MAXI Refereed Journals

  1. Wind accretion in Cygnus X-1
    Meyer-Hofmeister, E et al., A&A, 637, 66 (2020)
  2. Near-infrared emission lines trace the state-independent accretion disc wind of the black hole transient MAXI J1820+070
    Sanchez-Sierras, J & Munoz-Darias, T, A&A, 640, L3 (2020)
  3. Early Optical Observations of Gamma-Ray Bursts Compared with Their Gamma- and X-Ray Characteristics Using a MASTER Global Network of Robotic Telescopes from Lomonosov Moscow State University
    Ershova, O et al., ARep, 64, 126 (2020)
  4. Estimating disk parameters of black hole X-ray binary MAXI J1543-564: Effect of disk irradiation
    Mondal, S, AdSpR, 65, 693 (2020)
  5. A Retrograde Spin of the Black Hole in MAXI J1659─152
    Rout, S, Vadawale, S & Mendez, M, ApJL, 888, L30 (2020)
  6. A Timing Study of MAXI J1820+070 Based on Swift/XRT and NICER Monitoring in 2018/19
    Stiele, H & Kong, A, ApJ, 889, 142 (2020)
  7. Unveiling the Temporal Properties of MAXI J1820+070 through AstroSat Observations
    Mudambi, S et al., ApJL, 889, L17 (2020)
  8. The Great Markarian 421 Flare of 2010 February: Multiwavelength Variability and Correlation Studies
    Abeysekara, A et al., ApJ, 890, 97 (2020)
  9. A Rapid Change in X-Ray Variability and a Jet Ejection in the Black Hole Transient MAXI J1820+070
    Homan, J et al., ApJL, 891, L29 (2020)
  10. Studying the Reflection Spectra of the New Black Hole X-Ray Binary Candidate MAXI J1631-479 Observed by NuSTAR: A Variable Broad Iron Line Profile
    Xu, Y et al., ApJ, 893, 30 (2020)
  11. Evidence for Disk Truncation at Low Accretion States of the Black Hole Binary MAXI J1820+070 Observed by NuSTAR and XMM-Newton
    Xu, Y et al., ApJ, 893, 42 (2020)
  12. The Binary Mass Ratio in the Black Hole Transient MAXI J1820+070
    Torres, M et al., ApJL, 893, L37 (2020)
  13. Relativistic X-Ray Jets from the Black Hole X-Ray Binary MAXI J1820+070
    Espinasse, M et al., ApJL, 895, L31 (2020)
  14. The Evolution of the Broadband Temporal Features Observed in the Black-hole Transient MAXI J1820+070 with Insight-HXMT
    Wang, Y et al., ApJ, 896, 33 (2020)
  15. X-Ray Emission Evolution of the Galactic Ultraluminous X-Ray Pulsar Swift J0243.6+6124 during the 2017-2018 Outburst Observed by the MAXI GSC
    Sugizaki, M et al., ApJ, 896, 124 (2020)
  16. Accretion Flow Evolution of a New Black Hole Candidate MAXI J1348-630 during the 2019 Outburst
    Jana, A et al., ApJ, 897, 3 (2020)
  17. Discovery of the Black Hole X-Ray Binary Transient MAXI J1348-630
    Tominaga, M et al., ApJL, 899, L20 (2020)
  18. Diagnostic of the spectral properties of Aquila X-1 by Insight-HXMT snapshots during the early propeller phase
    Gungor, C et al., JHEAp, 25, 10 (2020)
  19. Joint analysis of energy and RMS spectra from MAXI J1535-571 with Insight-HXMT
    Kong, L et al., JHEAp, 25, 29 (2020)
  20. Evolution of MAXI J1631-479 during the January 2019 outburst observed by INTEGRAL/IBIS
    Fiocchi, M et al., MNRAS, 492, 3657 (2020)
  21. A detailed study on the reflection component for the black hole candidate MAXI J1836-194
    Dong, Y et al., MNRAS, 493, 2178 (2020)
  22. Inference on accretion flow properties of XTE J1752-223 during its 2009-10 outburst
    Chatterjee, K et al., MNRAS, 493, 2452 (2020)
  23. The soft state of the black hole transient source MAXI J1820+070: emission from the edge of the plunge region?
    Fabian, A et al., MNRAS, 493, 5389 (2020)
  24. A radio parallax to the black hole X-ray binary MAXI J1820+070
    Atri, P et al., MNRAS, 493, L81 (2020)
  25. The 2019 super-Eddington outburst of RX J0209.6-7427: detection of pulsations and constraints on the magnetic field strength
    Vasilopoulos, G et al., MNRAS, 494, 5350 (2020)
  26. Infrared interferometry to spatially and spectrally resolve jets in X-ray binaries
    Markoff, S et al., MNRAS, 495, 525 (2020)
  27. Dust reverberation mapping of type 2 AGN NGC 2110 realized with X-ray and 3-5 μm IR monitoring
    Noda, H et al., MNRAS, 495, 2921 (2020)
  28. A NICER look at the state transitions of the black hole candidate MAXI J1535-571 during its reflares
    Cuneo, V et al., MNRAS, 496, 1001 (2020)
  29. Comprehensive analysis of the transient X-ray pulsar MAXI J1409−619
    Donmez, C et al., MNRAS, 496, 1768 (2020)
  30. Time lags of the type-B quasi-periodic oscillation in MAXI J1348−630
    Belloni, T et al., MNRAS, 496, 4366 (2020)
  31. Disc and wind in black hole X-ray binary MAXI J1820+070 observed through polarized light during its 2018 outburst
    Kosenkov, I et al., MNRAS, 496, L96 (2020)
  32. Broad-band X-ray characteristics of the transient pulsar GRO J2058+42
    Kabiraj, S & Paul, B, MNRAS, 497, 1059 (2020)
  33. AstroSat and MAXI view of the black hole binary 4U 1630-472 during 2016 and 2018 outbursts
    Baby, B et al., MNRAS, 497, 1197 (2020)
  34. X-ray spectral and timing evolution of MAXI J1727-203 with NICER
    Alabarta, K et al., MNRAS, 497, 3896 (2020)
  35. Rapid compact jet quenching in the Galactic black hole candidate X-ray binary MAXI J1535-571
    Russell, T et al., MNRAS, tmp, 2040 (2020)
  36. An extremely powerful long-lived superluminal ejection from the black hole MAXI J1820+070
    Bright, J et al., NatAs, 4, 697 (2020)
  37. MAXI/SSC all-sky maps from 0.7 keV to 4 keV
    Nakahira, S et al., PASJ, 72, 17 (2020)
  38. Discovery of annular X-ray emission centered on MAXI J1421-613: Dust-scattering X-rays?
    Nobukawa, K, Nobukawa, M & Yamauchi, S, PASJ, 72, 31 (2020)
  39. Thermal state of transiently accreting neutron stars with additional heating beyond deep crustal heating
    Liu, H et al., PTEP, 2020, 043E01 (2020)
  40. Inference on disk-jet connection of MAXI J1836-194 from spectral analysis with the TCAF solution
    Jana, A et al., RAA, 20, 28 (2020)
  41. Evolving optical polarisation of the black hole X-ray binary MAXI J1820+070
    Veledina, A et al., A&A, 623, 75 (2019)
  42. Consistent accretion-induced heating of the neutron-star crust in MXB 1659-29 during two different outbursts
    Parikh, A et al., A&A, 624, 84 (2019)
  43. Optical precursors to X-ray binary outbursts
    Russell, D et al., AN, 340, 278 (2019)
  44. Multi-wavelength study of the short term TeV flaring activity from the blazar Mrk 501 observed in June 2014
    Singh, K et al., AdSpR, 63, 766 (2019)
  45. On the High-energy Emissions of Compact Objects Observed with INTEGRAL SPI: Event Selection Impact on Source Spectra and Scientific Results for the Bright Sources Crab Nebula, GS 2023+338 and MAXI J1820+070
    Roques, J & Jourdain, E, ApJ, 870, 92 (2019)
  46. The Relation between Outburst Rate and Orbital Period in Low-mass X-Ray Binary Transients
    Lin, J et al., ApJ, 870, 126 (2019)
  47. The Period Change of Cyg X-3
    Antokhin, I & Cherepashchuk, A, ApJ, 871, 244 (2019)
  48. The X-Ray Variable Sky as Seen by MAXI: The Future of Dust-echo Tomography with Bright Galactic X-Ray Bursts
    Corrales, L et al., ApJ, 874, 155 (2019)
  49. X-Ray and Optical Monitoring of State Transitions in MAXI J1820+070
    Shidatsu, M et al., ApJ, 874, 183 (2019)
  50. The 2018 X-Ray and Radio Outburst of Magnetar XTE J1810-197
    Gotthelf, E et al., ApJL, 874, L25 (2019)
  51. Evolution of X-Ray Properties of MAXI J1535-571: Analysis with the TCAF Solution
    Shang, J et al., ApJ, 875, 4 (2019)
  52. Rapidly Evolving Disk-Jet Coupling during Re-brightenings in the Black Hole Transient MAXI J1535-571
    Parikh, A et al., ApJL, 878, L28 (2019)
  53. Hard-state Accretion Disk Winds from Black Holes: The Revealing Case of MAXI J1820+070
    Munoz-Darias, T et al., ApJL, 879, L4 (2019)
  54. Dynamical Confirmation of a Black Hole in MAXI J1820+070
    Torres, M et al., ApJL, 882, L21 (2019)
  55. Disk-Jet Coupling in the 2017/2018 Outburst of the Galactic Black Hole Candidate X-Ray Binary MAXI J1535-571
    Russell, T et al., ApJ, 883, 198 (2019)
  56. Discovery and Identification of MAXI J1621-501 as a Type I X-Ray Burster with a Super-orbital Period
    Gorgone, N et al., ApJ, 884, 168 (2019)
  57. Monitoring the Superorbital Period Variation and Spin Period Evolution of SMC X-1
    Hu, C et al., ApJ, 885, 123 (2019)
  58. (Very) Fast astronomical photometry for meter-class telescopes
    Zampieri, L et al., CoSka, 49, 85 (2019)
  59. Timing analysis of Swift J1658.2-4242's outburst in 2018 with Insight-HXMT, NICER and AstroSat
    Xiao, G et al., JHEAp, 24, 30 (2019)
  60. Quiescent NIR and optical counterparts to candidate black hole X-ray binaries
    Lopez, K et al., MNRAS, 482, 2149 (2019)
  61. Modelling the compact jet in MAXI J1836-194 with disc-driven shocks
    Peault, M et al., MNRAS, 482, 2447 (2019)
  62. The complex evolution of the X-ray binary transient MAXI J1807+132 along the decay of its discovery outburst
    Jimenez-Ibarra, F et al., MNRAS, 484, 2078 (2019)
  63. Does Cyg X-1 have a small accretion disc?
    Ghosh, A, Banerjee, I & Chakrabarti, S, MNRAS, 484, 5802 (2019)
  64. Gaia Data Release 2 distances and peculiar velocities for Galactic black hole transients
    Gandhi, P et al., MNRAS, 485, 2642 (2019)
  65. Multiwavelength spectroscopy of the black hole candidate MAXI J1813-095 during its discovery outburst
    Armas Padilla, M et al., MNRAS, 485, 5235 (2019)
  66. Unveiling the nature of compact object in the LMXB MAXI J1957+032 using Swift-XRT
    Beri, A et al., MNRAS, 486, 1620 (2019)
  67. AstroSat view of MAXI J1535-571: broad-band spectro-temporal features
    Sreehari, H et al., MNRAS, 487, 928 (2019)
  68. Cosmological implications of the composite spectra of galactic X-ray binaries constructed using MAXI data
    Islam, N et al., MNRAS, 487, 2785 (2019)
  69. Broad-band reflection spectroscopy of MAXI J1535-571 using AstroSat: estimation of black hole mass and spin
    Sridhar, N et al., MNRAS, 487, 4221 (2019)
  70. Broad-band spectral study of X-ray transient MAXI J1820+070 using Swift/XRT and NuSTAR
    Bharali, P, Chauhan, J & Boruah, K, MNRAS, 487, 5946 (2019)
  71. Spectro-timing analysis of MAXI J1535-571 using AstroSat
    Bhargava, Y et al., MNRAS, 488, 720 (2019)
  72. X-ray dips and a complex UV/X-ray cross-correlation function in the black hole candidate MAXI J1820+070
    Kajava, J et al., MNRAS, 488, L18 (2019)
  73. An H I absorption distance to the black hole candidate X-ray binary MAXI J1535-571
    Chauhan, J et al., MNRAS, 488, L129 (2019)
  74. Long-term multiwavelength view of the blazar 1ES 1218+304
    Singh, K et al., MNRAS, 489, 5076 (2019)
  75. MAXI J1820+070 with NuSTAR I. An increase in variability frequency but a stable reflection spectrum: coronal properties and implications for the inner disc in black hole binaries
    Buisson, D et al., MNRAS, 490, 1350 (2019)
  76. A black hole X-ray binary at ∼100 Hz: multiwavelength timing of MAXI J1820+070 with HiPERCAM and NICER
    Paice, J et al., MNRAS, 490, L62 (2019)
  77. The corona contracts in a black-hole transient
    Kara, E et al., Natur, 565, 198 (2019)
  78. TeV γ-ray emission from Mrk 421 observed with TACTIC during December 2014-February 2015
    Yadav, K et al., NewA, 67, 67 (2019)
  79. X-ray and optical observations of the black hole candidate MAXI J1828-249
    Oda, S et al., PASJ, 71, 108 (2019)
  80. The hypersoft state of Cygnus X-3. A key to jet quenching in X-ray binaries?
    Koljonen, K et al., A&A, 612, 27 (2018)
  81. Structure of the Prompt Emission of GRB 151027A Within the Fireshell Model
    Primorac, D et al., ARep, 62, 933 (2018)
  82. Reflection Spectra of the Black Hole Binary Candidate MAXI J1535-571 in the Hard State Observed by NuSTAR
    Xu, Y et al., ApJL, 852, L34 (2018)
  83. A NICER Spectrum of MAXI J1535-571: Near-maximal Black Hole Spin and Potential Disk Warping
    Miller, J et al., ApJL, 860, L28 (2018)
  84. Supersoft X-Ray Sources Identified with Be Binaries in the Magellanic Clouds
    Cracco, V et al., ApJ, 862, 167 (2018)
  85. NICER Discovers mHz Oscillations in the “Clocked” Burster GS 1826-238
    Strohmayer, T et al., ApJ, 865, 63 (2018)
  86. Blazar Flares as an Origin of High-energy Cosmic Neutrinos?
    Murase, K, Oikonomou, F & Petropoulou, M, ApJ, 865, 124 (2018)
  87. A NICER Discovery of a Low-frequency Quasi-periodic Oscillation in the Soft-intermediate State of MAXI J1535-571
    Stevens, A et al., ApJL, 865, L15 (2018)
  88. INSIGHT-HXMT Observations of the New Black Hole Candidate MAXI J1535-571: Timing Analysis
    Huang, Y et al., ApJ, 866, 122 (2018)
  89. AstroSat and Chandra View of the High Soft State of 4U 1630-47 (4U 1630-472): Evidence of the Disk Wind and a Rapidly Spinning Black Hole
    Pahari, M et al., ApJ, 867, 86 (2018)
  90. A Wildly Flickering Jet in the Black Hole X-Ray Binary MAXI J1535-571
    Baglio, M et al., ApJ, 867, 114 (2018)
  91. ASASSN-18ey: The Rise of a New Black Hole X-Ray Binary
    Tucker, M et al., ApJL, 867, L9 (2018)
  92. X-Ray, Optical, and Near-infrared Monitoring of the New X-Ray Transient MAXI J1820+070 in the Low/Hard State
    Shidatsu, M et al., ApJ, 868, 54 (2018)
  93. A Spectral and Timing Study of MAXI J1535-571, Based on Swift/XRT, XMM-Newton, and NICER Observations Obtained in Fall 2017
    Stiele, H & Kong, A, ApJ, 868, 71 (2018)
  94. The 7-year MAXI/GSC Source Catalog of the Low-Galactic-latitude Sky (3MAXI)
    Hori, T et al., ApJS, 235, 7 (2018)
  95. The 7-year MAXI/GSC X-Ray Source Catalog in the High Galactic Latitude Sky (3MAXI)
    Kawamuro, T et al., ApJS, 238, 32 (2018)
  96. Low-Frequency Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in the X-ray Nova MAXI J1535-571 at the Initial Stage of Its 2017 Outburst
    Mereminskiy, I et al., AstL, 44, 378 (2018)
  97. Swift observations of GS 1826-238
    Ji, L et al., MNRAS, 474, 1583 (2018)
  98. The long-term optical evolution of the black hole candidate MAXI J1659-152
    Corral-Santana, J et al., MNRAS, 475, 1036 (2018)
  99. X-ray outbursts and high-state episodes of HETE J1900.1-2455
    Simon, V, MNRAS, 477, 67 (2018)
  100. The chaotic long-term X-ray variability of 4U 1705-44
    Phillipson, R, Boyd, P & Smale, A, MNRAS, 477, 5220 (2018)
  101. Swift observations of the bright uncatalogued X-ray transient MAXI J1535-571
    Tao, L et al., MNRAS, 480, 4443 (2018)
  102. The flux distribution of individual blazars as a key to understand the dynamics of particle acceleration
    Sinha, A et al., MNRAS, 480, L116 (2018)
  103. Detection of the thermal component in GRB 160107A
    Kawakubo, Y et al., PASJ, 70, 6 (2018)
  104. State transitions of GRS 1739-278 in the 2014 outburst
    Wang, S et al., PASJ, 70, 67 (2018)
  105. MAXI upper limits of the electromagnetic counterpart of GW170817
    Sugita, S et al., PASJ, 70, 81 (2018)
  106. An application of the Ghosh & Lamb model to the accretion-powered X-ray pulsar X Persei
    Yatabe, F et al., PASJ, 70, 89 (2018)
  107. Discovery and state transitions of the new Galactic black hole candidate MAXI J1535-571
    Nakahira, S et al., PASJ, 70, 95 (2018)
  108. New techniques for understanding rapid X-ray variability from compact objects
    Stevens, A, PhD Thesis, 253 (2018)
  109. Effect of non-stationary accretion on spectral state transitions: An example of a persistent neutron star LMXB 4U1636-536
    Zhang, H & Yu, W, RAA, 18, 33 (2018)
  110. Discovery of a new accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar in the globular cluster NGC 2808
    Sanna, A et al., A&A, 598, 34 (2017)
  111. X-Ray Reflection and an Exceptionally Long Thermonuclear Helium Burst from IGR J17062-6143
    Keek, L et al., ApJ, 836, 111 (2017)
  112. The Stochastic X-Ray Variability of the Accreting Millisecond Pulsar MAXI J0911-655
    Bult, P, ApJ, 837, 61 (2017)
  113. Constraints on Bygone Nucleosynthesis of Accreting Neutron Stars
    Meisel, Z & Deibel, A, ApJ, 837, 73 (2017)
  114. Bimodal Long-lasting Components in Short Gamma-Ray Bursts: Promising Electromagnetic Counterparts to Neutron Star Binary Mergers
    Kisaka, S, Ioka, K & Sakamoto, T, ApJ, 846, 142 (2017)
  115. Unusual Black Hole Binary LMC X-3: A Transient High-mass X-Ray Binary That Is Almost Always On?
    Torpin, T et al., ApJ, 849, 32 (2017)
  116. Accretion Flow Properties of Swift J1753.5-0127 during Its 2005 Outburst
    Debnath, D et al., ApJ, 850, 92 (2017)
  117. Discovery of the New X-Ray Transient MAXI J1807+132: A Candidate of a Neutron Star Low-mass X-Ray Binary
    Shidatsu, M et al., ApJ, 850, 155 (2017)
  118. MAXI J1957+032: An Accreting Neutron Star Possibly in a Triple System
    Ravi, V, ApJ, 851, 114 (2017)
  119. Different Accretion Heating of the Neutron Star Crust during Multiple Outbursts in MAXI J0556-332
    Parikh, A et al., ApJL, 851, L28 (2017)
  120. The Giant Flares of the Microquasar Cygnus X-3: X-Rays States and Jets
    Trushkin, S et al., Galax, 5, 86 (2017)
  121. Time-dependent search for neutrino emission from X-ray binaries with the ANTARES telescope
    Albert, A et al., JCAP, 04, 019 (2017)
  122. Quiescent Light Curve of Accreting Neutron Star MAXI J0556-332
    Liu, H et al., JPSJ, 86, 123901 (2017)
  123. Inclination dependence of QPO phase lags in black hole X-ray binaries
    van den Eijnden, J et al., MNRAS, 464, 2643 (2017)
  124. Observations of V0332+53 during the 2015 outburst using Fermi/GBM, MAXI, Swift and INTEGRAL
    Baum, Z, Cherry, M & Rodi, J, MNRAS, 467, 4424 (2017)
  125. Swift and SALT observations of the multiple outbursts of MAXI J1957+032
    Mata Sanchez, D et al., MNRAS, 468, 564 (2017)
  126. Cross-spectral modelling of the black hole X-ray binary XTE J1550-564: challenges to the propagating fluctuations paradigm
    Rapisarda, S, Ingram, A & van der Klis, M, MNRAS, 469, 2011 (2017)
  127. Search for very high-energy gamma-ray emission from the microquasar Cygnus X-1 with the MAGIC telescopes
    Ahnen, M et al., MNRAS, 472, 3474 (2017)
  128. A time dependent approach to model X-ray and γ-ray light curves of Mrk 421 observed during the flare in February 2010
    Singh, K et al., NewA, 54, 24 (2017)
  129. Multiwavelength study of VHE emission from Markarian 501 using TACTIC observations during April-May, 2012
    Chandra, P et al., NewA, 54, 42 (2017)
  130. On the morphology of outbursts of accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar Aquila X-1
    Gungor, C, Eksi, K & Gogus, E, NewA, 56, 1 (2017)
  131. Orbital modulations of X-ray light curves of Cygnus X-1 in its low/hard and high/soft states
    Sugimoto, J et al., PASJ, 69, 52 (2017)
  132. X-ray upper limits of GW150914 with MAXI
    Kawai, N et al., PASJ, 69, 84 (2017)
  133. X-ray upper limits of GW151226 with MAXI
    Serino, M et al., PASJ, 69, 85 (2017)
  134. Correlation between the luminosity and spin-period changes during outbursts of 12 Be binary pulsars observed by the MAXI/GSC and the Fermi/GBM
    Sugizaki, M et al., PASJ, 69, 100 (2017)
  135. Infrared - X-Ray Connection in Nearby Active Galactic Nuclei; Akari and MAXI Results
    Isobe, N et al., PKAS, 32, 185 (2017)
  136. Starquakes, Heating Anomalies, and Nuclear Reactions in the Neutron Star Crust
    Deibel, A, PhD Thesis, 24 (2017)
  137. The 5-10 keV AGN luminosity function at 0.01 < z < 4.0
    Fotopoulou, S et al., A&A, 587, 142 (2016)
  138. Probing the stellar wind environment of Vela X-1 with MAXI
    Malacaria, C et al., A&A, 588, 100 (2016)
  139. The origin of seed photons for Comptonization in the black hole binary Swift J1753.5-0127
    Kajava, J et al., A&A, 591, 66 (2016)
  140. Testing propagating mass accretion rate fluctuations model PROPFLUC on black hole X-ray binaries
    Rapisarda, S, Ingram, A & van der Klis, M, AN, 337, 524 (2016)
  141. Evolution of the optical and hard X-ray activity of AM Her in a season dominated by the high states
    Simon, V, Ap&SS, 361, 235 (2016)
  142. A Soft X-Ray Spectral Episode for the Clocked Burster, GS 1826-24 as Measured by Swift and NuStar
    Chenevez, J et al., ApJ, 818, 135 (2016)
  143. Accretion Flow Dynamics of MAXI J1836-194 During Its 2011 Outburst from TCAF Solution
    Jana, A et al., ApJ, 819, 107 (2016)
  144. Accretion Flow Properties of MAXI J1543-564 during 2011 Outburst from the TCAF Solution
    Chatterjee, D et al., ApJ, 827, 88 (2016)
  145. Ocean g-modes on Transient Neutron Stars
    Deibel, A, ApJ, 832, 44 (2016)
  146. X-ray nova MAXI J1828-249. Evolution of the broadband spectrum during its 2013-2014 outburst
    Grebenev, S et al., AstL, 42, 69 (2016)
  147. X-ray variability of SS 433: Evidence for supercritical accretion
    Atapin, K & Fabrika, S, AstL, 42, 517 (2016)
  148. Kepler K2 observations of Sco X-1: orbital modulations and correlations with Fermi GBM and MAXI
    Hynes, R et al., MNRAS, 459, 3596 (2016)
  149. Estimation of the mass of the black hole candidate MAXI J1659-152 using TCAF and POS models
    Molla, A et al., MNRAS, 460, 3163 (2016)
  150. Orbital evolution and search for eccentricity and apsidal motion in the eclipsing HMXB 4U 1700-37
    Islam, N & Paul, B, MNRAS, 461, 816 (2016)
  151. Viscosity parameter in dissipative accretion flows with mass outflow around black holes
    Nagarkoti, S & Chakrabarti, S, MNRAS, 462, 850 (2016)
  152. Modelling the cross-spectral variability of the black hole binary MAXI J1659-152 with propagating accretion rate fluctuations
    Rapisarda, S et al., MNRAS, 462, 4078 (2016)
  153. Hard-tail emission in the soft state of low-mass X-ray binaries and their relation to the neutron star magnetic field
    Asai, K et al., PASJ, 68, 50 (2016)
  154. Hard X-ray luminosity function of tidal disruption events: First results from the MAXI extragalactic survey
    Kawamuro, T et al., PASJ, 68, 58 (2016)
  155. Large X-ray flares on stars detected with MAXI/GSC: A universal correlation between the duration of a flare and its X-ray luminosity
    Tsuboi, Y et al., PASJ, 68, 90 (2016)
  156. MAXI observations of long X-ray bursts
    Serino, M et al., PASJ, 68, 95 (2016)
  157. X-ray and infrared diagnostics of nearby active galactic nuclei with MAXI and AKARI
    Isobe, N et al., PASJ, 68, 98 (2016)
  158. The MAXI/GSC Nova-Alert System and results of its first 68 months
    Negoro, H et al., PASJ, 68, 1 (2016)
  159. Swift/BAT and MAXI/GSC broadband transient monitor
    Sakamoto, T et al., PASJ, 68, 2 (2016)
  160. Search for soft X-ray flashes at the fireball phase of classical/recurrent novae using MAXI/GSC data
    Morii, M et al., PASJ, 68, 11 (2016)
  161. Application of the Ghosh & Lamb relation to the spin-up/down behavior in the X-ray binary pulsar 4U 1626-67
    Takagi, T et al., PASJ, 68, 13 (2016)
  162. MAXI observations of long-term variations of Cygnus X-1 in the low/hard and the high/soft states
    Sugimoto, J et al., PASJ, 68, 17 (2016)
  163. A soft X-ray lag detected in Centaurus A
    Tachibana, Y et al., PASJ, 68, 25 (2016)
  164. Soft X-ray observation of the prompt emission of GRB 100418A
    Imatani, R et al., PASJ, 68, 29 (2016)
  165. The first MAXI/SSC catalog of X-ray sources in 0.7-7.0 keV
    Tomida, H et al., PASJ, 68, 32 (2016)
  166. Unprecedented study of the broadband emission of Mrk 421 during flaring activity in March 2010
    Aleksic, J et al., A&A, 578, 22 (2015)
  167. Orbital phase-resolved spectroscopy of 4U 1538-52 with MAXI
    Rodes-Roca, J et al., A&A, 580, 140 (2015)
  168. Multi-wavelength study of Mrk 421 TeV flare observed with TACTIC telescope in February 2010
    Singh, K et al., APh, 61, 32 (2015)
  169. MAXI Investigation into the Long-term X-Ray Variability from the Very-high-energy γ-Ray Blazar Mrk 421
    Isobe, N et al., ApJ, 798, 27 (2015)
  170. Are Spectral and Timing Correlations Similar in Different Spectral States in Black Hole X-Ray Binaries?
    Kalamkar, M et al., ApJ, 802, 23 (2015)
  171. Suzaku X-Ray Observations of the Fermi Bubbles: Northernmost Cap and Southeast Claw Discovered With MAXI-SSC
    Tahara, M et al., ApJ, 802, 91 (2015)
  172. Accretion Flow Dynamics of MAXI J1659-152 from the Spectral Evolution Study of its 2010 Outburst using the TCAF Solution
    Debnath, D et al., ApJ, 803, 59 (2015)
  173. Lord of the Rings: A Kinematic Distance to Circinus X-1 from a Giant X-Ray Light Echo
    Heinz, S et al., ApJ, 806, 265 (2015)
  174. Swift X-Ray Telescope Study of the Black Hole Binary MAXI J1659-152: Variability from a Two Component Accretion Flow
    Kalamkar, M et al., ApJ, 808, 144 (2015)
  175. A Strong Shallow Heat Source in the Accreting Neutron Star MAXI J0556-332
    Deibel, A et al., ApJL, 809, L31 (2015)
  176. Localization of Gamma-Ray Bursts Using the Fermi Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor
    Connaughton, V et al., ApJS, 216, 32 (2015)
  177. The Galactic transient sky with Swift
    Kennea, J, JHEAp, 7, 105 (2015)
  178. Radio monitoring of the hard state jets in the 2011 outburst of MAXI J1836-194
    Russell, T et al., MNRAS, 450, 1745 (2015)
  179. Sco X-1 revisited with Kepler, MAXI and HERMES: outflows, time-lags and echoes unveiled
    Scaringi, S et al., MNRAS, 451, 3857 (2015)
  180. K2 and MAXI observations of Sco X-1 - evidence for disc precession?
    Hakala, P et al., MNRAS, 453, L6 (2015)
  181. Repeated short-term spectral softening in the low/hard state of the Galactic black hole candidate Swift J1753.5-0127
    Yoshikawa, A et al., PASJ, 67, 11 (2015)
  182. Low-mass X-ray binary MAXI J1421-613 observed by MAXI GSC and Swift XRT
    Serino, M et al., PASJ, 67, 30 (2015)
  183. Luminosity and spin-period evolution of GX 304-1 during outbursts from 2009 to 2013 observed with the MAXI/GSC, RXTE/PCA, and Fermi/GBM
    Sugizaki, M et al., PASJ, 67, 73 (2015)
  184. X-ray variability with spectral state transitions in NS-LMXBs observed with MAXI/GSC and Swift/BAT
    Asai, K et al., PASJ, 67, 92 (2015)
  185. Latest Results of the MAXI Mission
    Mihara, T, PKAS, 30, 559 (2015)
  186. Probing the Structure and Morphology of X-ray and Gamma-ray Binaries Using a Multi-Wavelength, Multi-Mission Approach
    Coley, J, PhD Thesis, 227 (2015)
  187. Mass Measurement of 56Sc Reveals a Small A =56 Odd-Even Mass Staggering, Implying a Cooler Accreted Neutron Star Crust
    Meisel, Z et al., PhRvL, 115, 162501 (2015)
  188. Variation of the inner disk radius during the onset of the 2010 outburst of MAXI J1659-152
    Rao Jassal, A & Vadawale, S, RAA, 15, 45 (2015)
  189. Discovery of periodic dips in the light curve of GX 13+1: the X-ray orbital ephemeris of the source
    Iaria, R et al., A&A, 561, 99 (2014)
  190. INTEGRAL and Swift observations of the hard X-ray transient MAXI J1828-249
    Filippova, E, Bozzo, E & Ferrigno, C, A&A, 563, 124 (2014)
  191. Discovery of the Third Transient X-Ray Binary in the Galactic Globular Cluster Terzan 5
    Bahramian, A et al., ApJ, 780, 127 (2014)
  192. Evidence of Elevated X-Ray Absorption before and during Major Flare Ejections in GRS 1915+105
    Punsly, B, Rodriguez, J & Trushkin, S, ApJ, 783, 133 (2014)
  193. Toward the Standard Population Synthesis Model of the X-Ray Background: Evolution of X-Ray Luminosity and Absorption Functions of Active Galactic Nuclei Including Compton-thick Populations
    Ueda, Y et al., ApJ, 786, 104 (2014)
  194. Origin of Ne Emission Line of Very Luminous Soft X-Ray Transient MAXI J0158-744
    Ohtani, Y, Morii, M & Shigeyama, T, ApJ, 787, 165 (2014)
  195. Chandra Spectroscopy of MAXI J1305-704: Detection of an Infalling Black Hole Disk Wind?
    Miller, J et al., ApJ, 788, 53 (2014)
  196. Probing the Mysteries of the X-Ray Binary 4U 1210-64 with ASM, PCA, MAXI, BAT, and Suzaku
    Coley, J et al., ApJ, 793, 77 (2014)
  197. A Strongly Heated Neutron Star in the Transient Z Source MAXI J0556-332
    Homan, J et al., ApJ, 795, 131 (2014)
  198. Soft X-Ray Extended Emissions of Short Gamma-Ray Bursts as Electromagnetic Counterparts of Compact Binary Mergers: Possible Origin and Detectability
    Nakamura, T et al., ApJ, 796, 13 (2014)
  199. The average 0.5-200 keV spectrum of local active galactic nuclei and a new determination of the 2-10 keV luminosity function at z ≈ 0
    Ballantyne, D, MNRAS, 437, 2845 (2014)
  200. The face-on disc of MAXI J1836-194
    Russell, T et al., MNRAS, 439, 1381 (2014)
  201. The accretion-ejection coupling in the black hole candidate X-ray binary MAXI J1836-194
    Russell, T et al., MNRAS, 439, 1390 (2014)
  202. Classification and spectral evolution of outbursts of Aql X-1
    Gungor, C, Guver, T & Eksi, K, MNRAS, 439, 2717 (2014)
  203. Evolution of the hot flow of MAXI J1543-564
    Rapisarda, S, Ingram, A & van der Klis, M, MNRAS, 440, 2882 (2014)
  204. Detection of distinct power spectra in soft and hard X-ray bands in the hard state of GRS 1915+105
    Stiele, H & Yu, W, MNRAS, 441, 1177 (2014)
  205. Orbital phase resolved spectroscopy of GX 301-2 with MAXI
    Islam, N & Paul, B, MNRAS, 441, 2539 (2014)
  206. Swift J1357.2-0933: the faintest black hole?
    Armas Padilla, M et al., MNRAS, 444, 902 (2014)
  207. Precursors and outbursts of A 0535+26 in 2009-2011 observed by the MAXI/GSC and the Swift/BAT
    Nakajima, M et al., PASJ, 66, 9 (2014)
  208. Firm detection of a cyclotron resonance feature with Suzaku in the X-ray spectrum of GRO J1008-57 during a giant outburst in 2012
    Yamamoto, T et al., PASJ, 66, 59 (2014)
  209. Sudden end of X-ray outbursts around periastron of Circinus X-1 observed with MAXI
    Asai, K et al., PASJ, 66, 79 (2014)
  210. A new X-ray nova MAXI J1910-057 (= Swift J1910.2-0546) and mass accretion inflow
    Nakahira, S et al., PASJ, 66, 84 (2014)
  211. MAXI observations of gamma-ray bursts
    Serino, M et al., PASJ, 66, 87 (2014)
  212. Temporal variations and spectral properties of the Be/X-ray pulsar GRO J1008&mdash;57 studied by INTEGRAL
    Wang, W, RAA, 14, 565 (2014)
  213. MAXI J1659-152: the shortest orbital period black-hole transient in outburst
    Kuulkers, E et al., A&A, 552, 32 (2013)
  214. Tidal disruption of a super-Jupiter by a massive black hole
    Nikolajuk, M & Walter, R, A&A, 552, 75 (2013)
  215. Footprints in the wind of Vela X-1 traced with MAXI
    Doroshenko, V et al., A&A, 554, 37 (2013)
  216. Long term variability of Cygnus X-1. V. State definitions with all sky monitors
    Grinberg, V et al., A&A, 554, 88 (2013)
  217. Galactic Ultracompact X-Ray Binaries: Empirical Luminosities
    Cartwright, T et al., ApJ, 768, 183 (2013)
  218. An Evolving Compact Jet in the Black Hole X-Ray Binary MAXI J1836-194
    Russell, D et al., ApJL, 768, L35 (2013)
  219. Energy-dependent Power Spectral States and Origin of Aperiodic Variability in Black Hole Binaries
    Yu, W & Zhang, W, ApJ, 770, 135 (2013)
  220. The X-Ray Spectral Evolution of Galactic Black Hole X-Ray Binaries toward Quiescence
    Plotkin, R, Gallo, E & Jonker, P, ApJ, 773, 59 (2013)
  221. A Propeller-effect Interpretation of MAXI/GSC Light Curves of 4U 1608-52 and Aql X-1 and Application to XTE J1701-462
    Asai, K et al., ApJ, 773, 117 (2013)
  222. The X-Ray Properties of the Black Hole Transient MAXI J1659-152 in Quiescence
    Homan, J et al., ApJ, 775, 9 (2013)
  223. The Accretion Disk and Ionized Absorber of the 9.7 hr Dipping Black Hole Binary MAXI J1305-704
    Shidatsu, M et al., ApJ, 779, 26 (2013)
  224. Extraordinary Luminous Soft X-Ray Transient MAXI J0158-744 as an Ignition of a Nova on a Very Massive O-Ne White Dwarf
    Morii, M et al., ApJ, 779, 118 (2013)
  225. The 37 Month MAXI/GSC Source Catalog of the High Galactic-Latitude Sky
    Hiroi, K et al., ApJS, 207, 36 (2013)
  226. Second outburst of the black hole candidate MAXI J1836-194 from SWIFT and INTEGRAL observations
    Grebenev, S, Prosvetov, A & Sunyaev, R, AstL, 39, 367 (2013)
  227. VLBI observations of the shortest orbital period black hole binary, MAXI J1659-152
    Paragi, Z et al., MNRAS, 432, 1319 (2013)
  228. A return to strong radio flaring by Circinus X-1 observed with the Karoo Array Telescope test array KAT-7
    Armstrong, R et al., MNRAS, 433, 1951 (2013)
  229. Broad-band monitoring tracing the evolution of the jet and disc in the black hole candidate X-ray binary MAXI J1659-152
    van der Horst, A et al., MNRAS, 436, 2625 (2013)
  230. Is the Cygnus Superbubble a Hypernova Remnant?
    Kimura, M et al., PASJ, 65, 14 (2013)
  231. Spectral Evolution of a New X-Ray Transient MAXI J0556-332 Observed by MAXI, Swift, and RXTE
    Sugizaki, M et al., PASJ, 65, 58 (2013)
  232. MAXI/GSC Discovery of the Black-Hole Candidate MAXI J1305-704
    Morihana, K et al., PASJ, 65, L10 (2013)
  233. Observation of a muon excess following a gamma-ray burst event detected at the International Space Station
    Augusto, C et al., PhRvD, 87, 103003 (2013)
  234. The first outburst of the black-hole candidate MAXI J1836-194 observed by INTEGRAL, Swift, and RXTE
    Ferrigno, C et al., A&A, 537, L7 (2012)
  235. VLBA monitoring of Mrk 421 at 15 GHz and 24 GHz during 2011
    Lico, R et al., A&A, 545, 117 (2012)
  236. Multiwavelength Variability of the Blazars Mrk 421 and 3C 454.3 in the High State
    Gaur, H, Gupta, A & Wiita, P, AJ, 143, 23 (2012)
  237. Very Large Telescope/X-shooter Spectroscopy of the Candidate Black Hole X-Ray Binary MAXI J1659-152 in Outburst
    Kaur, R et al., ApJL, 746, L23 (2012)
  238. BeppoSAX Observations of the X-Ray Pulsar MAXI J1409-619 in Low State: Discovery of Cyclotron Resonance Features
    Orlandini, M et al., ApJ, 748, 86 (2012)
  239. Suzaku Observation of the Black Hole Candidate Maxi J1836-194 in a Hard/Intermediate Spectral State
    Reis, R et al., ApJ, 751, 34 (2012)
  240. Optical Emission of the Black Hole X-Ray Transient MAXI J1659-152 during Quiescence
    Kong, A, ApJL, 760, L27 (2012)
  241. A Luminous Be+White Dwarf Supersoft Source in the Wing of the SMC: MAXI J0158-744
    Li, K et al., ApJ, 761, 99 (2012)
  242. Multimessenger astronomy with pulsar timing and X-ray observations of massive black hole binaries
    Sesana, A et al., MNRAS, 420, 860 (2012)
  243. The nature of the X-ray transient MAXI J0556-332
    Cornelisse, R et al., MNRAS, 420, 3538 (2012)
  244. The faint 2011 outburst of the black hole X-ray binary candidate MAXI J1543-564
    Stiele, H et al., MNRAS, 422, 679 (2012)
  245. The black hole candidate MAXI J1659-152 in and towards quiescence in X-ray and radio
    Jonker, P et al., MNRAS, 423, 3308 (2012)
  246. A superburst candidate in EXO 1745-248 as a challenge to thermonuclear ignition models
    Altamirano, D et al., MNRAS, 426, 927 (2012)
  247. Very long baseline interferometry detection of the Galactic black hole binary candidate MAXI J1836-194
    Yang, J et al., MNRAS, 426, L66 (2012)
  248. A Spectral Study of the Black Hole Candidate XTE J1752-223 in the High/Soft State with MAXI, Suzaku, and Swift
    Nakahira, S et al., PASJ, 64, 13 (2012)
  249. Combined Spectral and Timing Analysis of the Black Hole Candidate MAXI J1659-152, Discovered by MAXI and Swift
    Yamaoka, K et al., PASJ, 64, 32 (2012)
  250. Outburst of LS V +44 17 Observed by MAXI and RXTE, and Discovery of a Dip Structure in the Pulse Profile
    Usui, R et al., PASJ, 64, 79 (2012)
  251. Superburst with Outburst from EXO 1745-248 in Terzan 5 with MAXI
    Serino, M et al., PASJ, 64, 91 (2012)
  252. Slow and Fast Transitions in the Rising Phase of Outbursts from NS-LMXB Transients, Aquila X-1 and 4U 1608-52
    Asai, K et al., PASJ, 64, 128 (2012)
  253. An examination of black hole binaries using X-ray observations and the development of the Bragg reflection polarimeter
    Allured, R, PhD Thesis, 213 (2012)
  254. Search for a simultaneous signal from small transient events in the Pierre Auger Observatory and the Tupi muon telescopes
    Augusto, C et al., PhRvD, 86, 022001 (2012)
  255. No apparent accretion mode changes detected in Centaurus X-3
    Muller, D et al., A&A, 535, 102 (2011)
  256. The Identification of MAXI J1659-152 as a Black Hole Candidate
    Kalamkar, M et al., ApJL, 731, L2 (2011)
  257. Swift Observations of MAXI J1659-152: A Compact Binary with a Black Hole Accretor
    Kennea, J et al., ApJ, 736, 22 (2011)
  258. A Strong Emission Line near 24.8 Å in the X-Ray Binary System MAXI J0556-332: Gravitational Redshift or Unusual Donor?
    Maitra, D et al., ApJL, 743, L11 (2011)
  259. The black hole candidate MAXI J1659-152: spectral and timing analysis during its 2010 outburst
    Munoz-Darias, T et al., MNRAS, 415, 292 (2011)
  260. Solid-State Slit Camera (SSC) Aboard MAXI
    Tomida, H et al., PASJ, 63, 397 (2011)
  261. Gas Slit Camera (GSC) onboard MAXI on ISS
    Mihara, T et al., PASJ, 63, 623 (2011)
  262. In-Orbit Performance of MAXI Gas Slit Camera (GSC) on ISS
    Sugizaki, M et al., PASJ, 63, 635 (2011)
  263. The First MAXI/GSC Catalog in the High Galactic-Latitude Sky
    Hiroi, K et al., PASJ, 63, 677 (2011)
  264. A Large X-Ray Flare from a Single Weak-Lined T Tauri Star TWA-7 Detected with MAXI GSC
    Uzawa, A et al., PASJ, 63, 713 (2011)
  265. Discovery of a Cyclotron Resonance Feature in the X-Ray Spectrum of GX 304-1 with RXTE and Suzaku during Outbursts Detected by MAXI in 2010
    Yamamoto, T et al., PASJ, 63, 751 (2011)
  266. Long-Term Monitoring of the Black Hole Binary GX 339-4 in the High/Soft State during the 2010 Outburst with MAXI/GSC
    Shidatsu, M et al., PASJ, 63, 803 (2011)
  267. MAXI GSC Monitoring of the Crab Nebula and Pulsar during the GeV Gamma-Ray Flare in 2010 September
    Morii, M et al., PASJ, 63, 821 (2011)
  268. Revisit of Local X-Ray Luminosity Function of Active Galactic Nuclei with the MAXI Extragalactic Survey
    Ueda, Y et al., PASJ, 63, 937 (2011)
  269. Peculiarly Narrow SED of GRB 090926B with MAXI and Fermi/GBM
    Serino, M et al., PASJ, 63, 1035 (2011)
  270. Rupture at the flank of the subducted Gagua ridge: The 18 December 2001 earthquake (Mw 6.8) offshore eastern Taiwan
    Konstantinou, K et al., PEPI, 189, 80 (2011)
  271. The First Light from MAXI onboard JEM (Kibo)-EF on ISS
    Matsuoka, M et al., X-ray Astronomy 2009; Present Status, Multi-Wavelength Approach and Future Perspectives, 531 (2010)
  272. MAXI Nova Alert System and the Latest Scientific Results
    Negoro, H et al., X-ray Astronomy 2009; Present Status, Multi-Wavelength Approach and Future Perspectives, 589 (2010)
  273. In-Orbit Performance of the MAXI/SSC onboard the ISS
    Tsunemi, H et al., PASJ, 62, 1371 (2010)
  274. MAXI GSC Observations of a Spectral State Transition in the Black Hole Candidate XTE J1752-223
    Nakahira, S et al., PASJ, 62, L27 (2010)
  275. Bright X-Ray Flares from the BL Lac Object Markarian 421, Detected with MAXI in 2010 January and February
    Isobe, N et al., PASJ, 62, L55 (2010)
  276. Exploration of a 100 TeV gamma-ray northern sky using the Tibet air-shower array combined with an underground water-Cherenkov muon-detector array
    Sako, T et al., APh, 32, 177 (2009)
  277. Prior Emission Model for X-ray Plateau Phase of Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows
    Yamazaki, R, ApJL, 690, L118 (2009)
  278. The MAXI Mission on the ISS: Science and Instruments for Monitoring All-Sky X-Ray Images
    Matsuoka, M et al., PASJ, 61, 999 (2009)
  279. Development of a large format charge-coupled device (CCD) for applications in X-ray astronomy
    Tsunemi, H et al., NIMPA, 579, 866 (2007)
  280. Development of the X-ray CCD in Japan
    Tsunemi, H, NIMPA, 541, 295 (2005)
  281. Development of the X-ray CCD camera for the MAXI mission
    Katayama, H et al., NIMPA, 541, 350 (2005)
  282. Proton Irradiation Experiment for X-ray Charge-Coupled Devices of the Monitor of All-Sky X-ray Image Mission Onboard the International Space Station: I. Experimental Setup and Measurement of the Charge Transfer Inefficiency
    Miyata, E et al., JaJAP, 41, 7542 (2002)
  283. MAXI (Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image) for JEM on the International Space Station
    Mihara, T et al., AdSpR, 25, 897 (2000)
  284. Observation of GRB afterglows with MAXI on JEM/ISS
    Yoshida, A et al., A&AS, 138, 439 (1999)
  285. MAXI mission for space station and future ASM
    Matsuoka, M et al., AN, 320, 275 (1999)
  286. Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI) for JEM on the International Space Station
    Kawai, N et al., AN, 320, 372 (1999)

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