SIMPLE = T / Written by IDL: 2-Oct-1993 20:36:50.00 BITPIX = 16 / No. of bits per pixel NAXIS = 2 / No. of axes in image NAXIS1 = 512 / No. of pixels NAXIS2 = 512 / No. of pixels EXTEND = T / FITS extension may be present BLOCKED = T / FITS file may be blocked TELESCOP= 'ROSAT ' / Mission/telescope name INSTRUME= 'PSPCB ' / Instrument name CTYPE1 = 'DETX ' / axis type for dim. 1 CRPIX1 = 257.400 / Ref pixel for dim 1 in blocked coords CRVAL1 = 4119 / DETX for optical axis CDELT1 = 16.0000 / X pixel size at reference pixel CUNIT1 = 'pixel ' / Units of DETX CTYPE2 = 'DETY ' / axis type for dim. 2 CRPIX2 = 245.600 / Ref pixel for dim 2 in blocked coords CRVAL2 = 3929 / DETY for optical axis CDELT2 = 16.0000 / Y pixel size at reference pixel CUNIT2 = 'pixel ' / Units of DETY BSCALE = 5.10190002e-05 / Scaling factor for image BZERO = 0.000000 / Offset for image DATAMIN = -8.97934404e-03 / Minimum value in image DATAMAX = 1.6326080 / Maximum value in image DATE = '23/09/93' / Creation date ORIGIN = 'ROSAT NASA/GSFC GOF' / Origin of file PIXSIZE = 4.152035e-03 / Image pixel size in decimal degrees BLKFACT = 16 / Blocking factor for image CHANMIN = 52 / Minimum PI channel for image CHANMAX = 69 / Maximum PI channel for image COMMENT Following keywords required by OGIP CALDB CCLS0001= 'CPF ' / Calibration Products File CCNM0001= 'DETMAP ' / OGIP Class - Detector Map CDTP0001= 'DATA ' / Real data, not subroutine CVSD0001= '01/06/90' / Validity start date CVST0001= '00:00:00' / Validity start time CDES0001= ' Detector map in PI channels 52 - 69 (Versn SM1)' / CBD10001= 'CHAN(52-69)' / PI channel bounds HISTORY Notes by Steve Snowden (21/09/93): HISTORY Created from all-sky survey data. Shifted templates were created HISTORY from PSPC C data (pre 25-Jan-93) which were alligned with the window HISTORY support structure of the PSPC B data (post 25-Jan-93). The shifted HISTORY templates were then scaled by the PSPC B data. Time periods of HISTORY enhanced noncosmic background have been removed and an estimate of HISTORY the particle background has been subtracted. END |