Ray Sources Observed by the Einstein Observatory Focal Plane Crystal Spectrometer
Lum, K et al., ApJS, 78, 423 (1992)
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Last modified: Thursday, 24-Sep-2020 18:42:41 EDT