HEAO-1 Bibliography
Publication list from ADS
The HEAO-1 publication list through July 2020 is the result of a
query to the
ADS service using the keyword HEAO1 or HEAO-1. Note : the following
links are not section 508 compliant.
Useful HEAO-1 References
- Mission Overview:
X-ray astronomy missions.
Bradt, H, Ohashi, T & Pounds, K, ARA&A, 30, 391 (1992)
- Instrumentation:
- Instrument Overview:
Instrumental technique in X-ray astronomy
Peterson, L, ARA&A, 13, 423 (1975)
- A2(CXE) Design:
The cosmic X-ray experiment aboard HEAO-1
Rothschild, R et al., SSI, 4, 269 (1979)
- A3(MC) Preliminary X-ray source locations:
Measurements of X-ray source positions by the scanning modulation collimator on HEAO 1
Gursky, H et al., ApJ, 223, 973 (1978)
- A4 Design and early results:
The UCSD/MIT hard X-ray and low energy gamma-ray experiment for HEAO-1 - Design and early results
Matteson, J, AIAA 16th Aerospace Sciences Meeting proceedings (1978)
- Science Highlights:
The HEAO A-1 X-ray source catalog
Wood, K et al., ApJS, 56, 507 (1984)
Millisecond variability of Cygnus X-1
Meekins, J et al., ApJ, 278, 288 (1984)
The diffuse X-ray background spectrum from 3 to 50 keV
Marshall, F et al., ApJ, 235, 4 (1980)
A complete X-ray sample of the high-latitude (b)-20 sky from HEAO 1 A-2 : log N-log S and luminosity functions
Piccinotti, G et al., ApJ, 253, 485 (1982)
2-165 keV observations of active galaxies and the diffuse background
Rothschild, R et al., ApJ, 269, 423 (1983)
Observations of quasi-coherent soft X-ray oscillations in U Geminorum and SS Cygni
Cordova, F et al., ApJ, 278, 739 (1984)
Soft X-ray pulsations from SS Cyg
Cordova, F et al., ApJ, 235, 163 (1980)
- HEAO-1 A3 MC LASS Catalog:
The MC experiment data led to the identification of
several hundred optical companions and source classifications. This
work produced a 600+ source catalog of LASS/MC sources. The
identifications included many previously unknown active coronal type
stars, CVs, AGN, and clusters of galaxies. This catalog is available
through W3Browse
as the HEAO-1 A3 MC LASS Catalog.
The HEAO1 A-4 catalog of high-energy X-ray sources
Levine, A et al., ApJS, 54, 581 (1984)
Articles on the HEAO-1 archive from Legacy, the HEASARC journal
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Last modified: Thursday, 24-Sep-2020 19:39:17 EDT